the fact that Parker, Mihm and Brown all still have jobs in the NBA says that hes elavated thier games. Id ask if you watched the game but i already know the answer. when he tried to get his teamates involved they dug him a 16 points deficit. Did you watch the Kings game? he gave them a 7 point lead with 35 seconds to go only to watch Brown blow a gimme of a layup, parker not hustling to save the ball, and odom getting called for a charged on the last play of regulation. If Iverson, james, mcgrady or shaq did this it would be declared a national holiday. only 50 years from now when his records still stand(much like wilts) will we realize how dominating he was. the botton line is that when jordon played baseball his team took the knicks to 7 games of the coferance semis. if kobe quit today to play baseball the lakers would be lucky to win 10 games the rest of the way.