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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. The problem there is that with so many new guys yu're going to have to cut quite a few veterans, to make room. Not that *I* have a problem with that, I just don't know how hip to the idea Chan & Buddy would be.
  2. The hot jersey for next season: #7 Michael Vick
  3. Heh, no kiddin.. What's the point? Move the team farther from Toronto and closer to Rochester?!?
  4. Chad Pennington nor Jeff Garcia will cost us a 2nd rd. pick, or possibly more. I'd rather see Garcia as a stop-gap for a season or two, while we groom the QB of the future.. whether that be Clausen, Lefevoer, Snead or whomever. Unless McNabb can be had for a 3rd or less.
  5. No kidding.. How many DB's did we lose this year to various injuries? About 1,000? And this guy can't get a sniff of playing time on defense? Now that April is gone, maybe we can stop keeping guys solely because their good special teamers.
  6. Don't mind the choice of Bulaga in the 1st rd.. but, going by the players available in the 2nd according to their mock, I'd rather have Brandon Spikes (ILB).
  7. Love the signature.. Don't forget: Danny Wuerffel and Eric Crouch
  8. I see your Randall Gay, and raise you an Erik Flowers.
  9. Joan Rivers (Just end it, already.) Melissa Rivers, for that matter. Kathy Griffin (Ok, not really an actress, but why quibble over details when it would be doing the world such a huge favor.)
  10. I used to work with a guy whose apartment was ALL black/white.. furniture, phones, dishes, EVERYTHING?: was either black or white.. the only exception was all the framed movie posters he had around the place.. was very cool looking.
  11. Probably dependent on what new feature they'll unveil for "Eleven".. if it's offensive in nature, it will be Brees/Wayne, likewise for "The Mullet" if it's a new defensive schtik. As far as the dual player cover.. I'd go with Manning/Sharper or Brees/Freeney.
  12. SHENANIGANS! I have it on good auhority that there are NO FREE LUNCHES! As my grandfather used to say it, all the time.
  13. Fishing - not a sport Darts - not a sport Billiards - not a sport Bowling - not a sport (I know, this'll piss off a few folks.) Poker - not a sport All fun games/activities.. but not sports. Going by the definition you provided from Wiki, the wife and I are engaging in sport whenever we play Scrabble.
  14. There will be two more.. can't say I recall too many #34's or #78's hitting the field in recent memory..
  15. "Speak softly and carry a big stick."
  16. And there in lies the problem with this team.. we needs a couple guys with size that are good with the puck on their stick. Too many guys (Pommer/Vanek) rely on someone else to make a play to get them into a scoring chance. Our "skilled" guys are knocked off the puck too easily.
  17. 41 Officially, 43 Realistically.. Couldn't for the life of me spell 2 of them.
  18. I played awhile back for a Non-TBD team.. finished at level 28 (FB) But, I've just created a Level 1 LB -- wanna run him as a run-stuffer ILB-type ( but, I'm open to any suggestions.) Will the TBD teams require boosting? I'd prefer not to.. if I wanted to spend cash on Online gaming.. I'd still be playing World of Warcraft. So, lemme know guys.. http://goallineblitz.com/game/player.pl?player_id=1928600 -- Jack "Babyface" Thissell (LB)
  19. I'd be ok with taking Bulaga in that scenario, I guess.. although, I'd really like McClain, too. I could definetly see the Patsies* taking Tebow, too.. although, I think they'd be morons for doing so, as they have some big holes to fill, too.
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