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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Saving Private Ryan Braveheart
  2. I think the Sabres are still a couple years away from being where I think most people think they will be even just next season. The Bills are going through a mini-rebuild process right now themselves so I think it could go either way but my prediction is we won't get our answer to this question for 2-3 years possibly
  3. Should be good. Those were wild times behind the scenes in the wrasslin business. I saw Jake The Snake's Unspoken Word show when he came to Buffalo a couple summers ago and there were lots of great stories and some involving Andre
  4. Not gonna lie when you first started talking about a cool Valentine' Day Story I thought It was gonna be lame but that actually was a pretty cool story I enjoyed reading so kudos to you Sir. Now get out there and pay it forward, Super Mighty's and 3-Cheese Burritos for all the young lovebirds out there tonight
  5. So when the Bills were a dominant team back in the late 80s, early 90s fans weren't out in the parking lots partying? (I agree that nowadays that some of the younger kids are beyond obnoxious at an all time high new level but I think that's more of a generational thing and I don't think a winning team stops the hardcore tailgating, I think It might actually make it worse)
  6. That's great and all but more importantly I hope they start spending $$$ on making improvements within the front office
  7. Realistically and knowing Bills fans luck I have to say Dallas as much as it would suck
  8. Yeah I just recently read that new Brett Favre biography Gunslinger and the city of Green Bay really covered up for his ass big time during his prime 90s years. He was a wild dude in his younger years.
  9. Would never happen because I don't think it would have the national appeal but It would be cool to see a doc about the Buffalo Sports Fan in general. Could interview alot of locals and recap some of the heartbreaking defeats we;ve been through and talk about how many transplants are all over the United States and all the Bills Backers bars all over the place, show the tailgating scene. I know it might not sound too interesting on paper but Buffalo teams almost have a cult following and I think if done properly it could be interesting.
  10. Keep in mind most of those guys that have that holier than thou attittude towards sports were probably nerds that didn't play any sports growing up as kids and they are the ones that missed out...so I never really take it personally but it can definitely be annoying depending on how arrogant the person is.
  11. That is definitely true. I'm not sure how far back you are talking but I know the late 80s/90s were absolutely wild behind the scenes between Lawrence Taylor, the 90s Bills and Cowboys teams, 85 Bears, Brett Favre and early-mid 90's Packers. I enjoy reading books from that era that give you the behind the scenes stuff so you see how crazy it really was and I'm pretty confident what was going on back then was actually much worse than the current era.
  12. Wegmans Subs Chilli Wings Taco Pizza Spinach Dip Pizza Dip Cheesey Salsa Dip Cheese, cracker, pepporoni tray BEER
  13. Condolences and very sorry for your loss, at least he is now at peace. Another Bills Fan pulling some strings upstairs for us
  14. No. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time but the NBA didn't switch their logo of Jerry West to the iconic Air Jordan pose, Nor should they! You don't mess with history or tradition no matter what happens down the line. It's about paying homage to the pioneers of the sport. Lombardi's legacy will live on forever
  15. This is much more credible than when Willis McGahee said it
  16. Is it just me or is anybody thinking about how this is exactly the type of thing that would've happened to the Bills during their Super Bowl runs? I could just picture it being included in the 30 for 30 episode
  17. Blizzard of 77 was before my time so I would have to go with the Snowvember storm a couple years ago in 2014. But I do remember some very bad winters when I was a kid back in the late 80s early 90s, they seemed to be more consistent and ****ty back then
  18. In the social media era it just seems like professional sports are becoming less and less about the actual competition and more so about the backstage, lockerroom drama aspect of it. A comparision to WWE would work just as well as the soap opera angle. And I'm not talking about the conspiracy theories and outcomes being fixed(that's a whole other debate for another time). But look at the drama going on between LeBron James and Charles Barkley right now and the stuff about Kyle Shanahan losing the Falcons playbook. I'm not saying this has just begun now but it seems like we are ramping up to an all-time high where the behind the scenes stuff is almost becoming more important than what is actually happening on the field or court. I was talking to a buddy at work about this today and he completely agreed but I would like to hear some other sports fans thoughts on the topic as well.
  19. 20 years from now they could make one about the Bills playoff drought
  20. I think the saddest replies in all of these posts are the ones about people burying their fathers and brothers. It hits me right in the feels(not in a good way) whenever I hear about a Bills fan passing away having never seen them win the big one. My father is still here and well but we said goodbye to my grandfather in December of 1996 and I was just thinking about him the other day from the Bills perspective of never getting to see them win it. The old timers really deserve it more than anybody after those 4 losses. Not really a baseball fan but seeing the Cubs finally win the Series really hit home for me because I know we would go through all the same emotions if the Bills ever pull it off
  21. It was before my time but that Blizzard is just as much a part of Buffalo history as the 4 Super Bowl losses and No Goal. I enjoyed reading the spread in the Buffalo News today and will be interested to read people's personal first hand accounts on here.
  22. Gave them up a few years ago, I still watch all the games but I just don't get the personal enjoyment/satisfaction from going to the live games I once used to. And it's not just the poor product for me either even though that's a huge part of it. Times have evolved and the newer tailgating/parking rules suck and the "old-timer" Bills fans that I remember being at the stadium from when I was a kid are slowly but surely being weeded out and replaced by the new college aged Bills fans who are there primarily to get caught on camera being bodyslammed through a table in the parking lot. It's just not what it once was for me and I'm not in the financial position to keep getting season tickets just for the hell of it.
  23. I knew he sounded familiar to me
  24. No that will be Bucky's question That's hilarious, would make for a good meme
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