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Everything posted by swede316

  1. It's all about profit! But damn you're harsh...maybe if you lost a finger.
  2. We only have ourselves to blame...Vote in 2010 or shutup. Repubs and Indy's...You know what you have to do.
  3. If and only IF the American people are smart enough...Not so sure about that.
  4. Harden up, Sunshine...I'll make fun of anyone who sucks at doing their job...and get this...FIRE THEM!!! Like Patterson will be come November.
  5. Rudy has got to be better than the blind squirrel and any Cuumo. Give me a reason to move back please!
  6. Jim, probably one of the few times I'll disagree with ya, but one of them was POTUS. If that does not put the bullseye square on your dome I don't know what does. JFK found out the hard way as President and he did almost die in WW2 as a sailor. Bobby also paid the price. I'm not saying they are any better than any Marine, Sailor, Soldier or Airman. Just saying they served and paid the price. I'm also not excusing Ted's getting away with vehicular manslaughter. He was drunk and killed a girl. Shouda went to prison but he got away with it. Maybe he did some good as a senator but he'll always be a criminal in my book.
  7. I think if you look at it you'll see that the highest deficits are in states with the highest illegial immigrants. California, Texas, New York, Arizona. Quit providing services to illigals and you'll save quit a few dollars.
  8. No...A dog does not warrant it and neither does Ted.
  9. Ibeer, Wild West Pinball, and Convert are must haves!!!!
  10. Fair enough. I won't disrespect their service to the country. They did what they thought was right for the country. As we all do I think. We just have different opinions that's all.
  11. Typical liberal response...Squash free speech
  12. How does one break a thumb at Navy PT? Somebody steal your coffee cup while your thumb was in the cuphole?
  13. I have an I-Phone 3GS 16GB. Lots of cool apps for it but I't's kinda big and the battery seems to drain quick. All in all...I love it.
  14. Pre-rusted..lol...Must be half the cost.
  15. I'm gonna assume this is akin to wikipedia. If anyone here as been in college or acedemia recently you would get keelhauled for providing a reference by a wiki. Not based on reliable fact. Provide a CDC result for a more accurate percentage. The problem with wiki's is any joe schmo can enter data.
  16. Wow....That's insane. Frieking waste of money. I thought I had it bad paying $49,000 to clear 250 sqm, but once the tree huggers become involved, it's ECC's and such.
  17. I can see a Romney/Huckabee ticket or a Romney/Jindal ticket in 2012. I'd give either of them the nod over Obama/Biden. Lot's of business and governer experience.
  18. I always fantasize about the Bills winning the superbowl, and winning the lotto and Penthouse Pet of the Month and..... What I was most in agreement with is 2010...Reid trials by double digits in the latest Nevada poll to a leading Rebublican challenger (I know November 2010 is along waaaaaay off and alot of people aren't happy right now but alot can change).
  19. Couldn't agree more. I know it's from Fox News so you Libs will automatically dismiss it but I don't care. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/08/19/...bama-lame-duck/
  20. Phew!...Nobody I know!
  21. As I've said before and I'll say again...Obama is in over his head. he's making rookie mistakes left and right and the people are catching on. One wonders why we haven't heard from Biden in months (Another mistake?).
  22. Unfortunetly, I saw on the news today that this entire program is what alot of thought it would be...A boon for the cigarette, beer and video game companies (and what gets taxed the most? Cigarettes and beer!). I agree for once with bzrul...It is sad parents can't pass this $200 on to their kids for clothes or supplies. Vouchers shoulda been the way to go.
  23. No...But the underlying fear is that the government will undercut the private sector by such an amount that private insurance goes the way of the Dodo.
  24. Kinda like NY with the $200 for school supplies? The beer, cigarettes and video game industry were stimulated. The best way IMO is to cut/keep taxes low and have the government spend less (You know, like not spend $18 mil on a website to track the Stimulus).
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