He's real good at running that U-71--a play named for him. Worked pretty well, and in fact we put a RB who couldn't even start on his high school team into it and he did pretty well.
One of the best long-snappers in the league, most the time, but wasn't impressive this year.
Runs too high, always hurt--you can have him--doubt you need him though.
Capable third-string running back. Runs the halfback option especially well. Not that I ever wanna see that particular play, but when it's Fisher at least I know he can throw the ball.
Came off a season ending injury in '04, he wasn't impressive early and he was fighting a sports hernia all year as well. Made the Pro-Bowl a few times, and some of his early struggles could be laid on the fact we threw warm bodies in next to him when he was used to dealing with Pro-Bowlers. I wanna keep this guy, and hopefully due to recent injuries he won't draw too much attention.
So hands off!
Looked pretty good to me, I hope we can keep him. Then again we were combing the high schools for recievers by the end of the year so perhaps compared to what we'd seen he looked impressive for a guy who'd never played in our offense. Guy has athletic ability, I'll tell you that right now.
You guys don't need RBs, don't tease us. Ahman got an absolutely brutal injury, so no one will sign him most likely. Don't be terribly surprised if he runs for 1000 yards (second half most likely) once he comes back. Not expected back for training camp, which makes his being signed by any other team unlikely. So hands off!
Yep, too old for you, stay away. Hands off--we love him. :
Grady has played very well for us, but wants a contract indicative of how he's played, and lemme just say I think it unlikely TT will give it to him. Knees are a problem, as well as age, but I just gotta say this: you couldn't tell it by the way he played.
Don't you dare! This one is ours, but our Lowball Artist in Charge wasn't smart enough to sign him to a longterm contract last year, thus he'll command bigger bucks this year. We better sign him before you even get the chance, and perhaps TT will learn something about being 'penny-wise, pound foolish.'
Lenon actually played well for us in Bates' scheme. He's pretty good in coverage for a linebacker. That being said, I hope we can do better, and it wouldn't break my heart were he to leave. Dunno if he's starter material in a 4-3, though a 3-4 might be a different story. Incidentally, he was only a starter by default. Robert Thomas who we hauled off the airplane and onto the field and Diggs were supposed to be our starters.
Good. Thou shalt not touch. You dun wanna know Longwell's advantage over other NFL kickers in Lambeau since '97 when he came into the league. What would you need a kicker who could kick 84% after December first in the coldest place in the league? Why, you're almost in a dome there in Buffalo.
(just being sardonic of course, I know what Buffalo winters are like)
Probably better than Holcomb and Losman both, at this juncture. I know one thing, neither have a better arm. Guy has an absolute cannon. The only reason Nall has not gotten his shot is because we have Brett Favre, and the only reason he's been third string is he had his hand broken brutally in college holding for the kicker. This guy can play ball, was one of the highest recruited high-schoolers before he got an injury. Was all lined up to go to Miami U and everything. Played outstanding when given a chance, both in NFLE and the NFL itself. We just happened to have a guy considered worthy of the #1 pick in the draft fall to us, that's Nall's only real problem.
Good solid back-up, played well in spot starts. Probably shoulda been starting from the beginning, but we went with TT's boys: Whittaker and Klemm. Sherman finally ditched those two in favor of the guys he knew could play: Wells and Ruegamer. Not much more to say, other than you'll be happy with him as a back-up, and I mean no offense, but probably as a starter too as I've seen your line play the last few years and it's been ugly.