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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. For what might be the 1st time in my life.. I'm rooting for the Ravens.. GO Baltimore. Meriweather looked as though he mighta been a bit surprised that Rice was that fast.
  2. Just read my Pepsi bottle.. no references to "Soda" or "Pop", anywhere.. However, I use the word Soda rather than Pop.
  3. Guy reminds me of Bo Jackson.. elusive, fast, and hard as hell to bring down.
  4. What in the hell makes you think he DOESN'T know who Josh Cribbs is? *I* didn't do any drafting for the Chargers and/or Bills, and *I* know who he is. Yea, let's ship our 2nd round pick to Cleveland, so we can keep marching the same guys out at LB, QB or O-line.. you know, the positions that REALLY need fixing.
  5. Not to mention Parrish returning punts, and McGee returns kickoffs.
  6. HA! McIntyre gets a carry! Out of a single set, even! Guess the Bills brass FINALLY noticed that Lynch sucks.
  7. I suppose if Nix was trying to get Lynch to demand a trade, that would be an option.. Fullbacks don't make Tailback money. Although, I do like the idea.. if he were motivated to do so. CONGRATS FREDDY!! 1,000 YARDS!
  8. Fred Jackson has more heart than the rest of this team combined.
  9. Which is exactly why I picked the Bills to win today..
  10. Agreed.. I hate that it's going to cost us a few slots in the draft.. but, this is great to watch!
  11. Someone nail Lynch's ass to the bench. Let the real RB play this game out.
  12. Kyle Williams playing like the probowler he is.. 2 solid stops and then almost gets the sack
  13. I'll bet Fitz is shocked he threw the ball that far
  14. Personally, I like your 3rd option you listed best.
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