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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Tie between the Chiefs and Rematch with the Patriots
  2. I browse Twitter occasionally mostly for sports and entertainment related topics but I'm not somebody who takes Twitter as the Gospel
  3. But there would have been a TON of playoff implications going into last weekend if that was the final weekend so I don't really agree with this argument either but I get your point. Love it...but would much rather be anticipating playoff football than another regular season game going into this weekend
  4. We should be watching playoff football this weekend!!! We don't need an extra week of regular season football to know which teams belong in the playoffs. And yes I know that the NFL's reason for this is simply $$$$$$$ But I'm just asking from a fan's standpoint. I said from the beginning it was dumb but when it was first announced a lot of people were excited for it saying it was good to see more football etc. but from what I have been seeing on Twitter and other sources now that we are actually here it seems like most people are changing their tune and admitting an extra week of regular season football instead of jumping into the playoffs is stupid. Where do you stand?
  5. It's just hard to stack up compared to this year when we had Nashville, New Orleans, and Tampa on the schedule and the anticipation for Vegas the year before. With that said Chicago would be a pretty fun football trip
  6. Just wait until Boston Jack hits the scene
  7. Already been there Agreed. If I do a road game next year that one will probably be it. I've been to Chicago a couple times, great city. I've even actually been to a Bears game at Soldier Field years ago but it wasn't for a Bills game.
  8. Yeah I would love to see a Bills game out there but in no way am I rooting for the Patriots to win the division
  9. I take that back, I didn't realize playing in Vegas next year is still in play right now
  10. Pretty big letdown for the big road trip destinations compared to what we had this season
  11. Great stuff. Some guy called in on the Extra Point show with Sal Capaccio today and complained about there being too much Madden coverage and how he was sick of it. Sal handled it well and obviously disagreed with the guy but pretty much everybody on Twitter and that called in after was roasting the guy. The next guy that called in called him an idiot
  12. I had learned of this a couple days ago reading up about some of the Madden stuff. Then last night I was watching the Packers Vikings game and they were playing a bunch of his old clips where he broadcasted games from Lambeau and was gushing and raving about how amazing the atmosphere was there and how it was his favorite city to go to for a game. It made me sad he didn't get to spend more time in Buffalo because I think it would have been right up there for him with Green Bay for the experience. Madden definitely had a Buffalonian kind of personality.
  13. Just like the cookie
  14. Feels good that we're no longer talking about us these days
  15. The Colts still had Luck though at the time, that's the only team on the list that I can't fault them for not taking Josh. Was just having the discussion with a friend at the gym today about how in the world did Elway miss on drafting Allen to the Broncos.
  16. Cool idea for a topic. A couple bands that jump out to me for having a unique sound: Smashing Pumpkins and Flaming Lips I'm sure I can add some more after I think about it
  17. No I don't think it would do anything for me. The passion for the Bills and Sabres are ingrained in me from childhood memories. I don't think at this stage in life I could get that into a "minor" league football team even if there was a Buffalo association with it. Besides once it's Spring time my mind is on golf season With that said I think a team would do well enough here in Buffalo because a lot of people would definitely jump on board.
  18. To be determined...I still have a few diet adjustments I'm going to need to make for the long haul
  19. No I would welcome a rematch to get some revenge on them...16 weeks later and that loss still pisses me off
  20. Agreed! That's why I enjoy these top 4 discussions for various topics on here because I like hearing the variety in people's answers.
  21. I didn't intentionally mean to be sexist with my list..Ha..but it's so hard to narrow it down to 4 choices but Stevie Nicks as well as Janis Joplin belong in the discussion
  22. Great call on Freddie he could've made my list if I was asked this on a different day haha
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