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  1. I really liked the Che Guevera quote on the front page of his site...that would truly make him popular in California...I'm surprised he hasn't run for Governor.
  2. You mean they don't have a section warning white folks to stay out of places like Inglewood, Compton, Oakland, etc...or Anglos to stay out of East L.A. and the like?
  3. The football team disgusted me to the point I didn't even watch the Purdue game. Buncha freaking wimps that fold up when they play a decent team...even though they are actually better than those teams...just no heart. They remind me of a certain NFL team.
  4. Not only that, but I am a grower who is in the process of shipping off my first batch of the year and have received no notification at all. Of course, I am not a member of their stupid "association" (heavy on the first syllable). I'm assuming they must be collecting this at the distributor or retailer level.
  5. Knowing Wyo as I have over the years, I would guess that what people in Zucotti Park would be likely to see is the muzzle of a gun. She's a fair amount nicer to folks than I am, but doesn't take much more crap in the end.
  6. Curriculum should be a matter for local school boards...elected by the parents of the students affected.
  7. Actually, the SS payments are a debt, since the general revenue fund started "borrowing" the SS trusts in the 60s. After 50 years of "borrowing" the money paid into an earned entitlement in order to support unearned entitlements, the liberals say we cannot pay the earned entitlements because it would interfere with paying the unearned ones. The whole country has been sucked down the rabbit hole. If the majority of the Republicans had an ounce more fiscal responsibility than the Democrats, they wouldn't vote for a debt ceiling increase period...regardless of whether they can make a deal to reduce the amount spending is projected to increase over the next 10 years.
  8. Would you like to point out where anyone has suggested raising taxes on the poor instead of the producers? Of course you wouldn't...because it has not happened. The list of possibilities for the name you used on BBMB is getting shorter. There were quite a few really stupid liberals there, but not near as many who were also blatant liars.
  9. Now you know that if teachers and cops are forced to pay a portion of their health and retirement benefits, miners will die as a result. If school districts are allowed to retain teachers or not based on performance, sweatshops will be all that are left.
  10. Well, as a "practical" libertarian (small L...not a party member), and a guy who spent his career as an administrator of police and corrections, I will say that it is probably the most far reaching and important possible incremental step. As a practical libertarian and constitutionalist, I recognize we didn't get as far from constitutional government as we have overnight...it was done incrementally. If it is to be corrected, it will have to be corrected in the same manner. The "war on drugs" is very possibly both the most blatant intrusion on constitutional limitations and privileges and the most costly to the nation as a whole. Between the monetary cost to the taxpayers, the incredible and sometimes irresistable temptation vast amounts of illegal cash present to otherwise honest police officers who face the same financial challenges as anyone else and the incredible waste of lives of people who could be productive citizens had the government not outlawed something for which they have a need, I can't think of any single program of our over reaching government that causes more grief. Possibly the worldwide imperial military presence...but it at least has some positive effect now and then. Not to mention that from a possibility view, cutting the military to a true defense force is much less likely than ending federal prohibitions on drugs. We are reaching the point where enough families have been in some way negatively impacted by the war on drugs that more and more are seing that the supposed "cure" is far worse than the disease could ever be. Anyone interested in more info on this is welcome to check out an organization of which I have been a member for a few years...L.E.A.P. Yeah...I've been known to pontificate...
  11. If the people of Ohio truly want their state to be bankrupted by public employee unions and the incestuous relationship between them and the bureaucrats with whom they supposedly "negotiate", then more power to them...they will get what they deserve. Interestingly, in Wisconsin, since the so called "anti-union" laws were passed, school districts have been able to hire additional teachers, cut class sizes and balance their budgets...while those "poor union members" are forced to pay a portion of their health and retirement costs. Work union...live poorer
  12. Actually, he is higher on my list of suspects as "refugee" than Dennis...Dennis wouldn't have resisted calling us all racists.
  13. And who were you on the other board anyway...?
  14. I tend to agree. I even still have some little bit of respect and hope for Larry...once he gets past that transitional period I have seen in so many before during the last semester of law school and the first year or 2 after. Eventually, he will either become a total scum sucking lawyer or realize that he really doesn't know everything and that right is not determined by what the SCOTUS has determined. Now, if Fizzy or dennis shows up, I assume there is an ignore function here that I will find at that time.
  15. Well...by now, you should know mine, but I'll play anyway... Cut it back to real defense rather than maintaining a worldwide imperial military presence. I'll lump these 2 together, since they are really codependent programs. They should never have been instituted, as the federal government has no authority or mandate in either retirement "security" or the insurance business. That said, they cannot be just ended suddenly, because too many people had "premiums" forcibly taken from them throughout their working careers while being told they could rely on them being there. I would start with immediately stopping the withholding of FICA and Medicare "taxes", but continue the "benefits" for those who have paid in based on how many years they paid in. Since a retirement benefit is now based on the highest 35 years of earnings, a person with fewer than 35 years of paying in before the suspension of collecting would have the total earnings for those years divided by 35 to get the average wage used for the calculations. This would also require that the money "borrowed" from the SS and Medicare Trusts since the 60's would be repaid to those trusts. People currently receiving benefits and those who would still qualify in the future should be "means tested" with those making over about $80K-$100K per year in addition to their SS no longer receiving "retirment insurance" payments. While I am in no way agreeable to censoring of political speech, I believe that those speaking should be fully identified to those listening. I would require that the sponsors of a given ad should be clearly identified by both printed and vocal means within the ad...priniting being of equal size to the largest type in the ad and vocal identification spoken as loudly and at the same speed as the rest of the ad. I would also include limits on campaign donations...not in the amount of donations, but by limiting donations to a congressional campaign to people and companies within that congressional district and senatorial races to those within the state. The office of the president should be returned to it's intended function of executing policy set by congress, rather than determining policy and any "xecutive orders" should need to be affirmed by congress within 30 days. Is not a federal issue (absent a constitutional amendment that i personally would vote against) and should be left to the states and the people therein. If approved by congress, I can see them being used in return for service to the nation on a contractual basis...an example being housing or educational loan guarantees for veterans. This is one area where the federal government does have constututional authority and should be left to congress to determine. Personally, I would like to see one tariff...a quite substantial tariff on goods made outside the US by US companies. Of course, these are just the opinions of one grumpy old libertarian, not the policy of any Libertarian Party.
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