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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. Bye Week: 17 Bills: 0 But, they look damned good at practice on Friday.
  2. Yea.. Sterling sounds like a white guy.. and Shannon sounds black. There, I said what you were thinking. Thank you, drive thru.
  3. Sadly, this probably isn't far from the truth.
  4. I'm sure Dick needs the time to polish up the ole resume'
  5. And what has T.O.'s 14 years of Hall of Fame credentials produced for the Buffalo Bills? Ticket sales. Just as planned. At this point, if you took Robert Royal and slapped an 81 Owens jersey on him and snuck him into the game, would anyone notice?
  6. What does the Toronto game matter to Ralph at this point? He has his money from the deal with our neightbors to the north. Any monies they collect now go into their pockets, not Ralph's. Or am I mistaken on this?
  7. <Disclaimer; I realize the Bills will not cut T.O.> Cutting T.O. isn't about saving money.. it's about giving the young receivers a chance to play. No way Dick let's Johnson or Hardy start ahead of T.O., when he's trying to pull the wool over Ralph's eyes again, to save his job. Question: At this point, if you're Russ Brandon.. aren't you trying to throw Dick under the boss, in order to save your own job. God knows I would.
  8. What could the possible backlash be, of cutting T.O? The season tickets have already been sold. Anyone who thinks keeping him on the field is for the betterment (is that a word?) of the team, is ignorant of the situation. This season, like so many before it, is now a waste.. other than to see what we have for NEXT season. You know, the season T.O. WON'T be here. I can't imagine the "Inner Circle" is worried about upsetting the fanbase. Hell, who here is upset when we lose on Sunday? I've become numb to the losing, myself. Just can't seem to get emotionally invested in the games each week. Oh, I still can't wait for Sunday, and look forward to the game to start.. I just can't seem to get juiced for when the team starts to play well. I guess I'm just waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop on any glimmering hope of a Bills win. It's time for Steve Johnson to be inserted into the #2 spot, and to throw Hardy or Reed into the #3, depending on the situation during the games. Find out what you have in these guys. Who knows, we might find another Miles Austin or Mike Sims-Walker on the team. Might not be a need to scour Free Agency. Now, do I expect any of these things to happen? Absolutely not. Ralph's cheap, Dick's trying to save his job, and Russ isn't a "football guy".. these are the mantra of your 2009 Buffalo Bills. Go Team. My Two Cents.
  9. If I remember correctly.. isn't this the guy that John Madden coined the term "cankles" from? Cankles = Calf + Ankles
  10. Don't get ahead of yourself.. I was saying the exact same thing last year about Trent Edwards when we were sitting at 4-0 and 5-1.
  11. I've been "volunteered" to be the Designated Driver for my wife & sister-in-law tonight, so they can attend a Halloween Party at the Pelican's Nest. So, I'll be looking for a place to watch the Sabres tonight.. Anyone have any suggestions on a good place to watch the game?
  12. I'm fairly certain I'd make a mess of my shorts, if we got this guy in a Bills uni.
  13. That Mays kid out of USC still considered a top 5'er? Ah, they got him goin' 5th to Tampa.
  14. How many reality shows does Robert Royal have? I'll bet they're pretty close in Dropped Passes, too..
  15. I'll throw a few more names out there for consideration.. Richard Petty, Pele, Michael Phelps & Phil Taylor (Ok, darts isn't really a sport.. but, he is pretty damned dominant at it.)
  16. Bills 20, Pats* 13 Aaron Maybin forces Brady to step up in the pocket to release a pass just as Marcus Stroud is blocked into him, causing him to roll into his legs. Brady leaves the game, not to return. Stroud is assessed a 15 yd. penalty from bogus call/rule. Edwards - 15/24, 201 yds, 1 TD, 1 INT Jackson - 21/84 yds, 1TD Owens - 5/78 yds Evans - 6/66 yds Nelson - 2/16 yds, 1 TD
  17. i'm going Stroud, on this one.. hoping to see alot of Maybin forcing the QB to step up into the pocket, and right into Mr. 99
  18. If this is the cut that has you the most fired up.. then you aren't paying attention. Rhodes is a dime a dozen RB, nothing special.. and he performed in "big games" because defenses had to worry about guys like Manning, Harrison, Wayne, Clark and Addai first. If saving money was the real motivator here.. explain why Kelsay, and not Copeland Bryan is still on the roster.
  19. All of which could and SHOULD be avoided by a rookie salary cap, so the monies you are going to make is pre-determined.
  20. Bottom line.. a DE's job is to be disruptive.. and that hasn't been Aaron Schobel's MO for quite awhile.
  21. We all know that isn't going to happen, but I agree completely.. Make them earn their way off the field.
  22. Every single Burger King commercial with "The King" in it.. I refuse to visit another BK until they abolish that moronic ad campaign/mascot.
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