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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. This has to be a new rule just put in place then because I used my card to enter into the playoff game last season.
  2. Ok that's fair we can move Josh up to Number 1 after next season
  3. Small programs like that are always just going to be used as a stepping stone for coaches and players to get to that next level. It's sad though if you are a local or fan of that said program but for that reason alone I don't think I could ever get attached to any small time college program. I have never really cared about any of the local college teams in WNY.
  4. Sal Cappaccio just reported on WGR 550 that Diggs was extended 4 years. I can't believe how many people out there actually thought he was going to be traded lol
  5. It's crazy because for awhile it seemed like NYC turned itself around from what it was during the 70s-90s to be much safer. Sounds like it's trending in the opposite direction right now.
  6. One of my favorite RJ calls of all-time and Jim Lorenz with the assist on the greyhound bus comment! I was at the game Friday and during the video presentation when they showed this clip there was a deafening ROAR from the crowd. It was awesome!
  7. Put me down in the I enjoy visiting but wouldn't want to live there category. I've only visited twice in my life but enjoyed both times. The first time I went I was only 18 so having grown up in WNY and not doing much traveling as a kid, getting to go to NYC then was a great introduction to seeing big city life. It had the larger than life feel for sure. I think I always felt a cool mystique about NYC going back to being a little kid and being really into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(the first two movies take place in NYC) and then was a huge Seinfeld fan growing up right through now and the show always made NYC seem fun. I haven't been since 2009(it's funny how that seems so long ago now😥) so I guess that's enough time where things could look and feel completely different than it was then. That time I went I was with my Dad and Brother and will be a memory I will cherish for the rest of my life.
  8. The Sabres haven't been winning by dumb luck it's because they have so many talented young players that are clearly developing and getting better and better. Gotta give credit to Donny Meatballs. I think he has done a hell of a job with this group. Don't get me wrong there is still a lot of work left to do but they are trending in the right direction.
  9. Dazed and Confused Dumb and Dumber Tommy Boy
  10. I have always found that interesting myself. While it's hard for me to say since I'm still in WNY, I have a hard time believing I would just give up the Sabres if I ever moved out of the area. They were such a huge part of my childhood growing up.
  11. I was at the game. Incredible atmosphere and the Sabres really knocked the entire ceremony and gamenight presentation out of the park. The team showed up and played hard. There was no way we were going to lose that game. An all around win for the team, the fans, the organization and of course the man of the night RJ himself!
  12. From things I have now seen it looks like it's officially a sellout. I haven't been this excited for a Sabres game since the playoff years. Will be the first time for many of the youngsters on the team to play in front of a juiced up home crowd. Donny Meatballs should have the boys fired up. This is a game they NEED to show up for.
  13. Oh there's not a minute of the day that goes by that I'm taking any of this for granted! Go Bills!🍻
  14. Oh it's definitely going to be a full house! But that doesn't mean it's an official sell-out yet. I know as of today it was pretty close, I would imagine by puck drop we will be there. Kinda similar to how there were doubts the Patriots playoff game would be a sellout but once it got closer toward gameday there was no doubt.
  15. Any official word on this game being a sellout yet?
  16. Yes I would say so, I mean I'm sure I would be a big Bills fan regardless but some of my earliest childhood memories were the Bills Super Bowl teams and everything that came with it. I'm a very Nostalgic person in general and everything about that time period was special to me. I'd say for my generation it was a very unique thing to have grown up only knowing the Bills as a powerhouse team going to the Super Bowl every year as a young kid for that to shift into them being a joke every year for the rest of our life until now
  17. Thank You! It's a bittersweet moment for sure! So grateful to be in attendance and get to witness it but I am so sad the time has finally come for RJ to step down. He is really the last sports icon that has been around since my childhood
  18. I'll be there! Really looking forward to it. Was also at the Eichel return game and had a blast.
  19. His main issue was his attitude/personality/lack of character. Perfect example in the differences between those drought year regimes and how Beane/McDermott run things.
  20. Woods would've fit in great with this current regime
  21. Tuch and Krebs>>>Eichel Tage>>>ROR
  22. Wait a minute... The Rams have a fan forum?? The Rams have fans!?
  23. I went to the University of Buffalo but also commuted. I made some friends that I hung out with back then but they weren't friendships that lasted the test of time. It's definitely a different ball game when you are living on campus for establishing lifelong connections and friendships.
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