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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I think it was already getting to that point before he appeared from what I remember but that certainly didn't help things. For the record, as a whole Married With Children is still one of my Top 5 Sitcoms of all time!
  2. Married With Children really fell off the last couple seasons...just became way too "slap sticky" and gimmicky.
  3. So he never ended up at New Era afterall? I remember that was the big rumor at the time
  4. The food at that place absolutely sucks but that's what you would expect from a place like that...it's a fun place to grab some beers and watch a Sabres game once in awhile but if you are going out for a meal that place would be at the very bottom of my list of what Buffalo has to offer.
  5. Losing both Briere and Drury at the same time coming off those back to back Conference Finals appearances was a swift kick in the nuts
  6. The Instigators show is very good. I wish we could get something comparable to that for the Bills.
  7. It's one of those bittersweet things I guess. On one hand it's very depressing when you see how things are today but on the other hand I am extremely grateful I grew up when I did and that I have so many fun memories from childhood. I do feel bad for the kids of today's generation though.
  8. Everything is overpriced at the airport my friend!
  9. There was nothing like growing up in the 90's...we played an insane amount of street hockey, football out in a field somewhere, riding bikes, building forts, and just getting into mischief in general....I mean sure we found some time for Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis but it's not like today where kids live through their phones and tablets and gadgets etc.
  10. Hey Pig, Save a bite for me!
  11. Yeah I sure do, I think the show accurately portrayed a big brother/little brother relationship in adolescence...I bet they ended up being close to each other once they became adults!
  12. The Wonder Years is one of my all time favorite shows. I've seen a lot of reruns of that show over the years because it also ran on different networks and was on Netflix for awhile. That was on towards the end of the classic Nick at Nite run. In fact when I first watched it, it was when I first entered middle school and could really relate to a lot of it...I mean completely different era's but same stuff! It was fun watching the series over again years later and from the perspective of adult Kevin that time. I also watched a lot of WWF as a kid I remember her appearing at one of the WrestleMania's back then and I think her show came on after Raw sometimes. She was SEXY! I could start a whole new thread for SNICK!
  13. Just killing some time scrolling through some of the TV show posts and I saw Nick at Nite referenced and that really took me back. My parents watched Nick at Nite and all those classic TV shows so naturally growing up I actually watched it a lot back then(I'm only in my mid 30's so all those shows are from way before my time). It's something I don't ever think about but after seeing it come up man does that bring back some memories of simpler times. I never really get to see any of those old shows now but I would still appreciate that era. I remember in the summer they would have a "Block Party" and have marathons of different shows each day of the week and since I was on summer vacation from school I can remember staying up late binge watching a lot of episodes and I remember Casey Kasem used to have a New Year's eve countdown that my family would stay up for and watch and we would have a bunch of snacks and stuff...keep in mind I was really young so it was exciting for that time in life. I'm not sure if anyone else can relate but I do remember Nick at Nite being pretty popular generally speaking and the nostalgia factor is pretty heavy for me on this one...simpler times man
  14. Good to see goals from Mitts, Sheary, and Okposo. Hopefully gives them some confidence and they can keep it going.
  15. Update* Ended up winning $650. Not a bad ROI on $65
  16. $65 this year(two $20 squares and one $25 square) and I have a lunch wager with a Patriots fan at work. I generally do a little more squares/gambling action on the big game but I've been feeling pretty Blah on the Super Bowl this year and have been busy with other stuff.
  17. Is it just me or did anybody else think Mittelstadt just had his best game of the season?
  18. Oh man a Mighty Ducks/ Two and a Half Men hybrid spinoff would be classic!
  19. Minimum of 2 years IMO..regardless of the cap space and draft picks we have, we still have so many holes to fill. I think that the fans that are expecting 10-11 wins next year are going to be disappointed.
  20. Yeah and as much as a I love Jim, Andre, Thurman etc....it's funny how years later they still get all the glory but whenever I watch old highlights from the 90s Bills games I am always blown away by how awesome our O-line was back then. Without a doubt having a solid line is one of the key ingredients to becoming a contender.
  21. Best- The Wonder Years. Simple yet affective. They didn't go for the Hollywood cliché endings when Kevin starts keying you into what happened in the future, how he did not end up with Winnie, his father passing away in a couple years. Felt like it was a good way to portray "The Wonder Years" were truly over. Very relatable for everybody.
  22. D4: Quest For the Minnesota Beer League Championship
  23. I think the Colts pull it off... But this should be a very fun game. Playoff football is meant to be played in the elements!
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