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Everything posted by swede316

  1. Your big word impress no-one...and yes I know what vitriolic means (caustic)
  2. Probally because they have lives and jobs...You know...More important things in thier lives to attend too.
  3. Can you prove they are lieing? So far it's alot of them versus Kerry. Were they paid by Bush? Your statement reeks of bias. Unless you can prove who's telling the truth I wouldn't be too quick to jump on Kerry's side simply becuase you don't like this president. I personally don't care what happened 35 years ago. I think this controversy benefits Kerry....It keeps our eyes off his voting record.
  4. Ummm.....If I remember my training...You cannot impede the public....I agree you cannot pepper spray a non-violent individual...But you can be arrested for impeding public progress. If you turn resistive..you can be pepper sprayed or worse. I don't know what some of you people think...Protesting is fine...but escalating to violence will be met with a swift reponse. If you think it's easy being a police officer try being one at one time....Your job is to protect the public, but protesters make it difficult to distinguish between the right for free speech and public safety. ...Peaceful protests are fine...It's when they start throwing things or not listening to the officers orders things get ugly.
  5. RIP Laura...Man...you know your are getting old when all the peeps you grew up with and watched on TV are dying.
  6. Yeah...really makes you think about some of the people who post here.....They have no original thoughts....They blindly follow the party line.
  7. That's where I think this thing is benefiting Kerry....as long as we are talking about his Vietnam record...we aren't looking at his Senate voting record. I think the deciding factor will be Bush's "There's What Kerry Says, and Then There's What Kerry Does" Ads. His voting record will sink Kandidate Kerry.
  8. I'd be in favor of a 15% flat tax. Let's say I make $100,000....I've worked throughout life, went to college and am finally able to make some nice money. I pay 15% of $100K....My tax would be $15K.....Now someone else drops out of high school gets a job at BK and makes $10,000 a year. He pays $1500. How is this not fair to everyone? The harder you work, the more you apply yourself...The better off you'll be, in other words the American Dream.
  9. My nephew is in the NY National Guard....Guess where he is right now...Iraq. His unit got their turn called to go to Iraq. The military is based on rotation. Units rotate. Now if Bush joined the NG and his unit deployed to Vietnam, and he stayed behind...I would have a problem with that. NG units deploy to wars, but only when their rotation turn comes up.
  10. I thinks it's they can't argue with facts. They've been getting regular beatings here.
  11. Oh and I use Mozilla Firefox....No problems there either.
  12. Downloaded it yesterday...No problems so far....Has a pop-up blocker and firewall., and one of my games that never worked now works. No complaints.
  13. Dude..She's been that...She's the she monkey of TBD PPP board.
  14. I really think Kerry's service or his after service actions are inconsequential...Its the ads by Bush that will sway the voters...I like the "what Kerry Says vs What Kerry Does" ads....If people look..You can't argue with the facts!
  15. Yeah man..hell...i worked 40 hours...give my money to someone who didnt work at all...I'm ok with that...NOT!!!!!!
  16. LGB...62 million spent by Moveon.org ....vice 500K by Swift boat......Who's being fair here? You remind me of the 3 monkeys.....hear no Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil when it comes to Kerry.........From now on you will be the LGM...Lets Go Monkey!
  17. Let's understand 1 thing...The government does not make 1 single penny...Everything they earn is dirived from taxes....That means from me and you....Every dime the government spends is from us. I have no problem with unemployemnt insurance.....but what a do have a problem is with people who refuse to work...How many of those on welfare won't work...We need to consider this when looking at these numbers.
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