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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Look I wasn't trying to compare quotes but more so body language and emotion, James Lofton said he played football with Marcus Allen and another good rb who I can't remember right now, and then Thurman and said Thurman was the most competitive running back he ever played with. I don't see what Willis has ever done for you to be on his jock, I mean he definately is not garbage. He is talented and I'm sure he plays hard to a degree, but I hate seeing people compare him to Thurman Thomas who will be going into the Hall of Fame this year. Has Willis shown even the slightest signs of performing at a HOF level yet?
  2. Exactly. This guy nailed it, I remember listening to Willis mumble last year"I unno we are just in chaos right now" like he doesn't have a care in the world. To me Willis doesn't seem to be about winning and having some pride. I watch alot of old tapes from the glory days and here are some examples of what Thurman meant to this team, after another beating of the Fish in 91 I think Thurman was doing a post-game conference and you could still see it in his eyes and he was talking about how even though the Bills beat them earlier in the season he didn't feel like they gave them enough respect and he said something like I thought Miami played pretty damn well today too but they got their ass kicked. Another one was in 96 when we were playing for a wild-card spot in the playoffs in the last regular season game Thurm was screaming out to the guys C'Mon Now This Is Our Season on the Line. Look I know alot of players say things like that, but you could tell that Thurman really meant it and you could see his passion. In fact Thurman was known to get in Bruce Smith's face if he had to get him to step it up. Now look at this team, Willis is a guy who is in a position where he should be saying something to light a spark in the younger guys and he doesn't can anyone imagine him getting in Bruce Smith or Jim Kelly's face?
  3. Well for one thing Thurman Thomas was alot more competitive and actually wanted to prove all the scouts wrong that passed on him in the draft. Much more competitive than Willis IMO and he was amazing blocker and receiver and lets not forget he kept Barry Sanders on the bench in college. I'm sorry I can't put Willis in the same category as Thurm.
  4. Yeah the Sabres are one intense team that oozes with leadership. It just doesn't come from one or two guys, everybody on the team understands whats on the line. I was at the Philly game sitting right by the glass and the Flyers bench. You could see it after the 3rd goal that the Flyers just gave up because they knew they couldn't keep up with the Sabres. Meanwhile the Sabres were all skating hard and flying all over the ice, you could just see them in the zone MJ style.
  5. C'mon now Bills fans we would all be feeling the exact same way if we had the Bears team right now
  6. Darryl is one of my all-time favorite Buffalo Bills. I just got the Steve Tasker book and I figure since we're on the topic of Tallley I'll post a few excerpts from what Tasker wrote about him: I played with and against a lot of tough guys in the NFL, but nobody had a higher pain threshold than Darryl Talley; even with his arms and legs cutoff he would still want to fight you. He'd be out there with broken bones and torn muscles and strained ligaments, and you wouldn't hear a peep from the guy. You could count on him every sunday. Everybody- and I mean everybody-on the team respected Darryl, and they feared him too. Nobody wanted to mess with him. He was clearly one of our leaders and he was not afraid to speak his piece when he believed it was necessarry. He'd tell Bruce Smith to shut up and sit down, and he'd pull Jim aside and say, "Jim you can't do that. You've got to knock it off." No one loved Buffalo and Bills fans more than Darryl, When he left the team as a Plan B free agency casualty following the 1994 season, he took out a full-page ad in the Buffalo News thanking the fans of Western New York. That was Darryl- a class act. By far one of the best to ever put on the red,white, and buffalo blue.
  7. Another thing I noticed was Bennett's versatility he had an incredible season the year Bruce was out in 91, it said he lined up at 5 different positions throughout the year and I think he doesn't get enough credit for his role in those Super Bowl years, everyone always talks about the big 3 on offense and then Bruce, but I think Cornelius also played a HUGE role in that defense.
  8. I was pretty young in the glory days I remember watching the games but I wasn't into the real hardcore football talk like I am now, anyways I was just wondering if The Biscuit was considered a hard-hitter or someone teams were afraid of playing or if he was considered an intimidator. Now I ask this because people always refer to Talley and Bruce as the big-hitters and tough guys from those teams(which is rightfully so) and it seems people considered Bennett more of a finesse, playmaker type of player, but I was watching some old NFL films from those days and something I noticed was how many qb's Bennett knocked right out of games and he was a ferocious pass-rusher. There was this one play where he must've split like 3 lineman to get to the qb and he ended up knocking him out of the game. While watching those films it certainly looks like the Biscuit knew how to lay the wood, so how come he is never mentioned when the hardest-hitting Bill or toughest Bills threads come popping up?
  9. As soon as we become a contender again we gotta bring back the "WERE BACK-DEAL WITH IT AMERICA" slogan, definately a classic. Another one of my favorites was from that freezing below temp game against the Raiders someone had a big JUST FREEZE BABY sign obviously a take on Al Davis and Just Win Baby
  10. Not me, I went last year and was kinda disappointed by the turnout. Not alot of fans, the only players that showed up were backups, I'm a huge Bills fan but the event was just not that entertaining.
