Sorry for the vague topic or lack of description, I know it probably sounds confusing. I think maybe people are missing the point when I saw somebody list Dazed and Confused because as much as I love that movie it doesn't really have much of a story at all lol, its just a day in the life kind of movie. I do not mean what is your favorite comedy movie because I have tons of favorites I love that I wouldn't include in this. I mean what is your favorite story itself that is being told in a comedy movie. The two movies I referenced(Dumb and Dumber, Big Lebowski)inspired this thread idea. Outside of the actual jokes and gags in those movies both have cool stories that are far-fetched yes but still to a degree not entirely unrealistic. I love how Dumb and Dumber took a couple of pathetic losers from Rhode Island and got them involved in a scam/crime involving a rich family from Colorado and took them on a road trip across country. When watching with friends over the years I have always said that even if you took the slapstick/comedy element out of the movie it would still be an awesome plot. I know its a random, kind of out there topic but I also asked this question on another board and got a ton of replies, its a fun topic IMO.