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Posts posted by BillsPride12

  1. The Vikings are fielding the most dominant defensive line the NFL has seen since the 2008 Giants team and we all know how their season ended up. Now I'm not saying the Vikings are a lock to win the SB, in fact I don't think that at all but at the same time this is definitely something I've been thinking about. Having a great d-line is crucial in winning a championship in my opinion, I just wish the Bills front office understood this.

  2. does a dome facilitate those QBs playing to their full potential? favre looks better in minnesota than he did in non-dome giants stadium, as does Brees since moving from non-dome qualcomm



    I still think its insignificant. Favre had an awful season last year because he was playing with a torn bicep. I think his season has more to do with the offense he's in and an emphasis he has put on not making careless throws and he just has so much experience right now. Brees is just a matter of a quarterback coming of age and landing on a team with some great offensive talent. Don't forget Brees was starting to come along in his last season with San Diego as well.

  3. I agree, man....I think that's part of the reason why I like him so much...he makes the past more tangible, cause I associate him with the last great Bills teams and the time of Jim Kelly and the boys. I know there was only a few years of overlap, but in a way he's like a link to the past. Not only that, but I've always liked the "gunslinger" mentality in a QB....have never cared for the "game manager" type. Favre leaves his nuts on the field every game and I dig that.


    I don't know if they make it past N.O. next week, but this season has been much more fun because of him playing, IMO.


    I totally agree with you my friend, I couldn't have said it better myself :thumbsup:

  4. I have alot of favorite movies but I don't think there has ever been a cooler movie than Dazed and Confused. It's such an amazing movie but still in a cult-like way and there always seems to be a special bond with other big fans. I remember watching that movie all the time with my buddies in college and always going back and forth at each other with quotes.

  5. I remember when I was a middle-schooler my high school was dominant and making trips to Rich Stadium on the regular and playing little league football me and my buddies thought that someday we would be playing at Rich, but I'm not gonna lie as it turned out once we got to the high school level our school's program had really gone downhill. The good coaches had retired after their championship runs, and I'll be honest we just didn't have the same talent level either. I have still have good memories from playing high school football though, and good memories of looking up to those great high school teams we had when I was just a young, life unexperienced 6th grader haha.

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