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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion so I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was just pointing out how that movie is well known for being more of a documentary or anthem for a way of life than for having much of a story. In no way am I hating on Dazed and Confused though, I think that is what makes it such a special movie....say man got a joint?
  2. I remember watching that when I was a kid, I had dinner at my parents house tonight and my mom brought this topic up and asked if I remembered this exact scene? Which I def did and we shared a good laugh over it. Good memories R.I.P.
  3. I voted for NHL and its true but this year after the Sabres were bounced I have actually been watching more of the NBA playoffs, being a Bulls fan has really gotten me back into basketball this past year and with the whole Big 3 thing(God I hate that team) I just had an overall larger interest in the NBA this year. With that said its still the NHL for me all the way but NBA playoffs are enjoyable too.
  4. Sorry for the vague topic or lack of description, I know it probably sounds confusing. I think maybe people are missing the point when I saw somebody list Dazed and Confused because as much as I love that movie it doesn't really have much of a story at all lol, its just a day in the life kind of movie. I do not mean what is your favorite comedy movie because I have tons of favorites I love that I wouldn't include in this. I mean what is your favorite story itself that is being told in a comedy movie. The two movies I referenced(Dumb and Dumber, Big Lebowski)inspired this thread idea. Outside of the actual jokes and gags in those movies both have cool stories that are far-fetched yes but still to a degree not entirely unrealistic. I love how Dumb and Dumber took a couple of pathetic losers from Rhode Island and got them involved in a scam/crime involving a rich family from Colorado and took them on a road trip across country. When watching with friends over the years I have always said that even if you took the slapstick/comedy element out of the movie it would still be an awesome plot. I know its a random, kind of out there topic but I also asked this question on another board and got a ton of replies, its a fun topic IMO.
  5. First two movies that come to mind for me are Dumb and Dumber and The Big Lebowski
  6. A few years ago? Yes absolutely but not at this point with all of the defensive lineman we have stacked up on. Don't get me wrong Big Pat is one of my all-time favorite Bills but the window of opportunity for that move has passed.
  7. "Come on in...Have a seat"
  8. Can't believe dumb and dumber hasn't been mentioned yet
  9. Matthew Barnaby always reminded me of Happy Gilmore, I guess some things never change
  10. Interesting I've been to Cleveland about a handful of times and always had a good time and thought there were alot of nice parts in that city. What makes you say Cleveland is disgusting? Just curious
  11. Sadly that's just a sign of the times. You can the same thing about any stadium/arena throughout any of the different leagues
  12. The chicken was excellent, my golf game on the other hand Lets just say it showed that it was the first round of the season. I was just happy to enjoy a day outdoors
  13. Get to enjoy some sunshine in the WNY today. Playing my first round of golf today this season and grilling some chicken marinated with Andre Reed's bbq sauce when I get done. Happy Weekend everybody hope you guys enjoy yours as well
  14. Have fun, I'm not a big baseball fan but I did get to tour the new Yankee stadium when I was in NYC a couple summers ago it really is a beautiful ball park you will have a great time.
  15. I care out of default because I hate the Miami Heat and what they stand for so damn much. So I also was very happy to see the Sixers get the win, can't say I agree on the hockey game though
  16. Were talking about 1996 here man...19 freaking 96...I dont even know if I had internet back then...let it go
  17. Hearing sad stories like this makes me all that much happier and thankful for :worthy: :worthy: Terry Pegula
  18. Yes I've already gone through quite a few bottles of it. It's very good
  19. Hows everybody doing on their brackets so far? I'm in first place in my office right now
  20. I drank from noon to about 12:30 last night and went home and slept like **** so I am feeling pretty rough today but I was smart enough to take the day off of work. Anybody have any cool St. Pattys Day stories? At the first bar I went to I saw two people throwing up and one person crying before I even had my first sip of my beer. Was glad it was nice outside, spent alot of time on the patio soaking up the sunshine
  21. I've taken thursday and friday off from work this week, not because of march madness but because I drink very heavily on St. Patrick's Day but my college basketball team is Syracuse so that worked out really well this year and I can watch Cuse play as well friday.
  22. Cool guys thanks for the feedback! Both stories very interesting, its cool knowing WNY had some recognition for watering holes I tried to do a google search and see if I could find who holds the record right now and from what I could tell it looks like there's a street in Wisconsin that is the current champion. Wasn't really surprised by this since University of Wisconsin is known as a major College party town.
  23. The other day a co-worker of mine was saying that back in the early 80s that Oliver Street in North Tonawanda was in the guinness book of world records for having the most bars on one street. I'm rarely ever in that area but I have never known it to be anything other than a dump. I had no clue about this because that was a little before my drinking days. Was anyone here around for those days? Was it a good place for nightlife or was it just hole in the wall taverns? I know of a couple bars in NT right now that are kind of popular but I have never thought of NT as a bar mecca.
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