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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I think these Josh Allen Bills teams end up winning more Division titles than the Jim Kelly Bills teams did which is really awesome The big question is can we build it up to get to the point where we are going to(and hopefully winning🤞) Super Bowls
  2. That's cool. Although the new stadium isn't for me, it is good to see stories like this where it is working out for some people. Congrats on the new acquisition. Hope you and your son get to experience many great memories in the new stadium!
  3. That's awesome! Congratulations to the both of you
  4. This team does feel more balanced but is lacking the explosiveness of the 2020 team. We were absolutely lighting it up on Offense that year. It reminded me of the K-Gun years
  5. I had no idea Amazon has an actual Holiday catalog but that makes me happy to hear. Hopefully kids can still get a kick out of that kinda thing
  6. The big ones were Sears, Toys R Us, and JC Penney. These things were a childhood staple in the 90s but I'm pretty sure the tradition goes back much further. I have been seeing these things pop up a lot lately on Nostalgia pages and have enjoyed reading people's personal stories so wanted to see if anybody on here has any good stories or memories from those days? I can vividly remember after Thanksgiving dinners my Grandma popping the question "So what do you kids want for Christmas this year" and before you knew it those wish book would be out on the kitchen table and we would be going over all the cool toys and just like that Christmas season was officially on. Much simpler times for sure, it makes me sad this generation of kids won't get to experience the joy it was to search through these catalogs while putting together your Christmas list.
  7. Although I generally agree with the Don't mortgage the future mantra....if they have any remote possibility to bring in Myles Garrett then you sell the farm to bring him in. That's the type of ballsy move that can put a team over the hump to being a true Super Bowl contender
  8. Oh I completely agree. I'm just saying that's exactly the type of player this Defense is missing.
  9. It would be AMAZING if we could acquire Lawrence but I agree it really wouldn't make any sense from the Giants standpoint
  10. Would not be my go-to dining experience but as long as the food is actually good it is fun to do an upscale dining night out once or twice a year
  11. Probably making Fish Tacos at the tailgate Off Topic...Did you end up making it to any of the Bills Backers events in Seattle?
  12. I don't have kids so it's been many years since I've participated in trick or treating except for just passing candy out at my house but I went to my brother's neighborhood tonight to see my Nephew's trick or treating and I was pretty blown away by how extravagant a lot of people's setups are nowadays. Instead of just answering the doorbell, most people sit out on the porch or hang out in their garage with tons of candy and even some small gifts and so many awesome decorations. One couple even had a cooler full of beverages they were passing out to the adults. Trick or treating has really evolved from what I remember in the 90s.
  13. Halloween is fun. I think most people really enjoy it. At least around here it is pretty big. I can't say it is my favorite but it is right up there with the big ones. I remember as a kid to me it always felt like Halloween was the big kickoff for the major Holiday season ramping up to Christmas.
  14. The Jets make me feel better about being a Sabres fan
  15. Finally got around to watching Carrie and Salem's Lot(new one) tonight. Both were pretty solid. I can see why Carrie is a classic but it's hard seeing these movies for the first time 50 years later and avoiding the movie feeling dated. For what it's worth I still think the original Halloween holds up so well to this day
  16. I think it has really evolved over the years. Especially living in the social media era, people see other people having a blast and then it becomes contagious. We have a group that has been doing an annual Bills road trip for at least the last decade but with the arrival of Josh Allen and the Bills becoming a very relevant team the Bills road game thing has ramped up to a whole new level
  17. Because of how many beers I consumed in Seattle over the weekend
  18. I was out there. Was an incredible time. I was really looking forward to experiencing the atmosphere inside Lumen Field and was excited to see how loud it can get but the Seahawks fans were a big dud. Don't get me wrong all of the Seattle fans I encountered over the weekend were super friendly and good people but I was talking to a local and he said the demeanor of Seahawks fans has changed a lot in the last decade. He said the crowds there have really quieted down over the last few seasons. I thought the stadium was awesome though, and I am sure the design helped out in the noise department even when the Seahawks were much better. It would be insane to see what that stadium packed full of Bills fans could sound like.
  19. So many... Dazed and Confused Fast Times At Ridgemont High Casino Goodfellas A Bronx Tale Wolf of Wall Street Almost Famous Coming to America
  20. I'm packing right now, bringing the rain gear and my Bills Winter hat. Sucks the weather is going to be what it is, I have never been out that way and really looking forward to exploring the city. Tomorrow looks dry at least, will probably get all of the sightseeing out of the way then and stay dry by hanging out at the bars on Saturday.
  21. I remember when he was drafted they really talked up how he was somebody that was going to be able to play both positions but it turns out he couldn't play either
  22. It's a cool city, a cool stadium and the fans there are pretty friendly. Denver is also full of a lot of good breweries and gastropubs. It was one of the marquee road games on the schedule that year so Bills fans were everywhere which always makes it a blast
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