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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. In my family we often talk and reminisce about the fun times we had growing up but I'm noticing a trend where the memories are becoming more and more jumbled and it takes 2 or 3 of us to put the correct story together sometimes
  2. That game and the 2002 Snowgame against Miami were hands down the two best games during the drought era. You picked a hell of a first game to attend at the stadium.
  3. The game that sticks out to me more was the 96 game against the Skins. I was at that game so that's probably why it sticks out for me I'm sure but it was a good one. Thurman and Derrick Thomas ran wild that day and Washington was something like 8-1 heading into that game? We beat them pretty good. A fond memory from my childhood! The ol' memory bank starts playing tricks on ya once you get to a certain age!
  4. Those kind of places are the backbone of WNY 🍻
  5. I understand that it's 2021 and where the league is as a business but for me personally I have no interest in paying more money for a much more watered down experience. I have already known before now that once the new stadium is here I am stepping down as a season ticket holder. No regrets on my end though, I will walk away with a lifetime of memories from all the years at the Ralph or Rich(only two stadium names that really count) and still attend games at the new place occasionally.
  6. My deepest condolences...although I haven't crossed that road yet I can imagine that being just as tough as anything you are going to deal with during your lifetime. 95 is a life well-lived though..cherish all the memories!
  7. Like I said I'm not in denial that fights are still happening just because I haven't witnessed any but I still think they have gone significantly down from what they once were.
  8. In all seriousness it's gotten much better over the last decade or so. That was a very true statement in the early 2000s for sure but I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a fist fight at a Bills game. Not saying they aren't happening to a degree but I used to literally see multiple fights with my own eyes at just about every game I went to back then but I really haven't seen a single fight in quite some time now.
  9. He seems very motivated and humble. The sky is the limit for this kid with the combination of that mindset and his natural god given traits.
  10. He looks like such a natural and instinctive football player. He could end up being the star player this defense has been lacking. Some guys just have it right out of the gate and this seems to be the case with Greg.
  11. Yep. I used to collect those cards actually, it was always exciting when a new issue would come out to see all of the newest cards. I wonder if they still have those in the current editions.
  12. Used to have a subscription to SI for Kids when I was growing up...To be honest I didn't even know it was still around
  13. That joke was already made like 4 pages ago...Get with it!
  14. Thanks I'll pass that along
  15. The Saints have a fully vaccinated policy in place? I know somebody in my group that was supposed to be going to that game who isn't going to like that lol
  16. The question is....why was that jacket in your basement to begin with?
  17. There was an indoor roller hockey team called the Buffalo Wings around that same time. They didn't last long at all. Maybe that's what you were thinking of
  18. I had completely forgotten about the Buffalo Destroyers...also didn't realize they only lasted a year. I would've guessed they were around for at least a couple.
  19. Reading through all these posts are really making me choke up a little bit. I can remember being a kid and one thing I was really aware of was that I knew at some point my Grandparents would pass away and remember thinking how difficult that would be...I've lost all of them except for 1 and she's 90 so I'm not sure how much time she has left. But my point is now I have already transitioned into thinking that at some point I will have to accept my parents no longer being here as well. It's crazy how fast time flies and things can change so abruptly. It's important to cherish every moment with your loved ones because at some point that's all it's going to be. My condolences to everybody in this thread that has lost a parent or both. I am already dreading for when that day happens for me.
  20. It's cherry poppin time!
  21. That would be cool, when you get around to it you should share some of those photos on here!
  22. Wow I remember that! I used to have that article from the Buffalo News laying around somewhere but doubt I could find it now. It's hard to believe that was that long ago already. That was back when the Pinto tailgate was still kind of hip and underground and not everybody really knew about it. Once Social Media came around and things started going viral the Pinto tailgate took on a whole new level some of it good and some for the worst IMO. I've got nothing but love for Kenny and his crew though those guys are amazing!
  23. I've always been a plastic card guy since they started giving the option but I have recently just discovered I have lost the actual card...I am now terrified at having to rely on the electronic tickets this season. Reading all of these different posts with issues hasn't been very reassuring either...Bring back ticket stubs!!!
  24. Alright you guys have me sold. I'm signing up tonight!
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