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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. It's one thing if Christmas falls on a Saturday or Sunday but to start putting NFL games on a Wednesday because it's Christmas is just another Greedy Cash Grab from the NFL...$$$$$$$$ all they care about
  2. Very sorry to hear this news...RIP
  3. Crock of S*** but I'm not surprised. The NFL is continuing to trend in a direction where they are going to lose me as a fan.
  4. I never knew that about Chyna either until I saw the A&E Biography on her but yeah I don't remember her ever repping the Bills either. It would be awesome if Gorilla was a Bills fan but I feel like we would have heard something if that were the case. Lex Luger is an OP Native and is a huge Bills fan. When you think about timeline Gorilla I'm sure would have been out of the Rochester area way before Bills football was relevant so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't have any Bills connections
  5. It wasn't a coincidence. There's more to it than that. Long story short Combs supposedly had a hit on Tupac that was going to be handled by the Crips. It wasn't supposed to take place the night of the fight but then that altercation happened at the Casino and that escalated into them taking care of it that night. That is the theory behind it.
  6. Yeah I remember being furious at the time when Jauron said that but honestly I don't think there's a problem with a coach saying that when I think about it now. I think part of the problem was when I grew up watching football there was still a lot of old school bravado coaches that didn't talk like that but we have also seen how coaches talk about how they are going to win the whole thing etc. and that doesn't mean that it's going to pan out for them either. The truth is it really is hard to win in the NFL! But I think fans were so fed up with Jauron for so many other reasons it was easy to pile on him when he started talking about how it was hard to win in the NFL. There's no way any rational person can compare McDermott to Jauron over making that statement.
  7. Thanks I am in Wisconsin 🤣
  8. I stand corrected, thank you it was McDuffie I was thinking of
  9. That's fair but I also remember him making a handful of big stops too. A cornerback is similar to an Offensive Lineman when they get beat by a rusher who gets to the QB it's going to stand out much more than the good plays they are making throughout the game.
  10. Good news for us. Sneed was a good player. I thought he was the unsung hero for the Chiefs in the Super Bowl this year
  11. I was a pretty avid Wrestling fan growing up but I never had a clue until just seeing this tonight that Gorilla Monsoon was from Rochester! I wonder if Gorilla was a Bills fan
  12. I mean sure this will come with it but their main objective in all of this is to make more $$$$$$$$$$$. The Rich always need to get richer. It's never enough for those greedy MFer's!
  13. Just a side note to this discussion, but I have seen this mentioned multiple times how businesses will just buy season tickets and use them as a write-off but I was talking to an Accountant I know and he said sports entertainment is no longer a viable tax write off.
  14. That's actually a pretty good comparison. Aikman was like the Brady of that era.
  15. Yeah as far as we know they haven't been officially released that's why I said I don't know how accurate it was. But once things leak, things spread pretty fast. It also sounds like a realistic number for those seats so I felt like it was worth sharing on here as a "take it with a grain of salt" kinda thing.
  16. Not sure how accurate this is but I have now seen at least a couple people on Twitter today post that 100 level 50 yard line seats will have a PSL of $15,000. Once again I'm not saying this as a concrete statement but just reporting back on what I am seeing today.
  17. Yes I completely understand why they are doing it....and yes it does blow for us
  18. He said his season tickets were in 135 which would be the 50 yard line area. There's no way the PSL for that area is only going to be $1000. It probably will be closer to the 10K Range. I'm expecting the upper decks and end zone areas to be more around $1K-2K and that's where the Bills can say they are offering affordable pricing to all current ticket holders. Yay!
  19. I knew there was no way I was staying up late for two back to back West Coast games. I crashed after the 1st period. Looks like I didn't miss anything
  20. So you have to pay 40 grand to get access to an area where you can then pay more for food and drinks? Sounds awesome
  21. Stayed up late for the game last night no problem but already feeling the fatigue from it tonight lol. Not sure if I'll be able to make it through the entire game this time but I'll do my best to watch as much as I can
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