The Merovingian
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More grist for the mill, Tony Snow
The Merovingian replied to Beerball's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I think that Tony Snow will do a very good job. He seems to be very fair, I've heard him critize the administration a few times but yet he is not a shrill like other commentators. Overall, I think it is a smart choice. -
I think that when you compare todays gas prices to prices 10, or 20 years ago they are actually still rather low. If adjusted for actual inflation I believe that the price would be nearly $5.00 per gallon. Actually I believe that the prices at these levels or even in the $3.50/gallon range will have a positive effect in the mid term and long term. As long as there is cheap oil and by extension gasoline, americans will have little or no incentive to either conserve or find alternatives. That is human nature and it is exactly what has been taking place for the last 20 plus years. Both parties are equally to blame for this and for the dems to be making political noise about it just shows where they continue to dwell as a party. The party of fear and loathing in america. No hope only dispair. That is not very insiring at all, but there are many folks who live thier lives in just that state. To them the fear mongering dems are heros. As for the republicans, they have severly lost thier backbone and unfourtunately they appear primed to lose one house of congress in the mid terms. Not that it will make a lick of difference, but bragging rights mean something I guess.
I have sat back for the past few weeks now and watched as the insanity has unfolded with all of this immigration nonsense. There are still so many things that I do not understand. for example; why is it so hard for people to understand that it is not imigration that is the problem, it is the ILLEGAL part of the imigration that is the problem? It would be no different if the canadians were flowing over the boarder to our north. First and foremost this has to be stopped, then we can have meaningful disscussion and debate about what to do with those illegal aliens that are already here. Thats why I would like to see the congress settle the boarder security issue first when they return and stop the bleeding. Once this is done, then at least we can get our hands around the problem. If the illegals continue to invade our country the problem will become so huge there will be no way to resolve it. I say build the wall from east to west along the entire boarder to our south. Then the electronic servelence will serve as an excellent backup system to that. The elctronic system alone is a joke, and will never be truely effective. Physical security is the only method. After the wall is complete then the plan that was almost agreed on last week could have a chance to work. The 10 year, 5 year, 2 year plan. Without physical security of our boarders that plan will serve nothing. In addition there should be STRICT new laws made and enforced for those companies who employ ILLEGALS from any country. American citizens deserve to be protected from all enimies, and these ILLEGAL aliens serve as an enemy the way that they are invading our country. Politically, both sides are going to get hurt on this issue. The dems are making fools of themselves by comparing this to the cival rights movement. I have heard many black leaders claim that this is a slap in thier face to make any such comparison. the republicans will get hurt because they will be letting thier base down if they do not address the physical security issue first. Period. With the weak kneed people that we have in washington on both sides of the isle, I see a real train wreck coming. All the while, we continue to have ILLEGAL aliens protesting in our streets holding thier mexican flags and shouting how they are being mistreated and disrespected. Umm, the last time I looked, they came into our country during the dark of night and are staying here illegally. The fact that they were not rounded up and deported should be victory enough for them. Just so I make myself perfectly clear, I FULLY support LEGAL immigration. My familiy got here that way 3 generations ago with little or no money and we have done just fine.
This administration IS insane.
The Merovingian replied to TPS's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The people of Israel. Or any other Jewish person for that matter. It is the stated goal of the leader of Iran to drive them to the sea and kill all of them. I think that the goal is pretty well stated, and crystal clear. Look it is no big secret that they will NEVER be satisfied as a people until the zionist and the jews are all dead and burning in hell. Hence when the bomb is ready there is little doubt that they will use it. Why is this so difficult to grasp? -
This administration IS insane.
The Merovingian replied to TPS's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I guess that you would be more comfortable with no option at all other then the dreaded political solution? Look these guys are nuts and they intend to use the nuke as son as it is avaiable. If we do not have a strategy of some kind in place then any administration would not be doing thier job. -
article So let me get this right. Congresswoman McKinney walks thru the security area without her identification on, is asked to stop 3 or 4 times, and then when she is physically stopped (by an officer doing their job) she hauls off and punches them. Did I get all of that right??? Then, her lawyer claims that somehow “like thousands of average Americans across this country, is, too, a victim of the excessive use of force by law enforcement officials because of how she looks and the color of her skin." And furthermore, “Ms. McKinney is just a victim of being in Congress while black,". Umm what does any of that have to do her punching slapping or whatever she did to this security officer?? How is this a race issue all of the sudden? Did the officers only stop black congressmen that were not wearing their identification? Did all of the white congressman get a pass thru? Did white congressman walk thru security without their identification badges on and then punch the security officers who stopped them? Is it just me or is this insane? I see nothing in this troy that has ANYTHING to do with race, other then what the hired gun lawyer has brought into it. I praise the security officers for doing their job. Thank you for keeping our Capital building safe. You deserve our praise, and instead you get accused by one of the very members that you protect of being a racist. Of course NOTHING will come of this. After all it was not Trent Lott B word slapped someone.
CNN Correspondent goes to Al-Jazeera
The Merovingian replied to Like A Mofo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
He hardly even had to change addresses. -
link to story Just a thought but maybe the french youth who seem to be starved for employment could be shipped over to canada and employed for a few weeks. Either as a clubber or a baby seal lubber, take your choice. In either case they would at least have something to do other then burn thier cites to the ground.
article It seems as though the french youth has plenty of energy when it comes to burning things down, and throwing rocks. Perhaps if they worked this hard such laws would not have to be passed. Like I said in the title, if only they had such spunk in WWII maybe the outcome would have been different.
Next time try the words "Thank You"
The Merovingian replied to Scraps's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It is not our job to make them happy. Our brave men and women in the military simply do what they know is right. It was right to free these ungrateful pigs, and I am sure that we would do it again. Afterall, their freedom to say stupid things and be ungrateful in the face of brave sacrifice is secured by the very people who delivered it. -
Thank goodness. Wash Post
One Liberals take on supporting our troops
The Merovingian replied to erynthered's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I have seen "I support the Troops" stickers on many liberals cars and desks where I work. I do not see this as a republican only moto. It is an American thing. I have never seen any of those cars damaged. I think that most people D or R are happy to see that people support the troops. I think that what you may be seeing is that the republicans in general have been more consistant in thier troop support. The democrates have been kind of all over the place and that leaves the impression that sometimes it is more a matter of supporting the troops when it seems like the right thing to do. I know that this is mostly perception, but I see it none the less. -
Ah, the fresh air that is the truth.
The Merovingian replied to Pine Barrens Mafia's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Is there anyone who honestly thinks that the palestinians want anything other then total elimination of the Jews as a people? Really, just because hamas won an election are they going to all the sudden drop thier stated reason for existing? I see no way that the USA can lead one dollar of support to them now that this terroist regime is in place. Unfourtunately, Isreal is going to do what they have to do to defend themselves and we will no doubt come to their aid when they need it. Clearly it will not be pretty, and it will not end soon. This is what the palestinian people have choosen for themselves. The results of their leaders actions will be squarely on thier shoulders. If you elect terrorists to represent you, then you clearly do not have high expectations of yourself or your people as a whole. They now will have to live with the consequences. good luck. -
still no minorities hired this year...
The Merovingian replied to IowaBills's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
What difference does the color of ones skin make? Isn't it the content of their charactor that matters? I personally think that it is totally wrong for the league to have made a rule that in essence says "each team that is looking for a new coach must bring in a token minority" This is self defeating and demeaning to the minority coach. Especially if he is the only minority that interviewed for the position. ie James Lofton. -
wow, hard to believe that there are so many Marv haters out there.