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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Damn ok we can scratch that one off the list... My second crack at this.....The Hall of Pain
  2. Big Blue Wrecking Crew...sounds corny at first but it sticks after a little while
  3. What happened to Vince McMahon?
  4. Nah probably just didn't feel like leaving Florida to deal with this lovely Winter we are having in WNY. Don't blame the guy
  5. The event just began last night and won't end until Sunday....Talley and Biscuit are scheduled to make an appearance tomorrow night
  6. I've always wondered how crazy the Bills Super Bowl celebrations would've been had they actually won one of em. Would they have had anything left in the tank after the already week long bender they had been on?
  7. Its guy talk on a football messageboard, a nerdier(ok much more nerdier) version of sitting around a pub having a couple pops and making some wisecracks about some chick that doesn't deserve any respect to begin with. I would hope nobody would say anything cruel to her personally face to face, but at the same time if she didn't want this kind of attention she shouldn't have put herself out there like that
  8. At least he sacked something
  9. The NFL has made billions off of football fans and has gotten to the point were the average blue collar fan cannot even afford to attend a game in most places. The same kind of fans who laid the foundation for the following the NFL has today. The NFL is the most greedy corporate scum sucking organization there is. Do I realize that technically what they did was stealing? Yes I do. Do I have any sympathy for the NFL? No not really
  10. I look at it as a Robin Hood scenario, the NFL has been robbing the fans for years. I have no problem with what these guys did...granted if they got caught I wouldn't have any sympathy for them either as what they did was certainly illegal. Just a ballsy move, they are very lucky they got away with it...a couple of modern day Irish folk heroes
  11. LOL she blew up his spot. In our minds we envision these guys banging out Supermodels after a big Super Bowl victory but the reality of it is the kinda one-nighters these guys(unless were talking about Brady and Gronk) usually encounter are just the same kind of drunken chicks we were all bringing home after a heavy night out drinking in college that led to alot of shameful mornings
  12. Two Irish guys snuck into the Super Bowl with no tickets, got to sit in $25,000 seats and hung out with Lawyer Milloy...Pics and proof that this actually happened in the link. Now this is a true Bucket List kind of experience and these guys will forever have the ultimate barstool story to tell when their hanging out with their buddies that will last the rest of their lives. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/early-lead/wp/2015/02/03/two-irish-guys-sneaked-into-the-super-bowl-without-tickets-and-snagged-25000-seats/?tid=sm_fb
  13. Must've made for a fun night out at the bar as well
  14. Does Watt bring home the MVP??
  15. Haha that was hilarious, two bigtime players with bigtime personalities
  16. Neither i'll be in the kitchen getting more beer and second helpings of food during halftime
  17. Aw man I forgot all about that book, one of the very few books I read in school that I remember enjoying. I think we read that in the 8th grade, I'll have to read that one again sometime
  18. Yes this one is a great addition to this thread
  19. It will be well worth it
  20. Go to 34 Rush at Batavia Downs and get The Thurmanator
  21. Those were my exact thoughts as well when I first heard about this
  22. I'll co-sign on the Lemon Meringue
  23. Cant believe this one hasn't come up yet!
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