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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Agree 100% brother. Those 5 teams are the field this year
  2. O-Line Rapp Rousseau Game ball for the fans who came out and braved the elements all night
  3. Since we've already done most annoying thought it would be fun to do the ones you actually love Elvis- Blue Christmas is probably the first one that comes to mind for me. It's nice too because it doesn't get overplayed like some of the others
  4. There was a poster here Gordio...I enjoyed reading his posts. He had some great stories about Las Vegas trips during March Madness Feels like it's been awhile since he's been around
  5. Had to work today so I didn't get to see the game but the Raiders getting 13.5 points going against this Chiefs team was easyyyy $$$. Easiest no sweat bet of the season for me. Each passing week that goes by the more confident I am the Chiefs don't make it out of their first playoff game this year
  6. This is a pretty good post. I agree with most of what you are saying but I haven't completed walked away from the NHL yet. Mostly in large part because of what the Sabres have meant to this town historically and the fact that as a Sports nut I am losing interest in so many others already it's hard to totally shut out the NHL but when I do watch games I find myself pretty checked out, it's been awhile since I have been truly entertained by an NHL game. I mentioned in my original post one of my best friends growing up was the biggest hockey nut and he quit following the NHL altogether for most of the same reasons you just mentioned. I keep hoping if the Sabres ever got really good again it would spike up the excitement level but who knows how long it's going to take for that to ever happen again.
  7. Tennis is actually the opposite for me because I never watched it or followed it in my life before but I started getting into watching Jessie Pegula's matches and meanwhile I have some family friends that are avid Tennis players and they have taken me out a couple times. It's something I want to continue to get into. I could use a new hobby
  8. Much better than being "In the Hunt"
  9. Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64. Those were the big ticket items back in my day
  10. I was a big Boxing and NBA fan in the 90s. At this stage I just don't have any interest in either one anymore. I wish Boxing would make a comeback because getting together for the Tyson fight thing was pretty cool even though that "fight" was an absolute joke. The undercard bouts brought back some good memories though when I used to be really into it. One of my childhood best friends was the biggest Hockey/Sabres fan I ever knew. Much bigger fan than I ever was. We reconnected a few years back and went out for some drinks. I learned he completely lost interest in the NHL and even the Sabres. Made me sad for some reason
  11. Interesting tidbit that I just learned last weekend that I really had no clue and thought was interesting but not enough to start its own thread on but actually fits in pretty well with this discussion... I think we all know Thurman was the MVP in 1991 but does anybody know who had the 2nd most MVP votes that year? Jim Kelly...thought that was interesting and puts some things in perspective for the crowd that thinks he sucked or was overrated. In his prime he was damn good
  12. We have some well cultured folks on this board 👍
  13. Gonna be a cold and possibly snowy night game at the stadium think we are going with a gameday Chili
  14. In any other year I would be happy to see Saquan win it It's been great to see Saquan and Derrick Henry have the seasons they are having this year. When I was a kid running back was the coolest position on the field, the biggest star on the team but then in the modern NFL the position really became a second thought and that bummed me out.
  15. It's pretty cool knowing there is some solid Bills-Chiefs history that predates this great Allen-Mahomes era. Has this current rivalry placed Kansas City on the list of one of Buffalo's all-time greatest rivals?(Combined with the history of the 60s and 90s too)
  16. He will never come out and publicly say it but I am sure deep down Josh wants to earn an MVP. You can't tell me winning the Most Valuable Player award at the highest level of your sport wouldn't mean anything to him But I feel like it's something that would also mean a lot to the fans as well. We haven't had an MVP winner since 1991. All the suffering through the drought years with B level players. It would definitely mean something
  17. I think any of them can qualify if you listen to them enough. Big key for me is to avoid all Christmas music until December hits and after December 25th I am done!
  18. Mighty Ducks and Homeward Bound stand out to me
  19. I think you really nailed it there. These times are a changing. I feel it around me all the time now. Sometimes it can be tough to accept to but then I think of the Marv Levy quote "If you don't change with the times, the times change you"
  20. Just scored tickets to the Thanksgiving Eve game on Wednesday. Will be my first game in person this season. Hopefully the Sabres show up and keep the W train going. Those Turkey Day eve games are usually pretty fun to be at, full crowd and everybody in Holiday mode. As long as the Sabres show up should be a fun night out
  21. I'd like to watch the Lions game but I don't have the NFL ticket and it's not on TV here. I'll probably keep tabs on the Chiefs game but I don't know if I'm going to want to sit through the whole game. Will probably watch GB-San Fran in the 4:00pm window
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