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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. Anyone wanna bet that Pooj starts the bidding for the removed boobies?
  2. You guys aren't even close.. it's Dick LeBeau.
  3. My neighbor's brother can attest to that.. he was am extra in Surrogates (played a kid in line to get into a club) he said it was a really cool experience, but all the extras were told in no uncertain terms that if you talk to Bruce Willis, we're kicking you off the set.
  4. Why do people continue to care?
  5. The ability to slap the **** out of stupid people through the internet.
  6. While the picture in the article is very nice.. I was really hoping for some before/after photos.
  7. Maybe Ralph could put in a good word with Detroit to start talking Millner up.. (except, I think Detroit would really like Millner.)
  8. Remember the year when Barkley was going to be the run away choice for #1 pick.. 'cept he stayed in school.. and then there was the year that Locker was going to be the #1 pick.. and he stayed in school. All of a sudden the following year they weren't consensus #1 picks anymore. No one knows what next year's draft class is going to look like until next year. Manziel could have a down year or get hurt or whatever. I'm not advocating taking a QB at #8 no matter what, but this franchise has gotta take a stab at some point, and can't afford to do the "Wait 'til next year" dream scenario. That having been said.. I'd like Manziel in a Bills Uni.. but only if the Bills brass feels there was NO ONE in this draft class to build a team a round.. and, I doubt they feel that way,
  9. Here's something to chew on.. What if Millner makes it to 8? (I don't think he will, but what if?) Do we take him to screw the Jets over, still take a swing at whatever QB they like best? ;It might be the best case scenario for trade down options.. as other teams should be climbing over one another to trade with us, and get ahead of the Jets.
  10. Operation Petticoat is an excellent movie.. Remember watching it with my Dad when I was younger (I'm 39).. I stop and watch every time I see it on TV. Down Periscope is a winner in my book, too. and, of course, The Hunt for Red October.
  11. True.. although I did get mine up on two wheels during the test drive.
  12. "Pakistan's Premier Business Daily"? Sounds more like a headline I'd read on the cover of The National Enquirer or Mad Magazine.
  13. I'm thinking I need to make a slight modification to it.. perhaps ditch the orange background for red/white/blue.
  14. So, the perfect NFL schedule would have you playing for say.. the Buccs, and you'd have away games in Miami, Jacksonville, Seattle, Dallas, Houston, Tennessee, Chicago and either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia?
  15. I don't get all the hate for Dickerson.. No one is claiming the guy is going to be an All-Pro WR.. but, can be a difference maker for the offense. Every team needs a move the chains option outside of your primary WR and #1 RB. I love the assertion that the guy has no heart or can't pick up the game. You know this how? From his 9 career receptions? Give the guy a chance.
  16. ..and whether that scheme works given the circumstances. Agreed.
  17. Couldn't agree more with this entire post.. when it comes to motivation by ostricization (is that a word?) See: Davis, Vernon.. has really been a team player for SF since Singletary called him out.. whether is was as a major part of the offense with Alex Smith under center or Kaepernick running the read-option offense.
  18. QB - Geno Smith - Cardinals WR - Cordarrelle Patterson - Titans TE - Tyler Eifort - Steelers OT - Luke Joeckel - Chiefs LB - Dion Jordon - Jaguars
  19. Ok.. let's see how you connect Ryan Fitzpatrick with "competent quarterback play".. this should be a doozy.
  20. Not to mention, maybe we can get rid of that gimmicky-ass Wildcat horse$&!#.. How many playoff caliber teams bring in a one-trick pony to run a wildcat play or two a game? Don't seem to remember the Falcons, Ravens, Patriots*, Steelers, Packers, Bears, Saints, Broncos or Colts doing that crap.. I know the 49ers, Redskins and Seahawks run similar plays to the Wildcat.. but, they don't use a specialist for it.
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