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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Joey Joe Joe Shabbadoo
  2. Ed Oliver's strip and forced fumble against Dak has gotta be in my top 10. Total momentum changer in that game!
  3. Very cool. I'll keep my fingers crossed lol
  4. I was only a kid back then but it really was incredible, almost had a magical feel to me. Used to love ice skating around lackey plaza during that time of the year too. Probably a huge long shot but is your friend still making those DVD's? I would be willing to pay if I could get my hands on something like that
  5. Washington Wild Hogs They already have a movie named after them
  6. That was such a cool mall back in its day! Did you ever go to the Festival of Lights around Christmas time?
  7. We all have those little things we would love to do in the back of our minds that there just never seems to be enough time to actually get around to...Until this year. All of this Covid stuff has really thrown a wrench into our normal daily lives and routines and given a lot of us some extra time to get around to those random things we always talk about doing but never follow through. For me so far I have binge watched the entire tv series of Cheers(had never saw the show since its original run was just a bit before my time but have been wanting to watch it for a few years now) and have been going back and watching old WrestleMania's for the Nostalgia(I bought the WWE Network a few years ago because it was cheap and I figured it would be cool to go back and watch all of the old stuff as I watched it religiously growing up but once again never did find the time to watch anything on there until Covid hit). I have watched Wrestle Mania's 3 through 11 so far and would like to keep it going. I also found some time to go over to my parents and dig out all of my old sports cards that had been buried away in the basement over there. Next on my list is to watch the Soprano's which is a show I know I'd love and have always wanted to see but when that was originally on it was during a time in my life where I wasn't really watching much TV except for Sports
  8. I'm not really missing sports at the moment but I always love summer and it's playing golf season so that has always been my Sports fix at this time of the year. As others have mentioned no football in the fall will be the true test.
  9. Bills Raiders playoff game: JUST FREEZE BABY
  10. Nobody Circles The Wagons Like the Buffalo Bills When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us 72-10 don't mean a thing without the ring I know it was already mentioned but Where Else Would You Rather Be Than Right Here, Right Now would have been one of mine as well
  11. The thing I found the most confusing/interesting about the Patriots struggling with the Dolphins is it spanned many years and they were completely different teams over time. I could see if you were talking one era where one team that wasn't as talented but could give their division rival a run for their money I don't think that is too hard to believe but the Brady Patriots era spanned 2 or 3 different era's with completely different teams for both sides as time went on.
  12. New England lost a lot of head scratching games to bad Miami teams during their extended dynasty years. I always thought that was an interesting outlier.
  13. Serious question...If some stadiums are only allowing 14,000 fans to attend and you were one of the season ticket holders that were offered a ticket into the game would it even be enjoyable at this point? I'm not even referring to any health risks but to me the atmosphere would be beyond lame at that point that I would prefer to just watch the game on tv.
  14. There's still a lot of uncertainty with the virus so I can understand why some guys wouldn't feel comfortable when you think about how close contact is when your actually playing at full speed when the spit and sweat is flying. I just felt like you were belittling him by turning it into he's afraid to play. Afraid and not comfortable are two completely different things. My last comment was just a play on words from the post I was quoting you on but I agree it was still rather rude lol and I was not trying to make it personal so I apologize for that remark. Go Bills
  15. Diggs was at that practice. He never said he was "afraid" to play the season. The comments he made were legitimate. Some people are real idiots about what they post on message boards.
  16. I don't think he's going to have to worry too much because I really don't think there's going to be a season played this year
  17. These are also some very solid choices
  18. Easy two picks for me to get this ball rolling... Almost Famous Dazed and Confused
  19. The Hogs would pretty cool and would allow them to pay homage to their history. The current color scheme would still work well
  20. That was the best thing he did during his time in Buffalo
  21. Goodfellas Dazed and Confused Animal House
  22. Yes for me. I've always called Tasker the Michael Jordan of special teams Bill Parcells once said back in the Super Bowl days they had to spend more time game planning for Tasker than Andre, Thurman or Jim whenever they played the Bills.
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