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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Kansas City was really boring. I didn't think it offered anything more exciting than what you would find in Buffalo. The BBQ was great so the food aspect was a wash. Cleveland is like going to a slightly bigger Buffalo but without the kick ass food spots so I would consider that pretty even. I'm sure Green Bay doesn't stand out as a more exciting city than Buffalo either.
  2. Yes football trip! LOL...ok that makes me feel much better about your original reply now haha Oh Geez I've misinterpreted this whole topic from the start When you said NFL city I thought you were talking about the experience of heading out to that city for an NFL weekend, I may have inadvertently hi-jacked your original topic a bit, my apologies!
  3. Exactly. I know Buffalo is an away game destination for fans of other teams because of the atmosphere the area and the stadium have. I have been in big cities before wearing a Bills hat and have had people strike up conversations with me saying that they really wanna make it out to Buffalo for a game someday
  4. Well obviously Buffalo wouldn't be paradise for a pure vacation but is it really that boring for a football trip? There are lots of bars and awesome places to go out and get pub food(having awesome food spots is a big plus any football trip), if it's just the boys going you can catch the Canadian Ballet(which I know is a huge draw when out of towners come in for Bills games) we've got some Casinos in the area and just the nature of Buffalo filled with passionate football fans everywhere I would like to think Buffalo would be considered a fun city for a football game.
  5. My group is doing Green Bay this year for our Bills trip but we have decided to stay in Milwaukee first to hang out and party as it seems there really isn't much else going on in Green Bay
  6. No that's not the topic the OP started otherwise my answer would be different.
  7. I've done NFL trips in Baltimore, Cleveland, Denver, Kansas City, and Chicago so far and in my opinion Kansas City was the most boring city..but I will give them their props for having excellent BBQ joints
  8. I didn't find this guy funny in the least bit...I could care less about the stuff he was poking fun at but he just has a terrible personality for stand up IMO
  9. Not as sad as the day Jim Lorentz retired...for me at least
  10. I will give two answers but coming from two different perspectives: From a childhood perspective: The Sandlot From a high school age to early 20's perspective: Dazed and Confused Both of these movies really capture the spirit of those times for me.
  11. Toughest SOB ever! Keep fighting the fight 12 Buffalo has your back!
  12. Man he's been in some great ones Forrest Gump Saving Private Ryan Green Mile Big Bachelor Party all great movies
  13. Agreed. These videos just aren't the same as they used to be. The music they use for these video's suck now. I used to get goosebumps watching these highlight video's in the 90's and not just because of how good the team was but because of how well they were put together.
  14. Damn. I would've liked to read that full article
  15. This brings back some great memories...I miss everything about that era
  16. I'd say he had about 5 extremely good seasons for the Bills and that was when the Bills were in their prime going to Super Bowls every year. It might be a different story had the Bills won a couple of those Super Bowls but he didn't stay on to have the longevity Bruce, Thurman, and Andre had. Biscuit was a huge component to the Bills success though, so many people forget about the season he had in 1991 when Bruce was injured most of that season and Bennett just wrecked havoc(he won AFC Defensive player of the year that season)
  17. Doesn't belong in the Hall of Fame but definitely should be on the Bills Wall of Fame
  18. We had it so damn good!
  19. I have no idea what actually happened over there and what the exact reason he was let go for so I can't really speculate on that. The case wasn't strictly about her either, she was apparently just one of the female employees he was involved with. Go Russ Go!
  20. I have no idea how well known that is but her name kept popping up in rumors when the Russ Brandon story broke. I know it isn't something that is out there in the public so that just added to the hilarity of the phone call.
  21. The only disappointing thing is I would have liked to have heard where he was going with the rest of his point
  22. Between the delivery of Ken the Caller and the way Sal handled it after was just pure comedy....Ken keeping it real
  23. Thank you! I thought they might've removed that part from the audio vault
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