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Everything posted by swede316

  1. I'd say probably not many...BUT my company is constantly tasked by our customer...Find 10% efficiencies (savings) every year on the current contract. While this might not be health care...It usually equates to positions being not filled, people being let go, etc. A 10% savings on health care might be viewed as a win/win by the company. Just the way it is.
  2. But, but, but...The Chosen One says ours will be better...It must be so.
  3. http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/WF...00-3961301.html I'd start here....A page that size would only need one rack of these maybe two for redundancy. A little over 100K. Each server can handle 1000 users per minute. Probably waaay more than would check the site anyhow. Throw in the racks, PDU's and a 3700 series Cisco and now were around $250K.
  4. Wow..That's crazy..As a Project Manager and Estimator for a contractor...I can't see this. A one year period of performance for a website (ends Jan 31, 2010). I could build this site from my home PC and host it in one rack of gear for $17.5 mil less.
  5. Ha...Glad I'm done with that state. Have fun paying the highest taxes in the country NYer's.
  6. Brought to you buy Omaha Steaks...Classic.
  7. And Maybin's agent joins the board. If he wants to be in camp...He tells his agent to make a deal...His agent works for him...NOT the other way around.
  8. Say no more. Talk about biting the hand that feeds ya.
  9. Glenn Beck is good. He can sell oil to an Arab. I love watching him. I like alot of what he says but yea...He's over the top.
  10. Beer....Lots of beer....
  11. The flag represents our country. That's why it's saluted every morning for colors when it's raised and at every night when it comes down. In the Navy, you turn to the flag and salute it every time you board/leave a ship.
  12. Only "one"
  13. Ummm, no....It's partly based on this article, http://slate.msn.com/id/2057933 But you can go back to playing COD4 online now.
  14. I see you are quick to crticize but what's Kelly's world like?
  15. By all accounts they are genuine pissed off people..not paid or bused in. I wouldn't want to be that cop in front of the doors either...I see he made a quick exit...Smart man.
  16. Wow..There's no hope for us....Drinking the cool-aide.
  17. Seeing all this craziness over health care and such...I wonder what I'd do as a candidate. What would my stance be as a congressman. Here are the major issues and where I stand in no particular order of importance...Where do you stand? Health Care: No to Dem's plan Abortion: Keep the same 2nd Amendment: No to Any bans, Allow Reciprocal carry permits Gay marriage: Allow Taxes: individual flat tax...10% to 15%..Not a range but a number Military: Strong as possible..F-22's, More Virginia class SSN's, counter China's area denial weaponry, increase special forces Economy: Lower Taxes for businesses, create a fair trade agreement that helps American business Illegal Immigration: It's ILLEGAL, treat it as such. No benefits period. Iraq: Draw it down Afghanistan: Surge it up...Employ every warfare method...Flamethrowers, FA bombs, Thermoberic weaponry. They are animals, treat them worse than you would a rabid dog.
  18. That would fall into the "taking it with you" category. We all know we can't.
  19. I truley hate paying life insurance but hey...it's not all about me!
  20. I resemble that remark...Many moons ago my family was in that situation when my dad died and Allstate did their part. No complaints here.
  21. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/08/07...-violent-tampa/ The natives are getting really restless
  22. Yeah..that's eactly what I got from the poster...NOT!..The guy who wrote that is an idiot.
  23. We all know Bill's motivation was a threesome!
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