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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. "The Holding Pattern"? Is Jason Peters back? I still like, "The Greatest Show on Snow".
  2. What do I expect from my starting DE/OLB? Disruption. They should be a disruptive force on the field.. particularly in the backfield.. and that word should not appear anywhere in Mr. Kelsay's resume. I'll give you that he's a "solid" player.. but "solid" should be reserved for Kickers, Punters and Long Snappers.
  3. That's like saying ketchup is significantly more useful as a hair tonic, than it is as a fuel additive. Just sayin'.
  4. Exactly. Besides.. How'd it work out for us the last time we got a Linebacker fresh of a SuperBowl run? (Hint: Kawika Mitchell) That having been said, I love the signing.. not a whole lot lost if it doesn't work out, and a modest paycheck if it does.. by NFL standards, anyways.
  5. "In this photo, Joe Flacco is seen demonstrating the proper use of a backfield in motion.. also, the TE is moving across the formation." Also, that guy lined up in the slot, is guilty of a false start.
  6. In a New York minute!! Ok, ok.. maybe 30 seconds..
  7. EVERYONE does a better 'plate than Tahou's IMO.. used to work near the corner of Lyell and Dewey, so the guys and I have had plates from numerous places in the area.. we had to stop going to Nick's after several bad experiences.. (typically, under-cooked meat or watered down commercial mac salad) It's been a long time since I've been there, but I can remember my favorite plates being from Empire Hots in Webster.
  8. You know what would happen if the Bills had TWO ProBowl DTs at the same time? THIS!
  9. LT LG C RG RT Take those 5 at a Pro-Bowl caliber, and you can fill out the rest of lineup with what the Bills have now and have a very nice team.
  10. 1. Johnson 2. Evans 3. Freddy 4. Stupar (Yeah, that's right.. Stupar.)
  11. CitC is also another one that tears me up..
  12. Being as today is the 4th of July, I'll run the gambit of listening to a list of patriotic-type songs.. the one that ALWAYS gets me choked up is Lee Greenwood's - God Bless the USA.
  13. Holy hell.. at first glance I thought that was a cruise ship..
  14. Hey, no problem, bro.. I'm not saying it deserves an Oscar or anything.. just don't think it's even close to worst movie ever. I'd like to add Legend to the list, as well. Hrmm.. Hero, Legend and Epic Movie.. maybe it's the illusions of granduer generated from their titles that make's them so bad.
  15. Hero -- for God's sake.. if I wanted to read, I'd pick up a book. (Or Log In here.) Not to mention, I'm not a big fan of all the physics defying Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon horsesh!t.. and yes, Alexander is in the Top 4-5 worst films I've ever seen.. No one gonna mention the films that generally get this "award"? Gigli and Waterworld (Which I kinda like, actually.. WW, not Gigli.)
  16. Major League "Are you sayin' Jesus Christ can't hit a curveball?"
  17. My brother and I found that video a couple months ago.. I laugh hysterically every.. single.. time.
  18. With apologies to dib.. that's the best avatar, EVAH, BB..
  19. I've done this, too.. Area 51 was completely blurred out, but Pearl Harbor showed every nook and cranny of the port.
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