  11. I agree with you 100% Buffalo Baumer, respect is earned not given out like candy on Halloween. I love the Bills more than just about everything but our team has been in shambles over the last few years(even that year we lucked out and went 9-7).
  12. This offense would get creamed trying to run the no-huddle offense
  13. Big Pat Williams, was a force in the middle. Wish we still had him
  14. Ahh the glory days. Bennett was a stud one of my all-time favorite Bills. I have the NFL films video from 91 and they show us just getting destroyed by KC and the entire stadium is giving us the Homatawk Chop and then later in the show when they get to the playoff game they show this Buffalo fan with a Buffalo head type of hat thing and holding a big sign that said REMEMBER ARROWHEAD and then the guy talking in the background is like The fans in Buffalo remembered Arrowhead but the last time these two teams met two things were missing, Nose Tackle Jeff Wright and then they show fans in the crowd yelling BRRUUUCCCEEE and show him running out of the tunnel in a frenzied Rich Stadium and then later in the highlights the guy was like well at least one thing was still the same and it shows all the Bills fans and some Bills players on the sidelines doing a mock Tomahawk chop which was hilarious and the music in background is perfect. That game recap gives me the chills everytime I watch it. Ahh the glory days.
  15. Kent Hull was one tough dude, I miss seeing Bills lineman like that. Ahh the glory days...
  16. I think she'll be ok, I have season tickets in one of the rougher areas at the Ralph(section 123) and for the Packers game last year(kids day) it was a pretty family friendly atmosphere, I remember some kids started swearing and then another group was yelling out "Hey no using the F word on kids day" kind of in a sarcastic way but still getting the point across to tone it done and I think it worked. I mean its definately not gonna get any tamer at the Ralph than on kids day during the preseason.
  17. There will a massive party to enjoy celebrating the Sabres Stanley Cup Championship
  18. It was a real treat watching him play football, that touchdown against NE he had where he juked out like 6 defenders was simply amazing
  19. My Ideal Character Guy: Darryl Talley -relentless, tough player who played through some injuries -Seemed to genuinely understand he was playing for the city of Buffalo -Always upbeat and passionate on the sidelines("We can overcome this one baby" "They talk about character, this is one. This is a team damnit!") -I read that he was the true guy who believed we could comeback against Houston and I heard he went ballistic at halftime when they were getting beat) -Didn't do alot of dancing, but used to just yell and throw his arm in the qb's face after a big sack or tackle -He really seemed like he HATED losing
  20. For all of you criticising Moulds for his off the field problems thats fine, but you guys also better not be Bruce, Kelly, Andre, or Thurman fans either for that matter because they were all like that too in their playing days. In fact those guys probably lived it up(aka Partied harder) more than Moulds so keep that in mind, because I'm sure if Moulds was a big part in bringing us a championship or something all that other stuff would be forgotten. Of course Moulds never brought a championship to Buffalo, but I think if he had the pieces around him he could've been a big part in bringing winning football to Buffalo. I'm not saying you can overlook the off the field stuff, but what I'm saying is keep that separate from his football career. He wasn't brought to Buffalo for community service he was brought in to play football. I'll remember Eric Moulds as a guy who always helped out the younger WR's, never quit when Bledsoe threw that pick against Baltimore when the rest of our guys just stopped running after the defender such as Willis who just stopped dead in his tracks, I'll remember him for using a referree to set a pick to get open, I'll remember him for lighting up the Dolphins on several occasions, I'll remember him for his excellent downfield blocking I remember him blocking two separate db's out of a play one time. Thanks for your time here Eric, your one of the few guys on our current team that I could see playing on the 90's Bills teams and fitting in well.
  21. Football characer isn't about being a Saint off the field. If that were the case then I think we already have a pretty high character football team. Football character is all about going out and playing your ass off every single play. I remember Darryl Talley once saying, "When I played football I brought my lunch pail to work because I was gonna be there all day whether you like it or not. I'm not going to run and I'm not going to hide I'm going to stand there and go toe to toe with whoever they bring out" That's football character. Against Atlanta when Jim Kelly threw an interception he ran the guy down and broke his leg. That's football character. When the Bills were getting killed in the first half against Houston, they came out in the 2nd half and played probably the single best half of football ever. Thats football character. Scoring 3 td's in 77 seconds is football character. We NEED these kind of guys on our team, right now I only see that competiveness in a couple guys(Spikes,McGee,some of our special teamers, and a couple others). Look at the Steelers team that just won the Super Bowl. Guys like Porter,Polamalu,Bettis, even Big Ben cared alot more about winning than just getting paid. If I was Marv I would really do whatever I could to get Bentley in Buffalo and then take Mangold in the 2nd. Those two guys alone would bring alot of nastiness to our o-line.
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