It's cool they did this study and interesting that Bruce is still number 1 when you tally up the years before sacks became an official stat. I had always heard growing up that if they counted sacks back in the day Deacon Jones would've been the all-time sack leader by far.
My biggest fear is starting to be Beasley. I think we should be able to overcome the current losses without any drastic hiccups but in losing Beasley we will lose an entire dimension of our offense. Hopefully this whole situation will smooth itself out but looking rocky right now.
In all my travels around the US, Milwaukee is by far the most similar city to Buffalo so I had a soft spot for them during this run.
But yeah Giannis is just the man! My favorite athlete in pro sports today outside of any Buffalo players
That would actually be pretty cool! It's funny I was just thinking about this driving through Erie last week on my way to a golf trip in the Cleveland area. There ended up being another group of Bills fans at the course that we're there for a Bachelor party and there was alot of fun banter between all the Bills and Browns fans all day. It would be cool if Buffalo, Pitt and Cleveland ever end up in the same division someday
It really is an interesting dynamic. I've always looked at WNY as a very regional area in general and to a degree consider Erie, PA an extension of WNY mainly for all the fun trips I made there during many summers to buy fireworks when I was younger. But I can also see the Steelers connection with Erie since it's in PA
Haha it's funny you say that because...and for the record I never post this kinda stuff on messageboards because I know it sounds made up half the time...but she did some lingerie modeling on the side and I used to have a bunch of her pics from her portfolio that would be share-worthy with my messageboard buddies!
But I'm not bragging because her personality was that much of a disaster...totally ruined the whole thing.
The three that come to mind for me were Kelly Kapowski, Kelly Bundy and Kelly Taylor from Beverly Hills 90210...
I remember thinking I hit the jackpot when I was dating this really pretty blonde named Kelly in my 20s but the joke was on me as she turned out to be a complete PSYCHO
Great call on Adventureland! I love Almost Famous but for me personally I don't really equate it with Summer Vibes but I can see your point
Stand By Me great choice! I debated putting Fast Times at Ridgemont High on my list but ultimately with them being in school it feels more like a Fall-ish kinda movie to me even though it took place in Cali
What movies truly capture the feeling of Summer to you?
From a childhood perspective- The Sandlot and Heavyweights
From an older kid perspective- Dazed and Confused
I've watched two out of the four episodes so far but The Kings...a docu-series on the Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard, Tommy Hearns, Marvin Hagler era of boxing...has been fantastic! Highly recommend for any fight fans on here.
As a local WNYer(not right in Orchard Park) who attends a lot of games I never really go out of my way to do this but I can see the appeal. I try to get out and about all over WNY as much as I can during the Summer so maybe I should try to add this stop to my checklist once a Summer or so...
I have been there though a few times on Non-gamedays for whatever reasons and it is a pretty cool experience because of how different the vibe is from gamedays. Cool topic.