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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I think this is one of those rare instances where the credit can equally be split right down the middle. And not just because they are both doing a great job but because of the way they work together
  2. R.I.P...I knew we weren't going to make it out of 2020 without at least one more round of bad news
  3. That game was right up there as one of the most heartbreaking Bills games of the Drought. You could honestly make a case for it as #1
  4. I hate these uniforms. Mainly because they remind me of the Patriots old uniforms. Just doesn't feel like the Bills look to me. But whatever I'll get over it.
  5. Diggs has been laying out awesome downfield blocks all season. When we lost Robert Woods I was really disappointed but it wasn't only because of his receiving abilities but it was because he always played with some fire and was a nasty blocker. Diggs brings those exact same intangibles. That is the kind of guy you win with.
  6. I never felt that but I remember when Wentz first came out onto the scene and at the time it looked like Philly found their franchise guy I remember just feeling so depressed that another team had found their guy and at that time it felt like the Bills were never going to get a true franchise QB. It's crazy how fast things can change in the NFL
  7. I always thought the McDermott being too conservative criticism was way too premature. He never had the horses when he first got here to play an aggressive style of offense. I don't blame him for being conservative at that time. He always acknowledged that he knew the Bills had to get better on offense, score more points and play more aggressive. I always had faith that he wasn't just giving us lip service and he understood that to be the reality but he just needed the weapons to be able to coach that way. There were wayyy too many fans that gave him no patience and thought that McDermott only knew how to coach low scoring, conservative football.
  8. There's more parity in the NFL now than ever in my opinion. It truly is a week to week league in this era.
  9. How pissed are Bronco fans they didn't draft Josh Allen!? Whenever I think of the Broncos that's the first thought that pops into my mind
  10. I came to the conclusion that the most violent defense of all time was the 85 Bears. I came to this conclusion by using a formula that they have the highest percentage of highlights that would now be considered a penalty, fine, or automatic suspension.
  11. Of course a Super Bowl victory would be fantastic but this isn't a Super Bowl or Bust team either. We are just getting started and arriving to the big boys table in this league. We are a team trending upwards, I don't think the pressure to go all the way should be there yet but I think it's ok for fans to think it wouldn't be the craziest idea ever especially because there doesn't seem to be any truly great teams in today's NFL except for KC.
  12. Ordering it? No Trying to find a buddy who is getting the fight and scoring an invite? Absolutely
  13. "I've got that Phoenix feeling...Arizona's so appealing"
  14. Was there with my Dad and Brother. Still one of the best Bills games I've ever been to. Right there with beating the Patriots in 2011
  15. It just feels so good to finally have a Horse in the race again
  16. Although I don't see myself ever getting back into the game..it brings me a lot of happiness to hear that collecting sports cards is a thing again!
  17. She totally should've posed for Playboy back when she was in her prime
  18. I've had pretty similar discussions with myself when it comes to the Sabres over the last 10 years. Sports were just so cool and exciting when a lot of us were growing up and it is absolutely just ingrained in us at this point. I don't think Sports are nearly as entertaining as they once were and that cool mystique about Sports seems to be lost. I can totally see why they don't make the same impression on the youths of today although I find it very sad.
  19. When the Bye falls early in the season and the weather is decent I usually consider getting a round of golf in but otherwise I still just watch Football all day. Just with a lot less intensity than a normal Bills week. It is kinda nice getting a relaxing, stress fress football Sunday thrown in the mix once a season.
  20. I'm in WNY and mine is saying NE-Houston for the 1pm game Nevermind. When I checked last night that's what it was showing but I just checked again and now it is showing Baltimore-Tenn which should at least be a decent game
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