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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. This guy clearly isn't Process Material
  2. Good Vegas wants a pro sports team? That's fine but they damn sure better be initiated through pure heartbreak before they get to experience the joy of seeing their team win a title.
  3. All these years later that was still one hell of a catch RIP
  4. Do you guys try to hit an away game every season? Over the last few years our group has made this our new Bills tradition and it's an absolute blast
  5. At first I was Super Confused about Baltimore being #3 but then I realized that would be part of Washington Capitals territory
  6. No but I know there's a still a couple of boxes of old toys of mine and my brother's from childhood collecting dust somewhere in my parent's basement. I don't know why but I told my mom "Do Not Throw Those Out" My grandpa passed away when I was still pretty young and he had a basement bar. After he passed some of the grandchildren each took a thing or two as a memento to hang onto. For whatever reason I grabbed this bottle of Tucson Wine that had a really cool Eagle Head shotglass on the lid of the bottle. In all honesty I didn't think much of it at the time it was just spur of the moment. I was young and this was way before I was into drinking lol but I managed to hold onto it all these years later and I have it displayed in my mancave, still unopened. I am saving that baby for when the Bills finally win a Superbowl
  7. We had the cheater box at my parents house growing up so we watched all the big PPV events back then.. The Holyfield-Riddick Bowe trilogy(I remember how outrageous the fanman thing was) Tyson's big comeback fight when he got out of jail George Foreman knocking out Michael Moorer to win the heavyweight championship at age 40 something! All the amazing fights with the little dudes of that era Julio Ceasar Chavez, Sweet Pea Pernell Whitaker, Felix Trinidad, De La Hoya I could go on and on The coolest part of all of it for me was just being appreciative my old man let me stay up late and hang out with his buddies for all the fight parties. I always thought it was cool back then and now all these years later I appreciate those experiences even more. I think getting exposed to the boys hanging out being boys at a younger age really helped me out with having good socializing skills as I grew up.
  8. Excellent thread topic...I saw Michael Buffer at the game earlier too and it also brought back boxing memories for me. So much so that I had to text my old man and tell him Michael Buffer was doing boxing style introduction's at the hockey game! Some of my all-time favorite sports memories were watching 90's boxing with my Dad and his buddies growing up. I will post more in depth tomorrow because I'm about to head back to the couch for the rest of the night to watch the hockey and basketball games.
  9. I don't really play video games these days but I was given a Super Nintendo mini for a Christmas gift this year and just recently had my tech savy buddy jailbreak it with tons of old school video games I grew up playing...I can't wait until I get a weekend with nothing going on to waste away hours playing those games just like I did as a kid. It will also be a nice way of filling the void of the NHL and NBA playoffs when they come to an end.
  10. Only Boston sports related thing I'm a fan of is Larry Bird. He was the truth
  11. Let's Dough Buffalo...excellent ice cream flavor...can't say the same about the team itself
  12. Trust me Beane and McDermott are no where near finished putting together the offensive line...it might be rough this season but they will continue to bring in the right pieces and build up a strong o-line. Trust The Process
  13. Although I think it's fair he never made the Hall of Fame...it's an absolute crime Biscuit hasn't been put on the Wall of Fame yet at New Era...He was right up there with Kelly, Bruce, Thurman and Andre as a face of the franchise in his playing days but as years have passed it seems like most have forgotten about the impact he had during the glory years.
  14. Do you have any examples of this? I don't doubt this but I am just curious as it's an interesting topic. I can vaguely remember hearing some reports of Kane and Eichel hanging out gambling together in Vegas before they played the Knights this season but other than that I really haven't heard of any instances of those two getting into any bad situations together.
  15. That's a very cool one. I remember I used to watch that video a lot every offseason as well when I was a little bit younger and it always brought back such amazing feelings of nostalgia..not just for the football games but for that era in general. I was privileged enough to have an amazing childhood and that whole era always gets me choked up a bit. As for recent times I gotta agree with the day It was announced the Pegula's had officially bought the Bills and there was finally a sigh of relief that they would be staying in Buffalo...all of the phone calls into WGR that afternoon really got me emotional. A distant 2nd to that memory was being in the stands when we finally beat the Patriots in 2011....by the 4th quarter the atmosphere was completely euphoric and I thought to myself so this was what it was like for my Dad and Uncles when they used to go to games back in the 90s
  16. Washington should(should being the key word) be able to get past Vegas without too much trouble. They are clearly the more talented team and it looks like they have finally found out how to play with championship level intensity and passion. Very good series against Tampa, I hope the SCF can be as entertaining of a series
  17. Staying home. Getting together with some family in town Saturday. Grilling some Steaks on Sunday. Golfing on Monday.
  18. Dawkins started using this as a catchphrase of his on Twitter, I think it started after the Indy game but he kept running with it after. Kid seems to have a great, enthusiastic personality!
  19. If the Caps played like they did last night consistently they would be the Penguins of this era
  20. Watching this game thinking about how far away the Sabres are
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