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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Milano is an absolute beast. He might be the best bang for the buck draft pick in the McBeane era which is saying a lot considering some of the draft picks they have hit on. Our defense is getting close to being something very special.
  2. So wait a minute there is a bar and restaurant that are next to each other called Thirsty's and Hungy's? That is genius
  3. I gotta admit I always get a good laugh when you can tell Murph is getting frustrated with the direction of some of Tasker's rants
  4. 1) It really is that bad when you are stacked with the team built to go all the way and you get swept out of the first round! 2) From the stories I've heard over the years they probably didn't leave the bar until the morning of the game
  5. This era's Tampa Bay Lightning are quickly working their way up the ranks in this category
  6. Yeah I've heard that about a lot of parts in Brooklyn and NYC in general is like that now. Crazy when you think about how it was when we were growing up.
  7. I was about an inch away from having a much cooler story but it is my best shot personally....Par 4....2nd shot about 120 yards out and hit my PW absolutely as pure and clean as you could and I stuck it about a foot from the pin and it rolled about an inch away from dropping in the cup. Would've given me my first and only Eagle. Luckily I didn't choke on the putt and still made birdie Some of you guys have some very impressive shots on your resume
  8. Have you seen that TV series yet called Unsolved about the 2pac and Biggie murders? It was on tv last year but you can find it on Netflix right now. It was very well done and pretty in depth and from what I've read is supposed to be pretty accurate. Very interesting stuff
  9. I belong to an LA Fitness, I'm sure that's not a popular choice on here but I don't mind it. Yes I am there to workout but I don't mind the social aspect of it. It's nice to run into old friends here and there that I wouldn't see otherwise. I feel more motivated in a gym atmosphere to push myself than if I was just doing stuff at home and I have a mancave in my basement so I wouldn't have anywhere to setup gym equipment at my house anyway. I try to go at least 3-4 times a week but sometimes it's only a couple if Life is busy getting in the way. I would say I pretty much always manage to get in there at least twice a week as a minimum and there are good weeks where I make it 5 times and every once in awhile 6 out of the 7 days of the week(extremely rare right now though) but my average is def 3-4 days/week.
  10. This guy needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap during all off-seasons going forward.
  11. He's very good friends with Jim Kelly. He always comes into town to play in Jim's golf tournament at Terry Hills in Batavia every summer.
  12. TV shows: The Wonder Years, Married With Children, Taxi, Cheers Movies: Nothing jumps out at me at the moment.
  13. I just read an article earlier in the week talking about Monday Night Raw had it's lowest ratings in years and reading about the numbers and dropoff but then later in the article it mentioned how they still beat out the NHL playoffs that night and it made me shed a tear inside.
  14. Anybody heading out to the Burgh for the Bills game in December?
  15. Exactly. For what it's worth I'm pretty sure they have already made fun of the Patriots and New England as being cheaters etc. before
  16. Would be amazing if Knox could be a Greg Olson caliber Tight End.
  17. Very cool! I went to the Bills draft party last year, it was a fun experience
  18. I know everybody had a lot of big plans for the first round last night but just curious if anybody is doing anything exciting for Round 2. I hosted a draft party last night in my mancave and I have tons of leftover food so I'm just gonna be at home watching and relaxing on the couch eating up all the leftovers. Less boozing than last night though, the older you start getting the more the next day hurts haha. Did have a great time last night though.
  19. Earlier today I was already picturing Oliver and Jordan Phillips out there together playing at New Era just going absolutely bonkers. It's gonna be fun
  20. I like bowling...bowled in a league when I was a kid and go maybe once a year nowadays. But I got a chuckle when I first saw this thread because I thought you were asking as in if anybody was a fan of watching/following professional bowlers and I was like I don't know if I've ever met a bowling "fan" in that sense lol. I can't really think of any other sport where I could say the same either.
  21. W...T....F.....reminds me of an early 90's WWF Gimmick
  22. Having a party at my place, can't wait
  23. Our group was really looking forward to doing Nashville this year but due to scheduling conflicts that one won't work out so we are going to do Pittsburgh instead(I'm just praying the Bills aren't out of the playoff race by then).
  24. I always thought the Buffalo Science Museum was cool. I haven't been in a long time now but I have some great memories going there when I was kid with the Cub Scouts and for school field trips. I even remember they had this event in the Cub Scouts where we got sleep overnight there and they had all kinds of activities and stuff....Wow just had some major nostalgia flashbacks there!
  25. Agreed 100%. It's amazing how much more Columbus wanted it in that series. I think the Sabres do still have a lack of talent issue but there is no way they should have underperformed to the level they did this year and it's clear they are a soft bunch. Bring in a couple pieces and get this group inspired and it can be a completely different ballgame.
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