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Posts posted by BillsPride12

  1. No cool Bills stories, I did meet Marv Levy before but it was at a staged book signing , but my best brush with greatness was shaking hands with and getting an autograph from Dave Chappelle at a Knicks game at the garden. In fact he autographed my ticket stub. Dude looked higher than a kite

  2. I watched all 4. I love playoff time even though the Bills are never in it. I like to make the playoff weekends an event, I usually invite people over for some beers and then I'll order some pizza or wings or sometimes I'll just throw some stuff on the grill. Usually put some money on the games too once the playoffs start. Only bet on the Jets game this past weekend and made a small $50 but it'll pay off the money I spent on pizza, wings, and beer.

  3. One of my co-workers had recommended the movie Bachelor Party to me, its a mid 80's Tom Hanks comedy, so I watched it last night and got me thinking of a good thread idea. What is the best on sceen bachelor party? And what is the best bachelor party movie? I was gonna make it a poll but honesty couldn't think of too many off the top of my head. You have The Hangover, Tomcats, Beer League had a pretty funny bachelor party but thats not what the movie was focused on, etc....lets hear your favorites

  4. I recorded a re-broadcast of that game, years ago, on ESPN Classic...it was like watching Kelly & Young playing competitive catch...


    I always think Steve Young gets overlooked in discussions of the all-time greats. He lived under the shadow of Montana, and, I suppose, didn't have a really long career,as he was a back-up for a lot of his career...but the guy was terrific when the team was his. His "scramble" against the Vikings is still, IMO, one of the great plays in NFL history. And he did this stuff pretty routinely.




    Agreed. Young was a gamer for sure

  5. To put it in perspective I was in Chicago a couple weekends ago which is the 3rd largest city in the U.S. and it was a ghost town there on a sunday night as well! I was pretty surprised at that because even though it was a sunday night and the weather was pretty bad earlier in the day you would still think there'd be some life in some bars just due to the sheer numbers of the people there. And this was a sunday where the Bears had a home game(granted they did get destroyed by the Patriots which may have also contributed to nobody being in sight)

  6. I also get annoyed when people think of Lombardi as a raving lunatic who yelled at his players and put him in the same category as a Rex Ryan, etc. and don't think of him as a players coach. Nowadays people automatically think of a Dick Jauron when they think of a players coach. The players loved Vince Lombardi(and alot of them said he was a father figure to them). Vince actually cared about his players too, it was just that he demanded everything they had from them which is again stuff you don't see anymore. Lombardi was passionate and demanding but he did genuinely care about his players.

  7. I watched this the other night and it was excellent! They don't make football coaches like that anymore sadly, even the NFL is so much different. I learned about sports from my grandfather growing up(and he was another old school, tough SOB...he was a great local amateur boxer and could've boxed professionally if he didn't join the military) and while watching this it made me remember why I fell in love with this sport to begin with. Its hard to keep it in perspective nowadays with the way the game and player's attitudes have changed so much. This is a must watch documentary for any diehard football purists, it will definitely get you fired up and make you wanna run outside and tackle somebody lol.

  8. Question. If I'm a fan of a musician why the !@#$ would I want to check out a movie???


    In that particular movie Lou Reed is portrayed as an icon to the kids in it(one kid claims he had a guitar session with lou to impress chicks) but more importantly it uses a bunch of his songs in the background. That and its actually a great movie. Very different from the way it was advertised, think alot less like Superbad and alot more like Dazed and Confused.

  9. I dig Lou Reed. I didn't really know much about him at all until Trainspotting came out which used "perfect day" and then I did some research on him and found some other good stuff. If your a big Lou Reed fan you should check out the movie Adventureland

  10. Just got our tickets to the Bears game...has anyone tailgated at Solider Field before? From what I am seeing so far it looks like we might need to get a parking permit to tailgate there? I hope not because the bears tickets were very pricey. Also are Chicago folks as accomodating as Bills fans because we will obviously not be bringing a grill or anything with us but if we brought a 30 pack to the game to share with some fans would we would be able to score some grub? I would like to think there are people like that out there, I know me and my group did our fair share of things like that when we had season tickets.

  11. My and my buddy are finally stepping up to the plate and doing something we have been talking about for years. I am finally going to make the trek and catch my favorite Basketball team in live action, the Chicago Bulls. We are looking into going down there the weekend of DEC. 10-13 and are looking into either catching the Bulls-Lakers or Bulls-Timberwolves game. Preferebly we would like to see the Lakers game but I'm sure tickets are going to be through the roof for that one. The bears are home against the patriots* that weekend and we are looking into tickets for that game as well. So here I am turning to my messageboard buddies for any and all Chicago related advice, reccomendations, tips, ticket connections, good places to drink or go out to eat, feedback on the Soldier Field tailgating scene, etc

  12. Huh???


    That is just you getting old... And thinking the old days were better. I see nothing has change... At least where I am...


    If there is a problem... I say try connecting with the community and neighbors again. We even have a trick or treat trail through the local forest preserve the day before that the children love.





    Its absolutely not just me, I had this conversation with a bunch of people in my age range at work today and everybody is on the same page. Saw alot of similar comments made by people I know on facebook yesterday. That is great that it is still going strong in your area, but the same cannot be said around here.


    And it should be a rule that the day after Halloween friggen school is cancelled. Brutal getting my kids out the door today. And they are at the age prolly getting close to one or two more Halloweens that are really special, so yes i let them stay up and late and trade and eat candy till way past their normal bedtime ;)


    :thumbsup: That's awesome parenting and the way it should be. I promise you the kids will remember and get more out of that experience with each other than whatever is going on at school first thing Monday morning. Even though it is forever ago, I still remember going trick or treating with my little brother and it is great memories to this day that I will always cherish. We used to go hardcore and hit all the houses in my parents neighborhood and then they would take us to both grandparent's neighborhoods, we would have bags and bags of candy and sometimes it was just fun to brag about who got the best candy or who had the most. I have also started to notice over the past few years that trick or treating is nothing compared to what it used to be. It makes me feel bad for the younger generation because they are growing up in such a watered down era where they are missing out on alot of fun times that they will never have the pleasure to look back on someday.

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