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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I have it on DVD and with all this emotion still inside of me after yesterday's news I pulled it out earlier tonight and watched it. Goosebumps is all I can say. No other team has such a personal bond with its fanbase. Regardless of all the heartbreak there is no other football team I would rather be a fan of.
  2. Home, getting out the deep fryer and doing Homemade Wings and Pizza Logs, made a Taco Pizza and chips Plenty of LaBatts GO BILLS
  3. Who's everybody got tonight? I think Seattle wins pretty convincingly but we will see. I love how Seattle still seems just as hungry as last year
  4. Man Lawrence Taylor would've never played a down of football in this era
  5. Don't worry we already know that!
  6. I agree and I think that's why you don't see many of the big time athletes have children that go onto make it big. The genetics might be there but those kids are growing up in a very pampered lifestyle and I don't think in most cases it instills the type of mentality you must have to make it in the world of competitive sports. I'd say 95% of the greats grow up in either the Ghetto or working class blue collar conditions that creates a certain type of mentality
  7. Oh the talent is there no doubt, but a huge part of Seattle's success is their aggressive style of play and thats why I called it going into it that the Seahawks would put a beatdown on the Broncos(never predicted how lopsided it would be though, dont think anybody saw that coming). Watching them play the 49ers in the NFC championship was like watching a heavyweight prize fight
  8. Hitting too hard and Super Bowl champions....Hmm wonder if there's any correlation?
  9. Bingo. I was just reading a new book that's out about the Bills Super Bowl Years called Second to None(excellent read by the way for any Die Hard Bills Fan) and it talked about how when Kelly arrived his confidence and swagger completely changed the attitude of that team. From Day one we knew we had our franchise QB regardless of what the stats say. As far as the stats, people who are trying to say there isn't a big difference between todays game and 1986 are way off. Rules back then did not favor qb's and wr's the way they do now. They are getting to the point where they are making it impossible for team's to play defense. Teams also ran the ball alot more back then. I'm actually not surprised about Kelly's stats not looking impressive back then in his early years but believe me we knew we had our guy then. Can't say the same about right now.
  10. I agree 100%, the episodes are already slowly declining(seasons 2-5/some of 6 were the true prime of that show in my opinion) but will definitely be not as enjoyable once they get into Season 11 and beyond. Its a shame how bad that show got as years went on.
  11. I've probably caught at least 25 episodes since the Marathon started on Thursday and same here I can quote most of these episodes like I watched them yesterday. I'm pissed I have to go out tonight, I would much rather just sit on my ass and keep watching more. Kudos to FXX for running this marathon
  12. He must've learned that firsthand from the guys he was coaching
  13. Yeah if people are all over the place there's no way people are flying into town for a fantasy football draft haha but I have a buddy who has the same issue with his league with all old college friends and they imposed a rule where it must be on conference call and everybody must have a drink in their hands at all times so you can def make the most of that situation as well
  14. We usually get together at somebodies house which is always fun because you can get away with more and bring your own booze/liquor, smoke cigars, etc and have it outside and BBQ...but this year because of other stuff going in people's lives nobody was able to host it at their place so we reserved a private room at the local bar. The room setup is perfect for a draft though with wifi access, a tv screen mounted onto the wall, the room leads to the outdoor patio and we have an open bar and a pizza and wings package setup for it. I love the fantasy football draft one of my favorite events of the summer Just make sure you put some thought into the location you want to have it at and it will be a blast, its ultimately the people that make it the experience that it is
  15. The Birdcage and Mrs. Doubtfire
  16. Your nuts on your Kyle Williams comparison to Warren Sapp. I dont even like the guy(Sapp that is) but he was absolutely dominant and played the game with a passion and desire to win and was a major part of the culture change in Tampa Bay, your out of your mind if you don't think he was HOF worthy
  17. Agreed. That was the game the officials asked the crowd at Rich Stadium to tone down the crowd noise or else the Bills would be assessed a delay of game penalty. Goosebumps just thinking about it
  18. From what I've heard we were the number 1 market during the Super Bowl years. Erie PA seems like a bandwagon zone and its understandable why, although very close to WNY, Erie PA is NOT truly WNY so I don't have any ill will towards people in that area not being Bills fans....then again I guess they could help us out by supporting our football team in return for us WNYer's supporting their firework warehouses during the summer
  19. I wish he coulda remained a Bill. Great player who had to earn it the hard way and was very appreciate of the opportunity Buffalo gave to him. Basically the anti-Donte Whitner. I was so happy for him when he won a ring with the Saints
  20. Damn man last year there were like 3 or 4 Steve Tasker highlight reels about 10 minutes each on youtube but it looks like they have been taken down. I really wish they were still available so I could post it for the people that think Steve Tasker was overrated. He was f'n awesome man! I think some people look back at Tasker as some kind of "high-motor overachiever" kind of guy but he was a tremendous athlete and was excellent at what he did.
  21. Whenever I see that clip of Tasker blowing up that Rams player It always makes me think of those old Crash Test Dummies commercials Interesting way of looking at things. Many people forget that Welker started out primarily as a Special Teams Ace himself when he was with the Dolphins. First guy that ever reminded me of Tasker when I watched him play special teams, not quite as talented as Tasker but I remember thinking back then that this kid was a true football player and was never surprised about the amount of success he went on to have in his career.
  22. As time has gone on its gotta be Cornelius Bennett. He may not have had the longevity here in Buffalo that the Big 4 did but he played a huge role in all the success we had during the late 80s and early 90s
  23. I used to go to every single Bills home game but with all of the changes over the years to both the gameday experience at the Ralph and the better picture and quality you can get home on the tv...and as much as i hate to admit it i would also say just getting older has a role in all of this....but to me going to the games is more of a special event now where I try to get to a couple games a year instead of every one. I'm all for tailgating and partying before the games but the latest generation of 18-23 years olds attending the games can't handle their booze and are at an all-time obnoxiousness. Then the rent a cops they have working at the stadium actually make things worse. I dunno i just feel that the gameday experience just isn't what it used to be and its certainly not just Buffalo. My Dads buddy is a Cleveland Browns fan and he said the same thing has happened there.
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