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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. For the young whippersnappers who never saw this man play
  2. He was the Michael Jordan of special teams
  3. There are a lot of legendary stories out there about Jimbo and Company hitting the bars on a regular basis during the Fredonia days. Of course it was a different era and a different time, I'm not sure to what level players nowadays can get away with compared to back then but your naïve if you think players don't enjoy going out for a cold one or two on their own personal time just as much as the rest of us
  4. Agreed. A true legend. Have you ever seen his Hall of Fame induction speech? Brilliant
  5. When the time comes feel free to private message me...Please and thanks
  6. Sorry for your loss. He sounded like a great guy...I enjoyed reading your tribute, just know that his spirit will live on with you for the rest of your life.
  7. Thanks Ralph for keeping your word until the end about keeping the Bills in Buffalo! Much respect for being a man of your word and never selling out to the corporate aspect of this league
  8. I already missed the boat ...entire 100 level already sold out with season tickets
  9. Monsoon and especially Bobby Heenan were greats too. Vince McMahon as a commentator is actually very underrated too. As silly as professional wrestling is, I was being dead serious when I brought up Jim Ross and you could throw in these other guys as well. Those guys were great at what they do, would love to hear them calling some football games
  10. Thread title misleading, this article doesn't reference any of the skin bars in Niagara Falls. As for the downer itself, haven't been in a few years but last time I went I remember being surprised at how much the talent pool had fallen off from the frequent trips I used to make in my late teens, early 20's, thought it could've been an off night but then at some point a couple years later I heard somebody else make the same remark.
  11. Alot of cool Buffalo references, another great 30 for 30 indeed
  12. Willis was an amazing football player no doubt about it. Its tough in his case though because his career was cut short by his own choice versus suffering a career ending injury like Sharpe or Terrell Davis. I think not having the longevity does hurt his case, it becomes a debate when great players careers are cut short by circumstances they can't control, but that card can't be played in Willis' case.
  13. Yeah this looks like another 30 for 30 instant classic. I'm looking forward to it, haven't caught a 30 for 30 in awhile
  14. I was thinking the same thing. Rex Ryan came here because he knew he'd have alot of new toys to play with on our defense. Can't picture the plan being to let alot of these pieces leave
  15. I am almost always against aging Free Agents/Trades but in this case I would've been all for it if only we had a Quarterback. No he's not still in his prime but I think he could be a perfect compliment to our younger WR's....but with that said don't think its worth it considering we don't have our franchise guy under center yet.
  16. Good those are the kind of players that you want on your team
  17. RIP Bill....Hopefully you will be watching us break the playoff slump from the best seat in the house this upcoming season
  18. Hahaha i've never seen Rambo before but that was still awesome to watch! Gotta give those guys some serious props
  19. I always thought it was a stupid risk for the Texans to take simply because they already had JJ Watt, they didn't need to take a gamble in hopes of striking it rich on another Defensive End. They shoulda went after a Qb....but at least it's good to know the Bills aren't alone when it comes to neglecting that position
  20. Times are a changing
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