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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. I dunno, man.. How ya feel about a "A. Smith" #71 jersey?
  2. 1: Mark Sanchez - Tampa Bay 2: Michael Crabtree - Cleveland 3: Brandon Pettigrew - Buffalo 4: BJ Raji - Seattle 5: Brian Orakpo - Green Bay
  3. With the retractable roof, I belive most games would be played outdoors.. even most winter games. But, when the temperature is going to be near 0 degrees with 25 mile/hr winds and a foot of snow, you close the roof. Would probably help sell out more late season home dates, as well.
  4. Yea: Brown, Raji, Oher & Ayers Meh, whatever: Pettigrew Nay: Any DB, Any QB, Any RB
  5. While I won't condemn you for your idea.. let's just pray that the guys we draft are worth a at their drafted positions, let alone at a 2nd one.
  6. No way, no how.. no one on this planet, including Quinn.. thinks he's worth the #4 overall pick.
  7. While I'm not "blowing this guy".. I think the Chiefs picking up Cassell is a hell of alot more important that the 'Skins getting Dockery back or re-signing Deangelo "Burnt Toast" Hall... I mean, I know they got that Haynesworth guy, but still.
  8. I believe they said Free Agent moves.. that wouldn't include trades. Otherwise they would have to include the Matt Cassell deal, too.
  9. The Jets are after Quinn.. and the Giants are going for Edwards.
  10. It's a ridiculous arguement.. much akin to the people on "Let's Make A Deal" who would take the "Mystery Box", as opposed to the great prize they were being offered, and could see. A bird in the hand, is worth two in the bush, Mr. Graham.
  11. I like the unifrom and the "Lions" lettering.. but the logo blows chunks.
  12. I'm curious.. What makes folks think that Derek Fine can't/won't be a playmaker? How many games did the guy play in last season? Seven? Do I think the guy is the next coming of Antonio Gates or Tony Gonzalez? No, but still too early to say.. I look at him and tend to think more of Todd Heap or Wesley Walls.
  13. Yes, only the people who care about the way he performs on the field, are critical about him. Why in the hell would a Vikings, Bengals, Chiefs, etc etc etc. fans give a damn?
  14. I can picture it now.. thousands hundreds of Canadians wearing T-Shirts that say "You can't spell Toronto without T.O."
  15. Yes, because it's well documented that T.O. has no problems with top talent TE's that get the ball just as much as he does/would like.. With T.O.'s signing, the TE position is a non-issue now. T.O. and Evans will draw so much attention, that my grandmother could catch 30-40 balls next season.. but, in all fairness to her.. she does run a 4.55 40.
  16. I like foward to our first regular season game in Guatamala. Heh.
  17. He would if he thought he could get Roscoe another contract from KC.. besides, when I seen the thread starter, the first thing I thought of was, "Hmmm.. KC just got Cassell.. maybe they'd like to see if they can turn Roscoe into another Wes Welker. I don't think this idea is too far fetched. Although, I would offer more than a 6th.. I'd throw a 5th at least, and possibly a 4th, just to get it done.
  18. You've got a better chance of the Loch Ness Monster and Jesus walking through your front door and inviting you to their unveiling of the Holy Grail in Atlantis.. than that scenario playing out.
  19. Who are the WR's, at that point, that we keep? 1. Evans - Obviously 2. Coles - Obviously 3. Reed - for the slot After that.. it's kind of a crapshoot. I like having Parrish on the team (for punts), but he's pretty worthless on the offense.. Jenkins just re-signed, Hardy is only in his 2nd year, and Steve Johnson showed some promise. I would think they wouldn't keep any more than 5, possibly 6. If it's me, Parrish is the odd man out.. or maybe Hardy.
  20. Yea.. I'm sure Ray Lewis is just chomping at the bit to come to Buffalo and play the Cover-2..
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