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Posts posted by BillsPride12

  1. Everyone seems concerned about Buffalo not being exciting enough for T.O. If the Bills (or Rogers) are smart, they will have a limo and condo at Owens' disposal. (T.O. in T.O....expect to hear that one a lot.)


    But if Terrell only has a few hours to grab a vodka martini, are there any half-way cool night clubs in Buffalo? Even just one? No place with disco lights and DJ's? Jim Kelly had no trouble partying in Buffalo but I think his Western PA upbringing made him comfortable with shots, beers and wings.





    Ehh, the Buffalo nightclub scene on Chippewa is very college age oriented, for guys that have partied all over the country and sometimes World, I really can't see Chippewa as being very exciting to be honest, with that said Buffalo does get bonus points for being located in proximity to the fine arts of the Canadian Ballet :D

  2. Hopefully, someone in WNY might have a little insight on this:


    I just noticed that NFHS is 21-0 and ranked #1 in New York State (that ranking usually excludes NYC, I think). Yet, they are nowhere to be seen on the national rankings, or even McPaper's (USA Today) "Regional Rankings". In past years, NFHS has appeared on these lists, when they were flying high.


    What gives? I noticed that, unlike in past years, NFHS didn't travel to tournaments outside the region. Was this a budget issue, or is something else at play?


    Is this NFHS team as good as in the years when Harris and Flynn played? If they win the states, do the have a chance at the following tourney, where they play the winners of the NYC area?


    Any insight is appreciated. I really didn't pay any attention to this, until just now.



    You kinda answered your own question in a way, NFHS is not playing a non-WNY schedule this year like they did in the years where they were nationally ranked. They got national recognition because they were beating top teams in the Country, almost beat the #1 ranked team actually(only lost by one point), but this year they have only been playing a league schedule so that will not get them to crack the national rankings. And no they are not on the same level as the Paul Harris/Johnny Flynn teams were. With that said they have a great chance at winning another state championship this year :thumbsup:

  3. Does ML have an alibi? He probably just had the munchies and the damn B word wouldn't give up her big mac. Then the damn employeee (who was probably a canadian) got all up in his face. It wasn't his fault he was packing heat in a bad part of town, the employee shoud have known. Since he was in ML's face and denying him his munchies no way the canadian wanna-be should get a dime from the bitches.


    Talking about dimes, sh-- ML wants to know where his dime is. The punk ass pigs took his stash.



  4. When did "having a college education" ever equate to being intelligent? Being "educated" has little to do with being "intelligent". Jesus Christ, Dick Jauron graduated from an Ivy League school. That alone should be proof enough that your little "hypothesis" has no validity.


    Buy a dictionary. :D




  5. At this point Larry Fitzgerald should only be getting compared to Jerry Rice, not Steve Freakin Johnson :rolleyes:


    With that said, Steve could in fact turn out to be a productive diamond in the rough late round steal for us...but c'mon comparing him to a once in a generation talent like Fitzgerald?? I feel like the IQ level of messageboards get lower as each day passes during the offseason.

  6. I love Bruce, but lets be honest with ourselves here, LT easily wins this debate. And its not because his team won a Super Bowl, or because he played in a bigger tv market, or that he had more help from his defense or that he played in a better scheme...it was because he was a MONSTER and one of the best and most ferocious football players in NFL history. For those of you who don't understand(never saw LT play) here's some NFL history 101 that will help get you up to date:



  7. I will never forget what Bret Hart said about the wrestling culture- After the matches, most guiys had to take pain killers. By the time they got to the hotel, they had to take something to get to sleep. A few hours later, they had to take something to wake up to get to the next match.


    A few years ago, I read something from an independent wrestler who had to drive cross country from match to match....drove through the night and made himself vomit just to stay away.


    Its really sad- I've met some of those peopel....they deserve a lot better



    When I first heard about this movie, I immediately thought about the life of Jake "The Snake" Roberts. For anybody thats familiar with his situation, just really depressing.

  8. I agree a GOOD Coach is imperative, however you are WRONG if you don't think players are accountable to each other. I'm sure you have heard reports of different teams holding PLAYERS ONLY meetings. Future HOF LB for the Bucs, Derrick Brooks was talking about this subject just the other day on WDAE. He said it is very important for a team to have LEADERS on the team for other players to look up to & emulate. He said when he was a rookie Hardy Nickerson mentored him, & showed him what he needed to do in order to be successful in the NFL. He said as a rookie he did not dare loaf when he saw Hardy, a Pro Bowl Vet, Bust his ass every day in practice & the film room. He mentioned Sabby Pistachelli as a young player he has mentored, that has already started to assert himself in the locker room. I think veteran leadership is one of the things that separates the good teams from the bad.



    Absolutely, I was reading an article alittle while ago(wish I could find it again) where former 49ers players were talking about the immediate impact Ronnie Lott made and how he held everybody on that field accountable and he could back it up with his extremely high level of play. That is exactly what we are missing, its great that Donte Whitner has taken up a leadership role on the team but it lacks substance because he hasn't always backed it up on the field. We really need one or two players like that(Ray is definately that type of player but I don't want him because he's on his way towards past prime years) that other guys have 100% respect for and to a degree fear of not performing well.

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