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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I think Buffalo really elevated itself on the National level after that Chiefs Divisional round game. I think just about every NFL fan would agree that was the best game of the entire playoffs
  2. I was on Pins and Needles watching that OT and Shoot Out last night. Definitely felt like the playoffs....I can't wait for the Blue and Gold to make their return...Hopefully next season🤞
  3. Kay Adams is weird to me...I feel like she's a total smokeshow and yet completely overrated at the same time. I don't know if there's any other female on Earth I feel that way about
  4. Yeah I was wondering as well if anybody can provide some ticket price estimates? I wanted to do this game for my road game this year but Chicago is sounding more likely
  5. The NHL Playoffs are amazing. It's been heartbreaking having the Sabres out of them for over a Decade now.
  6. I think it would be one of those things where I'd be so jealous he wasn't on our team. His personality is just such a perfect fit for Buffalo...after everything we've been through over the years as Bills fans it's still surreal to me how this fell into place.
  7. Dude you're missing out on the beauty of Sports if you only watch your team when they are in the playoffs. It has been such a fun season watching this team put everything together and climb out of the cellar.
  8. We all knew Allen needed some development time but in no way was he ever considered a Diamond in the rough guy. There were legitimate talks of him going number 1 overall. Still ended up going 7th overall. Total Denial LOL.
  9. Where have you been? Didn't you know the Bills are media darlings now
  10. Imagine how Cleveland Browns fan must feel about it
  11. It doesn't surprise me at all that the Browns and Jets bungled this thing but to this day I still can't believe the Broncos didn't take a chance on Allen
  12. But did you hear this from Harrison Phillips best friend?
  13. I don't want the season to end 😥
  14. I watched this last night and it was hilarious! I was really into the old school WWF years and although I don't really follow it now, I pay attention a little on Twitter and places like that and somewhat familiar with who some of the new guys are. But anyway when I saw that Raw was in Buffalo last night I knew that I had to tune in to see some Bills/Josh Allen references and it did not disappoint. When looking into the crowd sometimes it looked like there were more people there for a Bills game than a Wrestling show...so many Bills jerseys/hats/signs...even a decent amount of Sabres stuff too. I legit was cracking up when the Shout chants started up during the wedding segment though lol.
  15. Having a miserable day at work(nothing out of the ordinary) and was thinking about this post and how much I would rather be at Recess out on the playground right now
  16. It wasn't a regular thing, just something they set up for us my last year in Elementary School! From the perspective of a kid it was definitely awesome! We always had a "Field Day" type thing on the last day of school during Elementary years. They would divide all the kids into different teams and have all types of events...I remember tug of war but don't really remember what the rest of them were. I wonder if they still have it nowadays
  17. We didn't have Recess in middle school or high school. Our gym class would occasionally have us outside playing touch football or wiffle ball and stuff like that on good weather days. Now elementary school recess? Man you just unlocked some memories I haven't thought about it in a very long time! Those days were legendary....football games that would break out into full tackle games sometimes, Dodgeball games, Tag, and I'm sure all sorts of games were made up back then too. You know just kids being kids. I remember at the end of the school year they even let us have a Super Soaker war at the end of the day on the playground. Yeah where can I sign up to go back and relive those days?
  18. Buffalo...A Drinking Town with a Football Problem
  19. It's amazing how far the Sabres Defense corps has come from a few years ago
  20. Before my time unfortunately so I can't claim them
  21. Obviously 99% of us were brought here by the Buffalo Bills and we are all waiting for that one....but I also know we have a lot of different people here with different backgrounds and hometowns and people have other teams they follow. So have you ever seen one of your teams win the hardware? Feel free to share any interesting stories that go along with the experience. As for me I am a pure born and raised WNYer so my true teams are the Bills and Sabres...so I am still waiting for the big ones. I do like Syracuse in the NCAA so technically them winning in 2003 was one of my teams but it didn't bring me to tears or anything, I was just really fired up. I was also really into the Chicago Bulls in the 90s and claim them as a team but they were already great when I got into them so I have a hard time counting their titles as well.
  22. It seems like each passing year the NFL...and life in general...gets a little less fun I love the team the Bills finally have but I wish the presentation of Sports was still how it was 20-25 years ago
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