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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I think there was a post here not too long ago about how canadian strip clubs have been really struggling and alot have been shutting their doors and then some posters commented about Sundowner in the thread but didn't say they were shutting down
  2. She might be canadian but those breasts were made in America
  3. Dang I hope its nothing that serious. I can imagine with the kind of money these guys have they probably go balls to the walls with their firework celebrations. Mario Williams just posted a pic on twitter the other day with his truck filled with a **** ton of explosives! https://instagram.com/p/4pScR6py7L/
  4. Maybe the Bills can use this as leverage during contract negotiations since Bleacher Report has so much credibility
  5. We obviously have alot of talent on our defense. Primarily our bread and butter is within the front 4 and everybody else benefits from the pressure they generate. I think if we would have pulled the trigger on another stud playmaker like Khalil Mack then that would've put us on that elite level of the Golden Defenses of Chicago, Baltimore, Tampa. With that said drafting Sammy was a huge addition for us as well so I really don't have any complaints. The big thing with the Watkins pick is will we ever find a Qb good enough to allow Sammy Swat to truly flourish with us?
  6. Absolutely they are right in the mix probably would have them at #3 behind 85 Bears and 2000 Ravens. 2013 Seahawks are right in the mix too. I love Sammy Watkins and have no problem with that pick but part of me wonders if we would have taken Mack instead that our defense could be on this level. Our front 7 would have been insane with Mack
  7. Who in the hell is saying Eichel isn't that good???
  8. Agreed. After MJ retired after the last 3 peat I like many others quit watching the sport pretty abruptly. And it wasn't just Jordan retiring, alot of the other great 80s/90s players were starting to leave and the NBA went through a transition phase. I started watching again more seriously back in 2009/2010 as the Bulls were starting to become a legitimate team again and at the same time the league itself was starting to get very compelling and interesting and I've been really enjoying the NBA again ever since. Also have to give LeBron his props for bringing back basketball fans in droves
  9. Me and a couple of my buddies tossed the idea around of making the short trip to Cleveland not so much to get tickets to an actual game but just to take in the party atmosphere especially if we could time it during a clinching game but with real world duties nobody really has the time or funds to go through with it. We all pretty much agreed if we were back in our early 20's we would've went 100%. One thing I've never gotten to experience in my life is being in a city during a Sports championship victory. Ideally I want the first time to be for either a Bills or Sabres championship or to a lesser extent a Chicago Bulls title(they've always been my favorite basketball team growing up in the MJ era) but the thought of just hanging out in Cleveland(and no I would not be parading around in Cavs gear pretending im a fan and my team just won) did sound pretty cool
  10. I agree it was definitely awesome but I take it you've never seen Larry Bird or Magic Johnson play before?
  11. He was one of the best. I still have Heenan as the GOAT
  12. No but he's back to being completely irrelevant in my life just like he was before his name was in the hat for buying the Bills
  13. Piper was another great one on the mic. Can't forget about Jake the Snake either
  14. My Mount Rushmore: Macho Man Flair Shawn Michaels Stone Cold Best Manager: Bobby the Brain Announce team: Bobby the Brain and Monsoon
  15. I think Nigel Bradham is going to have a breakout year
  16. That's awesome, I always smile when I see that one which is somewhat frequently because like I said that one is a staple in many bars all over the area. Will be cool to start making some new memories soon hopefully. A poster of our starting defensive line right now would be great
  17. I'll always be partial to the Frank Reich comeback game poster that can still be found to this day hanging up in barrooms all across Western New York
  18. Since I gotta work on Monday I'm gonna get some golf in tomorrow and some BBQ'ing Sunday
  19. http://stationcaster.com/stations/wedg/media/mp3/Rex_Ryan_w__Shredd___Ragan___-1432036984.mp3 There's the link if anybody is interested in listening to the interview, pretty good stuff
  20. Rex Ryan was on Shred and Ragan this morning(local Buffalo radio talk show) and he brought this topic up and said that he ran into Andre during Super Bowl weekend and Andre expressed interest in doing this and Rex said absolutely..He also went on to say that he wants all those legendary Bills to know that they will always have a home in Buffalo and they can come by practice anytime they want. I really like how Rex is embracing our team history.
  21. I remember Nate Newton stating in a Sports Illustrated article that back in the Cowboys Super Bowl years during training camp they would send the rookies out to get cases of beer and fried chicken from KFC for their post practice meals. Overall nutrition and health wasn't nearly as big of a deal or monitored back then like it is nowadays
  22. I love the "original" Simpsons era but its beyond time for this show to be put out of its misery and this might be the perfect timing now
  23. Shot glasses from any major city I visit
  24. This is exactly the type of tone I hope the film takes. I think the 4 Super Bowl losses have been covered pretty well but the 90s Bills were so much more than that. I don't think you will ever see another professional sports team have a connection to its fanbase that the Bills did from 1986 to 1996. The players personalities(and Marv) were a perfect fit for our charismatic blue collar city. It was indeed a match made in heaven. I hope it spends some time on really showing how crazy and passionate the atmosphere was around town back then. I don't think the younger fans truly grasp it. I mean sure football is more popular now than ever but its just different these days, everything is just so much cheesier and force fed through social media. It felt more pure back then it was a simpler time and Buffalo really was just a blue collar town having the time of its life with their football team.
  25. My group had been planning on the KC game, absolutely awful timing with the weekend it falls on. Right now in the process of seeing if we can still make it work
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