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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. If you were a Bills fan back then you were hooked for life
  2. I think the biggest difference is the modern day shenanigans is just dumber than the way the old-timers used to party. As the years go by things evolve and somehow the way college kids party now has transitioned into backyard wrestling(and it's not just Bills games, if you follow Barstool Sports they are constantly posting videos of the same kind of things that are happening at Bills games now happening at frat parties at colleges all over the United States). I don't know how or why this became a thing but I actually feel bad for the kids. If they think that is having fun, they should have been around to party 10-20 years ago
  3. Sabres...but more importantly BOTH teams seem to be heading towards the right direction
  4. Dazed and Confused
  5. Pearl Street 3rd Floor Patio is always nice in the summertime
  6. Too young to remember the Superbowls? The current college aged Bills fans weren't even born yet during the Super Bowls
  7. It will be interesting to see what we get out of Shaq this season and not just as an assessment of Shaq himself but McDermott as well. Afterall this guy is being praised as a coach that will get the absolute most production out of guys he coaches. Should be interesting indeed
  8. Hmm I see what your saying but don't entirely agree. I believe in the fact that somethings are made for the right time and place. Example, Billy Madison just had that early 90's comedy vibe to it and it went over huge back then. Not sure a movie like that becomes a mega hit if it comes out today. As for the kids still love him comment, have to disagree once more as I have an 18 year old brother and I have had talks with him on this subject before and his peers pretty much view Sandler as a joke and he was never considered a hip actor amongst their group growing up. I explained to him there was a time when he was extremely popular
  9. Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore are classics and were extremely popular back then, and those two still hold up pretty well. But I also think he jumped the shark shortly after that and people just became sick of him. Waterboy was goofy but still pretty funny. I remember back when I played football we would quote that movie a lot at practice. That's my boy was pretty funny. But he's had so many stinkers mixed in there. It's amazing how time changes things though, I remember back in the 90's when he was considered cool and edgy and now he's viewed as corny and lame.
  10. Ryan Leaf..it seems like he's finally got his life together
  11. That one's a good call Bias-Michael Jordan might've been the Magic-Bird rivalry of the 90s. Would have been really interesting to see how basketball history would've been rewritten with Len Bias around
  12. Why would you feel bad for Tim Duncan? He has 5 rings and will be a first ballot Hall of Famer
  13. Completely disagree with you here. Although Durant is a great basketball player I question how much fire burns inside when after just getting knocked out of making the NBA finals after holding a 3-1 lead you go and sign with that team that just beat you. In the olden days his ass would've been in the gym all summer working his ass off, working out with Westbrook trying to figure out a way they could co-exist and get their revenge on Golden State the following year. Can't sugar coat it, Durant took the easiest route available to a championship. That's not competitive drive
  14. Oh there's no denying our o-line was bad but at the same time what success did JP have after he left Buffalo and no arena football doesn't count Let's face it he just wasn't a great quarterback and it was an absolutely dumb front office decision to trade up for him, especially when we could've had a shot at Aaron Rodgers the following year
  15. There were some great NBA stars in the 90s that probably would've won a ring or two if not for MJ and the Bulls so I guess I would put some of them in this category(Patrick Ewing, Reggie Miller, Charles Barkley, John Stockton)
  16. I enjoyed reading that, this is the kind of stuff that makes being a sports fan fun. It transcends era's and time periods but the memories will always be there
  17. Then there was the 91 regular season game against the Steelers where we lit them up, Kelly threw 6 touchdowns that day. Man the younger kids probably can't fathom there was a time when we used to beat teams like the Steelers on a regular basis.
  18. No I know a few people in real life that knew Losman and I've seen similar stories posted on here over the years that JP made it well known that football was just his job and he would rather be doing other things in his down time. I guess he didn't even really like to talk about football much. Still a decent guy though as far as a human being. I know it's hard but if you want to land a franchise QB you gotta find the guys who eat, sleep, and breathe playing ball that hate losing more than they enjoy winning
  19. The Bills beating the Steelers in a playoff game...how surreal does that sound now?
  20. One of the knocks on Losman was that he didn't put as much effort into being a great quarterback as he could've. He just didn't have that kind of drive to be great. Tremendous effort= Brady, Peyton, etc.
  21. There are times when I'd give anything to go back to that time in my life
  22. I miss the days when we were known as the true 12th Man, just a blue collar, hard-working, hard drinking(that could handle their alcohol) rabid fanbase. They should do a documentary on 80's/90's Bills Fans and show the youngings how to really do it
  23. I remember the comparisons of being in the mold of Jim Kelly and Brett Favre when we drafted him..and then he turned out to be a surfer dude from Cali who never was truly passionate about football. To this day I still wonder where those comparisons origiated from
  24. Does he make this effort if Rex is still the coach?
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