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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Dude, You'd get a more meaningful response from a brick wall or a dead walrus.
  2. I think he's honoring it. He made a promise. He took an oath. When his son comes home..It'll come down. What's the problem?
  3. I would be unless we played the Vikings or Lions
  4. And that is truly the sad fact. Patterson won't be (re)elected but the rest of the clowns, especially Schumer will be. Makes me Maybe if ALL of us ex-NYers moved back?
  5. http://www.latinoreview.com/news/exclusive...s-red-dawn-7165 I'm just the messenger.
  6. Oh and don't worry...If we know they're there, there's atleast one 688 or other sub tracking them at all times.
  7. I read somewhere they are remaking the movie.
  8. I think Bill saw two hot asian chicks in trouble and thought...I need me some of that!
  9. I guess we'll find out the truth in November, 2010 and see if any of the congressional seats shift. From the videos I've seen, the natives are getting restless and it's not because they were put up to it. I think people are genuinely pissed off...me included.
  10. And wastes more of your money than is possibley imagined.
  11. Looks good...Will definitely check it out.
  12. Then lets do away with the interest deduction on home loans...What's the difference? Me personally..I'm all for a flat tax.
  13. Ah...If only we could combine the Soviet brutality with modern American capability in fighting an insurgent war. Modern warfare has shown that as long as the guerillas aren't supplied by another modern force...It can be won. The Soviets may well still be in Afghanistan if we didn't supply them with Stingers.
  14. America will never win this war...and here's why...We aren't tough enough...As long as liberals create rules of engagement...We will fail. When dealing with animals...treat them like animals. I have only one question..Who's willing to go further to win..Us or them?
  15. Since when does 2 guns constitute an "arsenal"?
  16. I think if congress votes healthcare through...We'll see another 1994 style Republican takeover. Nobody wants Obamacare. Some healthcare reform sure but a government takeover no!
  17. For once I agree with you two. Interest should be a tax write off.
  18. Hey I like my little world!I think I know what you are getting at but what's the solution? Socialized medicine? I think there are ways to cover the 20 million or so people that want coverage (minus the illegals and the people that simply don't want it) and leave the rest of us relatively alone who are happy with what they have. I'm seriously no expert on this so I'll defer to you experts
  19. I've gotta agree..This is just my story...so take it for what it's worth: I dislocated my shoulder and tore my labrum completely off about 18 months ago. Trip to Sydney, Hotel, Surgery, and Hospital stay all covered. Yes, I'm American and am covered by BUPA Intl and I do have a $5 mil lifetime coverage. And I'm almost positive no hospital in the USA would turn away anyone in need of life threatening medical assistance.
  20. You make some good points...you really do but the fact remains that Iran is a radical Islamic regime that has vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. They support terrorist organizations. These are facts are they not? Except for maybe Pakistan the other examples of nuclear armed countries have nukes for a defensive purposes. NK, India, Isreal fear invasion or have long standing border issues. I don't think Iran has to fear anyone invading soon. I just don't thin thay should have them with their current leadership. As for Swede316...My nickname in the navy was Swede (after the character in Heartbreak Ridge) the 316 was from Stone Cold Steve Austin. Thought they'd combine into a decent screen name.
  21. I think what some of you may be missing is that...As an officer of the law, your life is in danger on almost every call. Think about it. You are called to this guys house after a 911 call of a B&E. You confront the suspect and he acts beligerantly...you have no idea what he's gonna do next. Of course you are going to put him in cuffs to protect yourself and your partners. Now after you have him cuffs...who knows...You can let him go if he calms down and proves it's his house but if he keeps acting like a d*&khead....By all means teach him a little humility. I believe this is a case of arrogance vice racism. Just my 2 cents.
  22. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,535241,00.html Quite the savings.
  23. Hmmmm....Looking at my pay stub right now....I pay $15.96 every two weeks....Does that make me rich? I know people who's union dues are higher. Seems pretty reasonable to me.
  24. Hey..I coulda said I'd Rodney King his azz That was to show you how easily "people" are baited...Like I baited you!!!
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