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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I know we've already done this with Guitar players and Drummers before but don't think we've done Vocals yet Robert Plant Chris Cornell Scott Weiland Billy Corgan(I know this won't be a popular choice and won't be on many top 4 lists but I'm ok with it, always thought he had a very unique voice for rock/alternative music) I love classic Rock but the 90s era had some phenomenal Singers in my opinion
  2. I honestly don't consume a lot of Caffeine....don't drink Coffee or Energy Drinks but Sugar would be a whole different story.
  3. That's the sign of a strong locker room right there
  4. I would think Sugar is even more addicting than Caffeine.
  5. "I don't want Pro Bowl Players. I want Super Bowl players"- Marv Levy
  6. RIP to a Legend...you can't write the story of the NFL without John Madden Does anybody know where I can watch the Documentary? I missed it on Christmas Day unfortunately and forgot to DVR it
  7. It's funny you see these stories all the time it feels like but whenever I go to the Galleria...which isn't that frequently but I was just there 3 times in the month of December for Christmas shopping...the place always seems fine. Is it really that bad there!?
  8. I thought I had it all but a Bills bathrobe would be pretty sweet
  9. It does seem like the Bills are starting to get hot at the right time of the year. The most encouraging sign for me is yesterday was the best the O-line has looked all season. Things do look interesting all of a sudden.
  10. I'll get back to you after the outcome of tomorrow's game
  11. I can totally understand that, when you have that much on your plate it would be challenging for anybody to pull off a major Christmas celebration. But I think you hit the nail on the head Christmas is much more about the simple pleasures and counting your blessings. One of my favorite parts of the last two days was getting to spend some time with my siblings that I don't get to see too often these days and reminiscing over great memories from past Christmases because no matter how crazy and hectic life gets the memories you have created over the years can never be taken away. My family exchanges gifts but we don't go overboard. I look forward to picking out gifts for everybody else much more than receiving stuff but I did get some cool things that I was very appreciate for.
  12. Update: Just got home from my last Christmas party and I will say everything came together over the last few days and felt much more "Chrismassy". All in all I did enjoy myself and was able to get into the Christmas spirit afterall....just seemed like it took awhile to get warmed up this year lol. Thanks for all the replies and good conversation in this thread. Merry Christmas to all of you!
  13. My name is as Vanilla as they come...I've been using it since I was much younger at the old BBMB. It was during the earlier years of the drought era but at that time the Super Bowl years didn't seem THAT long ago and I still would often watch the old highlight videos and read books about the Bills glory years etc so even though we sucked I was a prideful Bills fan....figured I would throw in the number 12 for good measure and I'm sure I don't have to give an explanation on what the number 12 represents. I have thought about updating my name on here once in awhile but I also can't seem to bring myself to go through with it. Think I might be stuck with it for life now!
  14. That's awesome! That's the way it should be....Merry Christmas!
  15. Exactly! I will be the first to admit my personal Christmas experiences are different than what they were years ago and I totally understand that. But my point was to just get a pulse of how people on the board were currently feeling. No I wasn't stereotyping the entire American society but from my own personal sample size this year....Co-workers, neighbors, friends, strangers at the stores/mall..people are definitely not "into it" from what I have seen. Literally have heard things over an over such as "I didn't even put up a tree this year" "I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet" "I'm just not in the Christmas mood this year" I do think the struggles with the Pandemic and everything that has come along with it(financial issues, division over personal beliefs about the virus/government) have played a major role. Obviously that doesn't mean everybody feels that way and I'm sure people with young children are soaking in all the Christmas magic and that is great! I just hope things calm down and settle in this world a little bit going forward and people can get back to enjoying the simpler things in life but right now it just seems like people are burned out.
  16. Some good replies so far. I agree that Christmas itself has been over-commercialized over the years and people are generally pretty stressed out with life right now so that makes it hard to enjoy but as a kid I really loved Christmas and try my best to embrace the spirit of it even when sometimes it feels pretty forced. I have spent the last couple nights watching some of my favorite Christmas shows/specials from when I was a kid and that has helped more than I thought it would getting my mind back to more of a Christmas spirit.
  17. Not sure if I am right about this but from my general perspective it feels like people are just going through the motions this Holiday season. I also think it's been trending that way for a few years now. I'm not sure if everything that is going on with the Country these days contributes to it because it just seems like everybody is burned out but the Holidays don't feel like they used to, almost like nowadays people are just trying to get through them lol. Anybody else feel that sense from people around them? I'm curious because it could just be the way I see things these days because I am getting to that age/stage in life where nothing really feels overly exciting anymore but I have also talked to a ton of people who said they don't feel in the Christmas mood at all this year so I do think there's some truth to it.
  18. This entire season has been a disaster....this is just Par for the course
  19. When did he ever give up that hobby?
  20. That's a very fair point!
  21. Imagine if Kelly and the Boys had to play one of their Super Bowls in Vegas
  22. At the end of the day we need to get better and stronger in the trenches. Yes that will help us out exponentially in the weather element games but we still need to upgrade that area for any conditions. Having a dominant and physical offensive line is a key component to having a Championship caliber team regardless but it allows you to play a different style of football in the cold/snow/windy conditions like the Colts and Patriots games. It has become quite obvious at this point our offensive line might've been masked a bit by how well Allen and everybody else was in synch and defenses not having an answer for our attack last season. I always make a point to bring up how everybody always talks about Kelly, Thurman and Andre as our big 3 on offense back in the Super Bowl years but when you go back and look at the highlights from back then try to focus on the Excellent offensive line play we also had.
  23. What year was the field house built? I'm just curious and I really don't have a clue when that would have been.
  24. For the younger/trendier crowd it's a place to be, a place to be seen, a place to take a bunch of pics to upload on Social Media. I like the aspect of running into friends at games but I'm ultimately there to watch the game itself. Each passing year it loses a little bit of the gameday magic for me personally. I think mostly because the atmosphere has slowly but steadily changed over the years.
  25. Bingo! I've had the same observation this season. The homefield advantage isn't what it used to be. My theory is alot of the older fans have been drifted away from going to the games over the recent years and it is a much younger crowd who probably weren't even born yet during the Super Bowl years when Rich Stadium would truly be rocking.
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