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John Gianelli

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Everything posted by John Gianelli

  1. Sideline reporter Aditi Kinkhsbwala just said she is one of the 50 MVP voters? Makes me wonder about the award.
  2. That still shot makes it look like the Bills helmet is blue. I always thought it would be cool to have an alternate helmet, red buffalo on blue background.
  3. I'm a parish priest, and had 12:00 Mass here in Cincinnati. By the time I got to the Bills Backers bar in Northern Kentucky, Buffalo was losing 10-3. From the time I arrived, the Bills scored on every drive. Just saying...
  4. Perhaps I should have included a sarcasm emoji in the original post.
  5. I'm so glad that WGR is apparently giving middle school students an internship opportunity to maintain the website for the flagship station of an NFL team, and keep it up to date with the very latest news. I realize the kids aren't in school on the weekends, and probably have a lot of homework, which is why the "LATEST from WGR Sports Radio 550" section this morning talks about who's questionable and who's out for the game against the Cardinals. I'm a bit baffled though as to why those interns decided to go with the Audacy app which doesn't allow you to listen to the Bills game live. Luckily I was able to listen via the Arizona Cardinals' station website as I was driving along the interstate.
  6. McDole was an end, wasn't he? Jack Kemp had terrible stats, but he led us to two consecutive championships and he had the heart of a lion. If Mt. Rushmore is for leaders. He's got to be up there.
  7. Ed Podolak.
  8. I seem to be missing something, did you edit out all the celebration dances and skits after his touchdowns?
  9. According to an online inflation calculator, $22,000,000 in 1972 is worth $158,336,842.11 today. So the cost increase alone for this stadium is only slightly less than what it cost to build the entire stadium in the first place, adjusted for inflation!
  10. Not sure how many folks are like me. I'd like to just go watch a football game and pay about $40 for a ticket. I'll eat before I go. I'm willing to sit outside in the elements. I want to see a competitive team on the field. I suppose I need a time travel machine back to the 90s.
  11. I lived in the Philly area for nine years, and I believe the host who sets the standard for sports talk radio is Jody McDonald (Jody Mac) of WIP, who also has a gig at WFAN and subs at times on CBS Sports Radio. He knows sports (his dad was a MLB exec), he has a good knowledge of many different sports, he stays away from politics, he is conversational, and he respects the callers unless they say something outrageously stupid. We don't have anyone like him in Buffalo. Way back in the 1970s Stan Barron with Free Form Sports was the closest that I can recall.
  12. Commercials: a great time to use the mute button, and get to those unread emails.
  13. Another possible advantage for the Bills versus Miami: In the Cincinnati game, the Bills defense was on the field for about 4 minutes. The offense was on the field for about 6 minutes. Because of what happened to Damar, the Bills went through a grueling week mentally and emotionally. But physically, not counting the injury to Taron Johnson, didn't they and Cinci both get in effect a late-season bye week in that it gave them a chance to recover a little bit from the bumps and bruises that accumulated over the previous 16 weeks?
  14. In the Cincinnati game, the Bills defense was on the field for about 4 minutes. The offense was on the field for about 6 minutes. Because of what happened to Damar, the Bills went through a grueling week mentally and emotionally. But physically, not counting the injury to Taron Johnson, didn't they and Cinci both get in effect a bye week in that it gave them a chance to recover a little bit from the bumps and bruises that accumulated over the 16 weeks?
  15. Not sure if this has been brought up already, but considering what happened to Damar, this past week was undoubtedly the most emotionally and mentally taxing anyone could imagine for the Bills. But because they played less than a quarter of football, from a purely physical standpoint was it almost a quasi-bye week situation? Did it give guys some extra time to heal those bumps and buises that have accumulated over a long season?
  16. Haven't had a chance to read all the threads, but did anyone suggest that despite the emotional trauma the Bills endured this week, the fact that they were on the field against Cincinnati for less than a quarter might serve as a quasi-bye? Of course their minds and hearts were exhausted, but the short amount of time spent on the field might have given the physical bumps and bruises incurred over a long season some extra time to heal.
  17. Just to illustrate the difference in airports, the director of operations for Buffalo-Niagara International Airport this morning said we have 4,000 gallons of pavement de-icing fluid ready.
  18. No sooner do I ask that, he catches a td.
  19. I missed a few minutes. Was Diggs out of the game for a while?
  20. Why not roll out Josh? If he's sure he can gain a yard or two, let him run. If he thinks he'll get sacked, throw the ball away.
  21. I would love to see this, but the NFL would never do this. It makes too much sense! You could call it the "Karma" rule, so teams like Miami that designed their stadiums that way get a taste of their own medicine.
  22. When will the schedule makers start giving the Bills more home games in September and October?
  23. Check this out. It's the first game highlighted that week on AFL Highlights.
  24. Did anyone mention Buffalo Fanatics yet on YouTube? Best Bills-centered commentary.
  25. Don Criqui. Honorable mention to John Madden and Keith Jackson. Special award to Ray Scott, who had a great economy of words in the 1960s. For example, "Gabriel...Casey...touchdown!" And special commendation to the Spanish-language announcers. They have made watching Sunday Night and Monday Night Football bearable. Only good sideline reporter ever was Kevin Kiley, who worked for TNT. He is the sole sideline reporter I ever heard who asked intelligent questions. Do you know where he played college football? University of Wyoming.
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