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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. So,. I'm watching the game online on ATDHE.com, and the game "goes to commercial".. Well, you can still hear the announcers in the booth speaking fairly candidly. Gruden says, "Hopefully the Jags can get something going." To which Tirico replies, "At least they got Trent Edwards" And they both share a chuckle. I must admit.. I laughed out loud. Hehe..
  2. 32/32 with 4:27 to go.. piece of cake.
  3. Anyone know wherebout on this fabulous world wide web, that one can find game films from various NFL games. Unfortunetly, I do not have NFL Network, so that means of watching them is out the window. I think I could watch "Jaws" beakdown game film 24/7/365.
  4. "That guy broke a city ordinance, and I enforced it." Priceless.
  5. I'm gonna go with.. http://www.mousesafari.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/bob-ross.jpg
  6. Apparently not a single NFL GM agrees with you.. otherwise, they would have been lining up around the block to offer us 1st rounders.
  7. Familiar with the phrase, "Misery loves company."?
  8. I hope the Devils don't expect him to hit anybody.. in that sense, Henrik makes Trent look tough.
  9. That's just the thing though.. you either adjust your expectations, or go crazy.
  10. An 8 point loss to a team that is lightyears better than us.. is not only a moral victory.. it's improvement. That's all I ask from them. Improvement.
  11. I'm sitting here trying to think of a response to this.. but, I don't honestly know where you're gong with that statement. I assume it's of the thinking that we shouldn't just be thankful for whatever lousy product Ralph throws on the field for us. Me personally, if I'm dying of thirst and all I'm offered is warm piss.. I'm gonna drink it.. and hope the next guy offers me water. Today's loss hasn't quenched my thirst.. but it'll keeping me pushing along.. hoping that drink of water isn't as far into the future as I once thought. GO BILLS!!
  12. Agreed. I liked the celebration though.. he only got the flag when he fell to the ground. Although, I'm sure the league office would have fined him either way for pantomining as though he was shooting someone. Probably similiar to their stance with the throat slashing gestures.
  13. Thank you. Thank you, for putting together an entertaining 3 hours of football in what has otherwise been some very frustrating Sundays to this point. No one in their right mind had us even IN this game, let alone winning it. As far as I'm concerned this team as a whole can hold their heads high about their performance this afternoon. I know, the defense gave up 38 points. But, how do you think the Pats* feel about surrendering 30 pts. to the Bills? Worse than we feel, I'd wager. This game gave me some hope that not all Sundays this season are gonna be as dreary as the game vs. Green Bay. Some things I saw today: 1. Fitz's arm isn't as weak as I thought. Had some good zip on alot of passes. Or maybe he just actually resembled an NFL QB. Not sure.. been awhile since I seen one wearing a Buffalo jersey. 2. Marshawn still runs like a plowhorse in the mud, but the O'line did give him holes to run through. 3. Spiller should be on the field more often. Why isn't this kid the one running the Wildcat formations? 4. Maybin has a looong way to go. His "moves" are laughable. I'd like to see him standing up more.. he takes forever to get out of that 4-point stance. 5. Cornell Green is terrific.. as in terrible and horrific, rolled into one horrendous adjective. He may be Tuten Reyes bad. 6. We seemed to utilize the middle of field very well today. Would like to see more crossing patterns by Roscoe/Lee.. and seam passes to Stupar. Ok, that was more than two words.. but, all in all.. it will be much more enjoyable to talk about this game in the morning with my co-workers. GO BILLS!!
  14. If teams don't lose on purpose at the highest level.. Why did the NBA implement it's Lottery system?
  15. Yup.. one game is al it takes to give you a GREAT idea of a players potential. For your viewing "pleasure". http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/players/3182/gamelog;_ylt=AvkgPl6nLVd147aMPtLMS2_.uLYF?year=1999
  16. Not in my book, you can't.. if you weren't in the PB the year before.. you are no longer a "Pro-Bowler".. it's a "what have you done for me lately" thing.
  17. Please refrain from using the term ProBowl and referencing Marshawn Lynch in the same sentence, please. Thanks.
  18. While I agree with these statements completely.. pissing and moaning about the WR's is the real idiocy, until the O-Line and QB situations are resolved. It's like bitching about the bald tires on your car when the engine hasn't run in 5 yrs.
  19. Can anyone think of a single play in the last 2 games, where you thought to yourself, "Damn, that Trent Edwards looked good that play.. he looked like a real QB there." I know *I* haven't. How about that last play of the game, too? 4th and Forever, and have ALL DAY to throw.. and you run out of bounds for 4 yds.. Just throw the damned ball up!
  20. If by "Nasty" you mean "Disgusting".. I can think of several.
  21. That's Spiller's gig.. making tacklers miss. "Beast Mode" should be able to put his head down and at least TRY to run someone over. But, he gets his reputation as someone who is hard to bring to the ground, only after he dances around, and three guys have him wrapped up behind the line of scrimmage. He remind me alot of Brandon Jacobs. Looks great when the line opens up a *HUGE* hole to run through.. otherwise, just another big back without the skill set neccesary to improvise if the hole isn't there. Because Ralph gets to make our 1st rd. selections. And flashy RB's sell tickets.
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