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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. Damn shame it wasn't Jackson or Spiller in the game when Lynch broke that 15 or so yard run in the 3rd Qrtr. (I think it was the 3rd.) It might have gone for 30. Lynch only hits the hole hard if it's big enough to drive a truck through, and his running style reminds me of a plow horse running in the mud.
  2. The guy wasn't athletic enough to be a difference maker at DE, and they thinkhe's going to magically make a difference as an OLB?
  3. Apparently out of Westside's fridge.. What's that address agaian, Westy?
  4. Yea, that dude down in the maintainence shop is a lucky fellow.. the forklift I use at work goes a tad over 5 tons.
  5. I couldn't agree more with this statement.. I'm 6'2", 265lbs.. I've never even considered a Spiller, Evans or McGee jersey.. I would like to get an Eric Wood jersey though.
  6. Some of us always wondered how Grandpa would have felt about us converting his garage into a spot where the boys got sloshed on Sundays. One day my Dad (I think it was Dad) asked my grandmother about it.. She seemed to think he'd be very happy we were using it as a spot for all his boys (Dad, 2 of his brother, 1 brother-in-law, me, my brother and a couple cousins) could get together to be with family on Sundays. Not that Grandpa was overly religious.. he just appreciated the NFL and especially the Bills.. just like the rest of us.
  7. 4-5 years back, after my grandfather died.. my uncles kinda converted his garage into a "tailgate central" of sorts. We refer to his old polebarn as "The Pole Bar".. watching the games on a big screen TV, with a couple smaller TVS above it for the game on the other channel. We have internet out there so everyone can keep track of their fantasy teams.. fridge.. grill.. urinal.. pretty much everything you need for a great football watching experience. Typically, there is between 6-8 of us out there, for any given Sunday afternoon of football. Pole Bar season starts in roughly 18 hours. God, I can't wait.
  8. I can hear the VP of Marketing talking to the players in the locker room after their last game. "Hey listen-up guys. I know we had a hard season this year. Believe me, no one in the orginazation thought we were going to go 1-15 this year. But, I have a surprise for you guys. Since we finished with the worst record in the league this season, the NFL and NCAA has agreed to let as play <INSERT National Champion here>, for no other reason then to see if you sorry sacks of fecal matter can muster up enough heart and/or brains to beat a college team. So, chin up lads, you may feel like losers now, but just imagine how bad you'll feel if you lose NEXT week." "Oh, did I forget to mention you won't be getting a game check for this? Well, seeya next week fellas." Christ, you already have players skipping "mandatory" off-season work outs, mini-camps, training camps AND the Pro-Bowl. I'm gonna go ahead and say this doesn't have a snowballs chance in H-E-Double Hockey Sticks of happening.
  9. Not nearly as over-rated as U2, simply because of their global following, but I will throw KISS into the arguement.
  10. Fisher Cat.. That's what I thought of, right off the bat.. I've never seen one personally, but my parents have claimed to see them where they live. (Wayne County) My mother won't go outside the house at night, for fear of seeing one. (They live on a pretty rural road.) Apparently, their mating call does indeed sound like a screaming child. Probably what scares my mom so much.
  11. He gets my vote, too.. whenever he's on the field, he's getting the ball. The guy is a 1st Down machine.
  12. You're kidding, right? There are people still bitching about the whole Flutie/Johnson playoff ordeal, and you think folks aren't gonna complain about something that happened just last offseason? Don't get me wrong, I agree with ya, Faustus.. I just don't see it happening.
  13. Personally, I'd have it like this: LT: P2 QB: P2 OLB34: P3 NT: P3 WR: P4 When it comes to QB or LT.. I'll take the best player available between the 2 positions.
  14. and what would the point of that be? By the time this team is in a position to be competitive (2-3 seasons, optimistically), he'll be WAY past his prime. Cut ties now, and give the reps to a kid. It's been a long time since Schobel was any kind of a consistant disruptive force, anyways.
  15. http://bitchtara.webs.com/apps/videos/ I'm no doctor, but I believe this woman might be having a seisure.
  16. I'd wake up every morning, roll over and ask my wife, "So hun, whatcha wanna do TODAY." -and know that anything was possible. Of course, the very first thing I'd do, is tell my Dad he didn't have to work anymore. God, that'd be awesome. On a time-sync <sp?> sorta thing though.. I'd love to build a really nice garage, and restore old cars. (I know nothing of cars, for the most part.. but, what a great way to learn.)
  17. Unless one must have been a participant last season, I am down for these.. Can't get enough Fantasy Football!
  18. One thing at a time, my friend.. one thing at a time. At this point, I'd be thrilled with the moniker of being one of those teams that's pretty good in the regular season, but stinks it up in the playoffs.
  19. Awww, c'mon.. we're not ALL that bad. There is definetly a pecking order to the county though.. folks in Ontario make fun of the people in Williamson, who is turn take jabs at the guys in Sodus, who likewise give the business to the gang in Wolcott.. but, EVERYONE makes fun of the hillbillies in Red Creek. Red Creek: Where the Family Trees have no branches.
  20. Those look great.. my only advice/issue.. turn the camera, so they make better wallpaper for my desktop.
  21. He was an outstanding Punt Muffer/Fumbler/Ballsailingrightoverhisgoodamnedheader, as well.
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