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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. They'll fine him, and they should.. the NFL doesn't mind one bit, that he wants to honor his fallen teammate. But, he doesn't have to do it in such a way that it will piss-off the NFL or draw attention to Chad Johnson. Just wear that black number 15 patch, like all the others Bengals will be doing.
  2. Well, if there is any one unit on the fireld that needs to have the mentality that "We're going to kick your ass for the next 60 minutes.".. it's the O-Line.
  3. I find it laughable that so many are concerned with his "dirty play".. specially among all the folks who were clamoring to pick up John Runyan, one of the dirtiest NFL lineman I've ever seen play. Granted, I'm only 35.
  4. Just as I thought.. 2nd, behind only Tampa.. http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?off...mp;d-447263-p=1
  5. No one is ignoring that statement. I would have to imagine that the Bills are among the league leaders in 20+ yard rushes allowed.. when the opposition is gobbling up such huge yardage on a single rush, you don't have to pound the rock quite as many times. The fact is, when I'm watching the game, and the opposing QB drops back to pass.. I'm relieved. We may actually stop the play.
  6. Tom Flores won a SuperBowl with the Oakland Raiders, and then with the Los Angeles Raiders.. Do I get partial credit? Heh.
  7. You know.. when I was 12, I once struck out 9 kids in a row in Little League.. surprisingly, it didn't lead to me becoming a MLB pitcher. </sarcasm off> One run, does not a RB make. Jackson, while a tad slow in my opinion.. does run with more heart, and makes up his mind infinitely quicker than Lynch. Marshawn runs like a plow horse.. in the mud.
  8. Personally, I couldn't stand the ones for Super Bowls 25, 26, 27 and 28..
  9. Can't imagine this is going to go over well at Doug Flutie's Mascot Boot Camp.
  10. /suckup on I'm thankfully that there is a place on the web that I can vent my frustrations about my favorite football team. (TBD!) /suckup off
  11. I'm sure he advising the Bills that the key to rebuilding begins and end with the RDE position.. and not to get one from California.
  12. Just out of curiosty.. Where do you have LB?
  13. Who cares how a LT is playing for ANOTHER team? Whether you approved of the trade or not, get over it. Worry about how players still wearing blue and red are playing.
  14. My thinking is that the HC'ing job is Fewell's til the end of the season. They all know full well, that he isn't going to be the coach come next season. They bring Shanahan in (or whomever), as the "football guy" that they need in the front office for the remainder of this season, and introduce that person (specially in Shanny's case) as the Head Coach, in the off season Otherwise, forget about looking for a HC now, unless he's also going to be the HoFO, too.
  15. What in the hell has he done so far this season to warrant any kind of lee-way, whatsoever?
  16. Words could not express how happy that scenario, would make me.
  17. At least in this order the 9ers won't get to steal the guy I want right ahead of us.. again!
  18. Here's a scary thought.. Wade Phillips and/or Norv Turner might be looking for a job in the offseason.
  19. I was rooting for Grimm when many speculated Dick would get the axe after our collapse last season. Love the idea of an old Offensive Lineman as the HC.. when the chips are down, they are going to run the ball. They want to punch the guy across from them in the face, and keep doing it until you make him stop. THAT'S the kind of team I want in Buffalo! Tough, Accountable, Physical and Well Disciplined.
  20. I was just going to post this same article.. I'm beginning to put Franny and Curt Schilling in the same light. Anything to get their voice on the radio, I guess.
  21. It's not his fault.. I'm sure the horse was coming on to him.
  22. 4 month old Golden Retriever named Riley
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