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John Gianelli

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Everything posted by John Gianelli

  1. It was a revelation to me when I discovered I could listen to the Spanish translation of the games by switching the language preference on my tv. I do that now whenever it's an option. I do understand Spanish, and I can say that I seldom hear the inane comments most announcers make on our main networks. Just old-school play by play, and a little commentary, with high emotion. But the emotion comes across naturally, not forced as it does with many English-speaking announcers who are perhaps trying too hard to sound excited. "Josh Allen, QUE FUERZA!"
  2. That was Rocketship 7 in the morning, right?
  3. Darn, when I saw this thread I was hoping there was a lineup shuffle. Then I saw the original post was from September. The guys on Buffalo Fanatics which can be found on YouTube are much, much better than anybody on WGR except Sal. If you've ever listened to the post-game show "The Rico Report" on Buffalo Fanatics, you'll never listen to WGR post-game again.
  4. Didn't read through all 7 pages, but does anyone else think that we could lose 95% of the current sideline reporters and be better off? I enjoy Sal, but just about everyone on the major networks is just terrible.
  5. Kyren Williams of Notre Dame might still be available in the third round.
  6. Following similar logic, let's take Greg Bell. We tried that in 1984 and he rushed for over 1,000 yards.
  7. Sorry if anyone else already posted this. Refers to a certain rugby player. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTkpAnKZE84
  8. Couldn't have said it better myself. You speak for thousands of us.
  9. Didn't want to go through 19 pages of thread to see if anyone had posted it yet. But what the heck, can you ever hear this too much?
  10. I thought it would be in the first five replies. But eighth isn't bad.
  11. Listen to some of the testimonials on YouTube. Many former players say he was the best, or one of the best, football players they'd ever seen. They talk about his combination of size and speed. Derrick Henry's times for the 40 at the combine were 4.52 and 4.54. Cookie ran the 40 in 4.6. Henry may be faster, but not a lot faster.
  12. I'm barely old enough to remember Cookie Gilchrist. I think Derrick Henry is cut from the same mold.
  13. From another site: Fortunately, and miraculously, Robinson jogged off the field after the landing. The result could’ve been so much worse.
  14. Is this it at 4:45?
  15. My Mom died at 96 in April. Every game, I'm still picking up the phone to call her, until I remember.
  16. Next time the Bills play on Sunday Night Football, try watching it on Telemundo Deportes. You don't need to know Spanish to love it. (No Collingsworth!) https://vplayer.telemundodeportes.com/p/BxmELC/deportestm/select/media/POlItNErwiq9
  17. I muted and watched it on the Telemundo Deportes app. It was awesome. Even if you didn't understand Spanish, you could follow what they were saying. And not just no Cris Collingsworth, no Michelle Tafoya either!
  18. Thanks for the interesting thread. You'll have to trust me on the old-timers. The Bills dominated the league in 1964 and 1965. Gilchrist should be right behind Simpson and Thomas. McDole and Sestak were great defensive linemen and should be right up there. Chandler and Butler should be on the WR list before Tasker and Beebe. But Tasker would be on the all time 53 as ST not just for the Bills, but for the league. Who is the Glenn on the O-line? Not Cordy Glenn? DId you mean Glenn Parker? I would place Joe Devlin, Stew Barber, Donnie Green, Mike Montler or Paul Seymour ahead of Cordy Glenn.
  19. Born in '57. Listened to the '64 game on the radio, watched the '65 game on tv.
  20. Anyone else see #89 and wonder why someone was wearing Steve Tasker's number? That was Walter Broughton, who played receiver from 1986-88. Broughton later changed to #81.
  21. Am I reading this wrong, or did you instead mean to say "do not automatically translate"?
  22. That's my earliest memory too, watching the game with my dad on t.v. I'm not quite as old as you. I was 6 at the time!
  23. Sorry, Damon Amendolara, who has a nationally syndicated sports talk show in the morning on CBS Sports Radio. They call it The DA Show.
  24. Lisa Ramos was just on the DA show, giving major props to Bills Mafia, local wings, and just about all things Buffalo. She basically said Bills fans are the best. DA didn't seem aware that Wade hasn't been active for regular season games though.
  25. I liked the idea of Mighty Stadium, but like Super Mighty Stadium even better.
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