Seeing all this craziness over health care and such...I wonder what I'd do as a candidate. What would my stance be as a congressman. Here are the major issues and where I stand in no particular order of importance...Where do you stand?
Health Care: No to Dem's plan
Abortion: Keep the same
2nd Amendment: No to Any bans, Allow Reciprocal carry permits
Gay marriage: Allow
Taxes: individual flat tax...10% to 15%..Not a range but a number
Military: Strong as possible..F-22's, More Virginia class SSN's, counter China's area denial weaponry, increase special forces
Economy: Lower Taxes for businesses, create a fair trade agreement that helps American business
Illegal Immigration: It's ILLEGAL, treat it as such. No benefits period.
Iraq: Draw it down
Afghanistan: Surge it up...Employ every warfare method...Flamethrowers, FA bombs, Thermoberic weaponry. They are animals, treat them worse than you would a rabid dog.