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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. Phil Simms -- In my parents household (Where I watch the games almost every weekend, he's affectionately referred to as "The Gutless Bastard")
  2. OMG.. someone after my own heart. Sure, LFB gets 200+ tackles a season.. but, how many of those tackles are 6-8 yards down the field, after a poor angle.. he's notorious for taking poor angles and over-running plays. That being said, I think it would be pretty difficult to replace the leader of the defense. Not sure there is anyone on the current roster that could take over that role, next season. (Assuming TKO and Nate are gone. *hopes*)
  3. They may not play better with A-Train in there.. but, I don't think we're all that much better with Willis in there, instead. Willis is no more than a slightly above average NFL RB.. and those are a dime a dozen. Let's see if Thomas if can show ANYTHING.. ANYTHING at all, to show he still has some gas in tank, and could be a starter for us, fulltime. He's gonna come a hell of a lot of cheaper than Willis, in the near future.. Anyone think Willis is worth $5-6Mil/season? Not me, not even close.
  4. What the hell does that guy know? Obvious snubs include: Nuggets (sky blue), Astros (Red), Arizona Cardinals (red on red)
  5. <Sarcasm on> Holy crap.. another for JP to Evans.. man, maybe this kid CAN play. <Sarcasm off>
  6. I agree with that statement 100%, and I *AM* a Willis hater. He's a gutless runner. Whether that's the fault of his O'line or not, he is not good for this current team.
  7. How much longer do we have before we have to worry about resigning him? That isn't going to be pretty.. remember, his agent is Rosenhaus. I say, let 'em walk when the time comes.
  8. Overrated? Absolutely.. Every time I see WM take a handoff.. I'm reminded more and more of Eddie George and Eric Dickerson.. mind you, not the young versions of these RB's, but the aging, dance behind the line, run upright, won't hit the line hard versions. As far as what we could get for him.. Probably not as much as most people would think.. I think you get a late 2nd for him as best. Teams are learning more and more that a premier RB is not a neccesity in todays NFL.. you can be just as successful with a couple of so-so RB's behind a strong O'line. Teams that spend on RB's first, are nuts. (Read: Cardinals, Raiders) Personally, I thought we cut the best RB we had in Training Camp.
  9. Personally, I don't see where Clements has been anything more than average at best this season.. Teams are lining up their best WR's across from McGee because he has struggled mightily this season. If Nate wants to be considered a top paid (read: best) CB.. then he needs to completely shutdown the other teams #2.. but, since he only lines-up on the left side of the defense, that's what teams have been doing.. and don't even get me started on his unwillingness to stick his nose into a ball carrier on defense. I know his primary goal is pass coverage, but unless your willing to stick it to the RB, you're begging them to run right at him. I actually look forward to the revamping of this defense.. Good-bye Nate, good-bye Takeo, good-bye London..
  10. With the way the new regime has preached run to the ball and team speed.. no one wants to be the guy that was slacking off on any given play. Where the hell was that mentality with the previous Head Coaches?!? I asked my Dad this just before the game ended.. "When is the last time you felt good about a Bills game.. TWO weeks in a row?" I certainly can't rememeber. GO BILLS!!!
  11. #58 is Villareal guys.. not Fletcher. And the penalty for lining up in the back field, was obvious.
  12. Maybe because the best seat in the house is still the one in front of my TV.. no $6 beers, no drunken ass behind me, no 10 minute wait for a stall, and all the munchies I could want for roughly $10-$12
  13. Yeah.. they want Davis/TE/Maryland
  14. ::smacks sarcasm radar:: Hmm, must be broken.. I can't tell if he's kidding or not. Lord, I hope you are.
  15. Man, posts like this frustrate the hell out of me.. while I don't entirely disagree that the offense needs help.. it's all about the lines! You don't build a respectable team by getting skill position players first, and linemen second. No one knows how good J.P., Willis or any damned receiver on this team for that matter, can be, because we haven't had a decent line since the "Glory Days". It's time for Bills fans to come to terms with the idea that this team is going to be 6-10 next year, (at the very best) regardless of who we draft or sign in free agency. Good teams are not made over night, it will take 2-3 seasons. Those that are made overnight, never last.
  16. Bah, he's a turnover waiting to happen.. while he IS an upgrade over just about anyone the 'phins have had at QB in recent history, he isn't going to be a savior.
  17. Exactly right! Look for Cleveland to have a better running game this season than saaaaaaaay, the Cardinals (or Bills for that matter!) Much improved OLine, and a decent RB.. as opposed to a very good RB and pathetic line.
  18. Is it too early to call Cleveland the "2006 FA Signees" winners?
  19. OK, here goes.. LeCharels Bentley - Jacksonville Sam Madison - New England David Givens - Philadelphia Antwaan Randel-El - Pittsburgh More pearls of wisdom, as they come to me.
  20. I'll tell ya what ya do, you stick Da'Brick and Runyan at the tackle positions, and make Peter's the every down TE/6th Olineman.. We all know Peter's has the size to push around LB's on the running plays, and the athletic ability to catch a 7-10 yard pass on the passing downs/plays.
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