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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I remember seeing an interview somewhere with him talking about how he fell in love with the blue collar, working class fanbase we had...and then he started partying with Kelly and the boys
  2. Although I know its gonna be tough I would love to see OKC Durant and Westbrook win the NBA championship this year. Out of all the remaining teams in both the NHL and NBA the Thunder is the one team I would really get excited about bringing home the hardware. Golden State OKC is going to be such a fun and entertaining series to watch
  3. Can't wait to watch this and feel better about being a Buffalo Sports fan
  4. The ending was so emotional when they were reading the letter that Buddy wrote to them...and then when the guys were talking about wishing they could do it all over again and I loved when McMichael said "thats when your really living baby" Two emotions instantly came to me as the film wrapped up 1) I really miss playing little league/high school football myself and would love to do it all over again 2) Really made me wish the 90's Bills could've had experienced at least just one of those Super Bowls from the winning side Great 30 for 30
  5. Not sure if the Bills can use the excessive partying excuse as a major reason they lost Super Bowl 25 anymore as its pretty evident the Bears shut down Bourbon Street the week of Super Bowl 20
  6. Had to work tonight and I'm so pissed! Have it DVR'd and will be watching it tomorrow night hopefully. I am looking forward to it although I am already pretty familiar with the 85 Bears from reading up on them over the years. That era Bears team reminded me alot of the 90s Bills as far as the characters and personalities they had on and off the field and some of the friction that existed within the team.
  7. That's what I've been saying for years, a day to celebrate America's past time! Don't get me wrong I usually use a vacation day for that Monday anyways but that could be an extra day I could use to be out on the golf course in the summertime
  8. Lol nice. I thought this was going to be about the Bills commercial though
  9. Not really surprising at all where Kelly is at with his football career after everything else he had to deal with later on in life
  10. Thank you, I was getting worried there for a second nobody was going to mention that squad
  11. This reminds me a little bit of the fighter Buster Douglas. Had all the talent in the world but couldn't keep himself in shape. I remember his trainer saying his biggest downfall wasn't the drugs or partying lifestyle that bring down most guys but he could never stay out of the kitchen.
  12. RIP Jimmy, gotta admit even though I didn't know him personally reading about this made me get kind of emotional. Being a true Bills fan is like belonging to a lifelong fraternity. It makes me depressed a fan like that never got to witness a Lombardi parade in Buffalo.
  13. Just for something different, I don't recall this ever being discussed here or at least anytime too recently. In my lifetime the first three guys that I think of are Kelly, Favre, and Big Ben. If I was ranking them I would probably have to go with #4 as my #1
  14. Considering how the modern NFL rules are geared towards a more efficient passing game/higher points being scored, I think what the 2013 Seahawks accomplished was just as, if not more impressive, than the 2000 Ravens and 2002 Buccaneers. I've still got 85 Bears as the greatest defense of all time though
  15. "Larry Bird was so good you could wear his jersey in the hood"- Charles Barkley "From Second Street to Bourbon Street"- this became the rallying cry for the 85 Bears in training camp to get to Super Bowl 20 because after practice they would hit the local bars which were located on Second Street and the Super Bowl was being played in New Orleans that year
  16. new blood would be nice this year.....Bengals, Panthers, Cardinals would all be fine with me this year
  17. Would be very interesting if Hughes was one of the guys making comments because him and Mario had become very good friends off the field the last couple years. I follow both guys on twitter and they spend alot of time hanging out in the offseason
  18. I would be ok with either Cardinals or Panthers winning it all, something different this year. Feel the same way about the Bengals too but I don't have the faith in them getting the job done
  19. I'm all for stability but I just don't trust Rex as that guy. Not impressed with his overall body of work at all as Head Coach. This season was a freaking circus and Rex doesn't show any desire to change his methods
  20. It's just like Michael Jordan used to say when they asked him about what his favorite championship was... "The next one"-MJ
  21. So I enjoy basketball yet I cannot have a favorite team to follow and support because my city doesn't have one? And the same thing can be said for the guys on here that like baseball....I was the first to point out here that you can't claim multiple teams and agree 100% against the people that mentioned other NFL teams but your argument against having allegiances to the NBA and MLB is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen written on a message board and we all know that says alot.
  22. This is what kills me with this franchise. We have shot ourselves in the foot so many times with poor drafting. The drafting has gotten much better in more recent years but I don't know if I will ever get over the drafts of those particular years.
  23. I'd like to be a fly on the wall during that conversation. The young Jim Kelly would have most likely told you to F*** Right Off
  24. Just a FYI it doesn't count when you claim two teams in one sport, I've noticed that a couple times in this thread
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