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Posts posted by BillsPride12

  1. Mmmmmm, artichoke dip.


    Goat cheese torta. It sounds kinda froofie, but it disappears very very fast.

    goat cheese torta yummmmm

    I serve it with the rice crackers you buy at Sam's or with Triskets.




    Hey, how is Reed's sauce? I always like to support a B'lo guy but don't want to order 12 bottles of "meh"


    It's actually very good, it has a unique tangy bbq taste to it I can't really think of anything to compare it to. I ordered the 6 pack to try it out and sold a couple bottles to guys I work with and so far everybody has loved it.

  2. Curtis Martin a lock for first ballot HOFer???? What the heck are you smokin'?????


    I don't even think he's a Hall of Famer to begin with. He was a stats compiler, not an all time great.


    I'm not saying I would vote him in first ballot but I do think thats a media pick, he was always very beloved by the media

  3. lmao


    i love how people point to sports celebs like they are spiritual gurus and have magical answers on how to be successful


    look, these people are almost always glorified monkey grinders. their success comes as much from dumb luck and god given physical abilities way more than it does from some brilliant personal philosophy


    even worse is when you allow them to convince you to apply their sage wisdom in your life. that has about as much chance of bringing you success as applying those of the local janitor


    most of the advice you get from sports celebs is bull ****. they were in the right place at the right time which made them look like they had something special when they didnt. they were just one of thousands that stepped in it and now they love to tell you they had the secret formula to make it happen


    well that, and the easy grounder that dribbled through your opponents legs. but they never mention that part


    You sound like you should work for the Bills front office

  4. I understand the coulda woulda shoulda argument...I mean why didn't the Portland Trailblazers draft Michael Jordan instead of Sam Bowie? Didn't they want to win 6 championships?


    But in the Bills case it is not a good enough excuse. When your team has failed to make the playoffs for 11 straight years and counting and you have continually mis-evaluated players potential at the NFL level year in and year out you have problems with your scouting department/front office! I cannot believe how many people try to defend the Bills drafting over the years with a "Well it is what it is" "You never know how a guy is gonna turn out at the time you draft him" attitude. These guys are professionals and they are getting paid the big bucks to recruit players who can make this team successful. Its amazing to me that this front office has not been completely gutted by Ralph Wilson(then again who knows where his head is at this point). Do you think its just a coincidence that during our glory years when Bill Polian was here he happened to draft Jim Kelly, Bruce Smith, Andre Reed, Thurman Thomas, Darryl Talley, etc...do you guys think that was just luck or maybe just maybe do you think he actually knew how to do his job?

  5. I think alot of you guys are taking the office jargon too seriously. Its just small talk so people can make friendly interaction with each other inside the office, it does get repetitive but you spend 40 hours a week with these people. Your not always gonna stop and have in depth conversations with everybody. I can't believe this angers so many of you...oh well it is what it is Lol

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