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Everything posted by Quester74

  1. I see him more as a Jim Kleinsasser for the Vikings.. not a very dynamic "skill player", but useful in multiple packages, regardless of down and distance.
  2. The "Special Moves" on these Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter type games just keep getting weirder and weirder..
  3. Patriots* Defense/Special Teams was all I ended up with this year (Last pick of draft: 10 teams, 17 rds.) Figured what the hell.. have easiest schedule in the league this year, and get to play 3 division rivals with fairly suspect offenses.
  4. No kidding.. I work on S. Winton Rd and had no idea about the DQ. That's fantastic. I'd be down for this, too. I can have a Garbage Plate, and follow it up with a Dilly Bar from DQ! (Haven't had one since I lived in Illinois when I was in high school.) I hadn't noticed anyone posting a time.. and should I wear something identifying myself as a TBD poster.. like a T-Shirt that read "All Glory to the Hypnotoad" or something?
  5. Silly tradition Can we play football now, please? Haikus are stupid
  6. What has Khan won other than a pissing contest? Jones-Drew jeopardized his teams season with his absence during work-outs, training camp and pre-season. Make the sonuvab1*#^ pay. Should serve as a warning to any other player thinking of holding out, too.. not just other Jaguars. If that became common place, then corporate sponsors would have the players to blame.. not the team.
  7. Who is? Some 5th round CB that'll be in the league for 4 years total, making minmum NFL wage. I think he's the perfect player to make an example of.. Superstar player being put on notice that his team isn't going to put up with **** like this.. i.e. Mike Wallace.. Would be refreshing if the other 31 teams would follow suit, too. A long shot, I know.. but, would be nice.
  8. How's that going to help his cause for a new deal? Apparently, the Jags were more than willing to play this season without him, for as long as he felt like whining about his contract. That team is going to have a terrible record this season with or without him. The only leverage he has is that it will crush ticket sales more than they already are. I say you make him pay every penny, with the understanding that if he turns in another season similar to last season (say, 1300 yards or so since he's probably going to miss some time to get into "football shape"..) then they'll work on a new contract for him. Assuming, of course, that they're THAT interested in retaining him for some sick money. Personally, I can't believe teams spend ridiculous dollars on RB's.. they're pretty replaceable.. especially for a team as untalented as Jacksonville. Better to use that money to shore up both the O'line and D'line first, IMHO.
  9. This the way it generally works now? Unless you're an upper-echelon fighter in your weight class, you got no shot at an undercard fight during UFC PPVs.. just curious.. I don't know.
  10. Ok, I'll grant you that.. I'm not too concerned on what it costs Dana White to put a show on, nearly as much as what it costs ME to watch it, though.. I realize that just because they would have say.. 1/3 as many shows this way, that they wouldn't HAVE to mark the price up my 300% to make the same profit margin, but I would think the company's investors would sure appreciate it. Besides, if every PPV UFC fight had all these awesome matchup on the undercard.. What the hell would all the marginal fighters do/look forward to? I know the Bills don't play on Monday Night every week, but they still get to play on Sunday.
  11. I'm pretty sure everyone outside of Mr. Clinton agrees... Oral Sex IS still sex.
  12. Perhaps a Texan, named Colt? While we're on the subject.. How would he sign Ron Tugnutt's name?
  13. This thread's title is very misleading.. I thought it was going to be about the wife of "The Senator". Pity. 16 and 3, baby!
  14. I'll see your "Mainstream Media", and raise you "Congress" and "ESPN Football Analysts". Don't call me, man.. I'm prepared to go ALL-IN with "Random TBD Poster", in the dark.
  15. Fewer PPV's is going to inflate the price, if they wanna make the same amount of money.. I don't follow the sport close to know, but if every PPV costs roughly $50, isn't having them less often going to drive the price upwards of the $150 range. Even if I followed the sport as closely as I do football, I'd have a hard time shelling out that kind of cash.
  16. I'm sure Bizzaro Crayonz rants and raves incessently about Cubans, if he's a Fish fan. Bizzaro BillfromNYC can't believe the Jets wasted all those high draft picks on offensive lineman when ehe team clearly needed CB depth. Over on the Pats" message board, everyone LOVES Bizzaro DCTom. In Dallas, Bizzaro \GoBillsInDallas/ has never heard of any teacher, anywhere, ever having sex with a student. and finally.. Bizzaro dIb can use any avatar he pleases.
  17. This! My question to all of you that are just beside yourselves because you can't believe they'd replace Young or Thigpen with Jackson.. Are you really THAT concerned with the acquisition of a backup player, that if he has to play significant time, isn't going to lead us to the playoffs in favor of the CURRENT backup who wasn't going to lead us to the playoffs? Seriously? If ANY of these guys have/had to play any serious time as our starter this season, we are looking at 6-10 AT BEST, anyways. Be much more concerned with Fitz's play. Your bitching and moaning about this non-issue, on an already flawed team is laughable.
  18. With a hell of alot of Peyton Manning coverage peppered in.
  19. My favorite line(s).. "Players don’t get game checks for participating, either, so it’s a perfectly cynical production – performers who don’t want to be there, in front of people who didn’t want to have to pay to see them."
  20. It shouldn't.. not if it means using the 3rd overall selection on him, and missing out on Marcel Dareus.
  21. I would like to congradulate all of the posters of this thread, and all it's viewers.. as not one of you had mentioned Tebow, to this point. You should all be applauded. Bravo.
  22. It's tough to stay mad at a team that's been almost as insignificant as us for about the same period of time. My hate for the Dolphins, is NOTHING compared to my hate for the Patriots* or the Jets.. pretty much for all the opposite reasons you've noted for your lack of hate for the Fish. All I've got anymore for hate for the Fish anymore is that they're in our division.
  23. I'd pick the Tennessee playoff game is 1999.. and as the team lined-up for the kickoff that ultimately lead to Homejob Throwforward, I'd run onto the sideline and scream to the guys lined up on the right side of the formation to hold their lanes.. "DYSON'S GONNA END UP WITH BALL!!"
  24. Thank goodness the entirity of that other 5% comprise the populace of TBD, eh?
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