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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I think it's mostly an indication of how deep and talented this roster is right now.....when I think about the state of the Bills right now I ask myself everyday if this is real life!?
  2. Saw a Dateline episode about this guy one time. Was a wild guy who lived an interesting life to say the least.
  3. I vaguely remember somebody making a post in here about a great restaurant to get a Thanksgiving style dinner in NO but now I can't find it anywhere. Now that I know I am going to the game was hoping to look more into that. Did I actually read that before or was that something I have made up in my mind...Help!
  4. As a kid I always thought they would've ran the table 8 years in a row if Mike didn't leave to go play baseball but looking at it now and taking everything you said into consideration and the fact that MJ was insanely burned out after the first 3-peat it's hard for me to truly believe that anymore. But there will always be that "what if" where you can at least ponder the thought because Jordan was always that damn driven and if anybody could've found a way to will out a couple more titles while he was still in his prime it would be him. Also not sure they would've had the supporting horses in 95 if Horace still leaves and that would've been before Rodman went there.
  5. https://www.nba.com/bulls/features/sam-smiths-reflections-30-year-anniversary-bulls-first-nba-title Was anybody else into the Chicago Bulls of the 90s? Any fun memories or stories? Alongside the Bills Super Bowl runs those were my other favorite sports memories growing up. Only difference was the Bulls always came through at the end with the hardware lol. Damn 30 years ago since the first Chip? Where the hell does the time go?
  6. This was life back in the mid 90s
  7. This is a good one. That is something I wish I could get for my mancave
  8. For sure. Not that I expected one of the biggest badasses in NHL history to be a normal and well adjusted kind of guy though either.
  9. A Buffalo Bills Super Bowl championship ring...it doesn't get any more unattainable than that!
  10. I've been debating on watching this but every time I get close I can never bring myself to go through with it
  11. Thanks for this recommendation. Didn't know about this one until you mentioned it. Just got done watching it, it was very good although pretty sad.
  12. It's nice to see the Sabres win something...because it sure isn't going to be a playoff game anytime soon
  13. Nevermind the team..that was Rich Stadium in it's prime! 😍
  14. That was true for a very long time but not in the last couple years before the McDermott era. It was starting to get to be very hard to sell tickets
  15. It is. There's a few places in WNY that might have some variation of a garbage plate on their Menu but it's not a staple around here like finding Beef on Weck's and Stinger Subs. I usually head up to Rochester a couple times every summer to play golf and we always try to grab a garbage plate somewhere when we go.
  16. Walking and bike riding for me. Living in WNY it just always feels great to get outside and get some fresh air as much as possible during the warmer months of the year.
  17. Agreed. I was impressed with the way they handled the situation.
  18. Today's press conference should be a dousy! As The World Turns on Ice continues...
  19. I always wanted to attend a training camp as a WNY local but it was always one of those things where I would put it off and never make any real effort to make it happen...it was always one of those "well there's always next year" kind of things but I finally bit the bullet and went in 2019. Very glad I did because I had no clue what we were about to encounter in 2020 and who knows what things will look like for TC going forward. The past year has really taught me the lesson to never take ANYTHING for granted anymore!
  20. That is pretty interesting, what's your background...how did you become a fan of those two teams and where are you located that you have season tickets for both?
  21. Pizza and wings...can never go wrong with the staples
  22. Everybody always talks about the 4 Super Bowl losses but I still say the most underrated What If In Buffalo Sports history is the Sabres not being able to put enough talent around Hasek to win a Cup. Imagine Hasek in his prime behind the net for a team like the 05-06 Sabres
  23. Flip a coin between him and Gilbert
  24. It's really amazing after last season ended I thought there would be very few possibilities where they would be going for the first round pick in the draft this year but here we are 2 days out and the possibilities are endless. There's so many different ways they can go.
  25. Unless they pull off a big move to trade up and grab an edge rusher I am going to say Etienne or Harris
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